[尋人] 尋找論文訪談對象(在美國的非異性戀台籍女性)

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本問卷已經j589745板主審核許可 各位板友好,冒昧在此發文 小妹幫在美國念書寫論文的朋友徵受訪者 若大家有適合的對象也麻煩協助轉發~謝謝!! 以下是徵求原文: 妳是來自臺灣的非異性戀女性/女同志在美國求學或工作嗎? 我們邀請妳參加愛荷華大學的一項研究計畫,接受我們的訪談。 如果妳是來自臺灣,沒有美國國籍或綠卡,在美國求學或工作的非異性 戀女性/女同志,請考慮和我們分享妳在美國生活的經驗。我們希望能夠 藉由瞭解更多關於臺灣女同志適應美國文化的經驗,讓我們能夠提供更 能符合臺灣非異性戀女性/女同志需求的心理諮商服務。本研究高度重視 妳的隱私,妳不需要提供妳的真實姓名。 本研究並不會給付受試者任何津貼。然而,每一位受試者完成訪談,我 們將捐款新台幣一百元至臺灣同志諮詢熱線。妳的參與將間接為臺灣同 志社群帶來正面的影響。 如果妳想知道更多關於本研究的資訊,請連絡(361) 589-9746, e-mail: yi-ting-cheng@uiowa.edu 或前往 https://uiowa.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_9HTNCkRKcC1YJ0h 詳閱。 本研究計畫書面資料及訪談均使用基本英語。 ---------- Are you a Taiwanese international non-heterosexual woman (nu tóngzhì) living in the U.S. on a student or work visa? Adapting to a new culture can be challenging no matter how old you are, what your gender is, or where you are originally from. Being a member of the sexual minority community can add another layer of barrier to acculturation. However, the cultural adjustment experiences of Taiwanese international non-heterosexual women (nu tóngzhì) have rarely been explored. We hope to gain insight on the distinct experiences of Taiwanese international nu tóngzh ì living in the U.S., and identify the sources of support and barriers for them living between the U.S. and their home country. If you are a Taiwanese international woman (on student or work visa) over the age of 18 and identify as non-heterosexual (lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, “t ”, “po”, “bufen”, “nu tóngzhì”, or any other self-ascribed identity not listed here), you may qualify for participation our study. Please consider sharing your experience living in the U.S. as a Taiwanese nu t óngzhì. We are very interested to learn how to best support other Taiwanese nu tóngzhì’s adjustment to living in the U.S. Your participation will be completely confidential and anonymous – we will never ask you to identify yourself by name. You will not be compensated for your participation. However, a donation to the Taiwan Tongzhi Hotline Association will be made on behalf of each participant that completes this study. Your participation may help to contribute to positive changes for tóngzhì in Taiwan. Please call us at (361) 589-9746, e-mail: yi-ting-cheng@uiowa.edu, or visit https://uiowa.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_9HTNCkRKcC1YJ0h for more information and to find out how to participate. The principal investigator speaks Mandarin Chinese, and this research study will be conducted in English. -- 他的名字, 是我唯一能從他身上獲得的紀念品.... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/studyabroad/M.1429185774.A.EA3.html
文章代碼(AID): #1LBwJkwZ (studyabroad)