[錄取] Environmental and Resource Econ PhD

看板studyabroad作者 (誤刪所有好友名單.別砍我)時間12年前 (2012/04/16 20:57), 編輯推噓15(1500)
留言15則, 15人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Admissions: (依時間順序, all PhD programs) 1/26 Oklahoma State, Agricultural Economics, assistantship, declined 2/10 Virginia Tech, Economics (joint offered by Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics and Department of Economics), tuition waived + 87.5% health insurance, 0.5 FTE RA/TA with a stipend of $1,700 per month for 12 months, declined 2/13 Purdue, Agricultural Economics, unfunded 2/17 Oregon State, Applied Economics, funding unknown 2/20 North Carolina State (NCSU), Economics (joint offered by Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Department of Economics), tuition waived + health insurance+ 0.25 FTE TA with a stipend of $8,000 for 9 months, declined 2/27 Florida, Food and Resource Economics, tuition waived + health insurance, 4 years Graduate Alumni Award $22,000 per year + 0.48 FTE TA for 12 months, declined 2/27 Penn State, Agricultural, Environmental and Regional Economics (Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology), tuition waived + 80% health insurance, 0.5 FTE RA/TA with a stipend of $17,190 for fall and spring semesters 4/04 Texas A&M, Agricultural Economics, non-resident tuition waived (resident tuition: pending availability of funds) + ≒75% health insurance (I pay first 90 days), 0.5 FTE TA/RA with a stipend of $1,425 per month for 12 months, declined 4/04 Minnesota-Twin Cities, Applied Economics, unfunded Rejections: (依時間順序, all PhD programs) 2/22 Wisconsin-Madison, Agricultural and Applied Economics 3/01 Cornell, Applied Economics and Management 3/02 Maryland, Agricultural and Resource Economics 3/19 Iowa State, Economics 3/20 UC-Berkeley, Agricultural and Resource Economics 3/21 Arizona, Economics 3/26 Michigan State, Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics (問我是否可自費,若是則幫我尋找合適的指導教授,最後還是收到拒絕信…) 4/12 UC-Davis, Agricultural and Resource Economics (Wait-listed → Rejected because scholarship below that of admitted applicants.) Decision: Attending Penn State University. Background: University of Michigan, MA in Applied Economics (Major: Natural Resources and Environmental Economics; Minor: Health Economics and International Trade) GPA 7.0/9.0 (3.67/4.0) Sep. 2008 – Dec. 2009 National Taiwan University, BA in Economics and Sociology (double major) GPA 3.53/4.0 (last 63 GPA: 3.65; last 25 GPA: 4.00) Sep. 2001 – Jun. 2006 Stanford University, Undergraduate Summer Visitor Summer 2004 Professional Training And Certificates: Dynamic General Equilibrium Modelling Washington D.C., USA Centre of Policy Studies (CoPS), Monash University, Australia Nov. 2011 – Dec. 2011 Practical General Equilibrium Modelling Beijing, China Centre of Policy Studies (CoPS), Monash University, Australia Apr. 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Verification Taipei City, Taiwan Lead Verifier Training Course (ISO 14064: 2006) British Standards Institution (BSI) Mar. 2011 TOEFL: (Only reported to Cornell, Purdue, MSU, Arizona) 96 (R25, L24, S22, W25), 板橋地球村, Sep. 18, 2011 GRE: V530, Q800, AW 3.0, Oct. 31, 2007 Research/Work Experiences: Assistant Research Fellow @ Taiwan Institute of Economics Research May. 2010 – Present Administrative Cadre, Substitute (Alternative) Services @ Bureau of Social Affairs, Pingtung County Government Jul. 2006 – Oct. 2007 Publications: 6 * local journal articles (4 first author) 3 * book chapters (1 first author) 5 * international conference papers (3 first author, 1 EI) Several reports Awards/Honors: 台灣經濟研究院第26屆金筆獎, 個人組, 助理研究員組 第一名 Feb. 2012 台灣經濟研究院第25屆金筆獎, 個人組, 助理研究員組 第一名 Feb. 2011 書卷獎 * 1, 台大經濟系 Oct. 2006 黃錫和教授紀念獎學金, 台大經濟系 Nov. 2005 References: 1 from TIER, Director (my boss) (PhD in Econ @ Texas A&M) 1 Professor of Economics from Department of Economics, University of Michigan, former Director of MAE Program (PhD in Econ @ Harvard) 1 Professor of Environmental Economics from School of Natural Resources and Environment (SNRE), University of Michigan (PhD in Natural Resource Econ @ Michigan) 1 Director and Professor from the Centre of Policy Studies (CoPS) and the Impact Project, Monash University, Australia (co-worker and one of the project advisor) (PhD in Econ @ University of Melbourne) 心得: 從開始準備申請到今天一切定案,隨意分享一些心得,希望能給未來申請這個領 域的人一些參考。 在Michigan念碩士時就決定要走應用經濟領域,當初在自然資源與環境經濟以及 健康政策中抉擇,畢業時的工作也想找電力公司或能源產業的研究工作,後來放 棄中歐國際工商學院研究員的位子,選擇進入台灣經濟研究院,研究新能源產業 、能源政策、可計算一般均衡(CGE)模型,很幸運所內長官賞識而有一些發表與 出國研習等機會,後來覺得要走研究工作,不論待在智庫或是進學校,學習更專 業的方法與博士學位是必須的,也得到主管們的支持。 選擇學校方面,我將有資源與環境經濟博士學位的學校一字排開,就系上老師及 研究領域、近年發表文章做一些簡單搜尋,剔除了真的覺得不太合的之外就一路 丟了17間學校(後來發現如UCSD、UCSB、Duke等學校還有一些在純經濟系或其他 整合性的program下,但我沒有申請,不過看我的結果丟了應該也很難被錄取)。 SOP寫的比較general一點,主要提到我的工作及發表過的文章(包括我們曾利用 CGE模型分析中鋼、中龍擴廠、國光石化、碳捕獲與封存、碳交易等議題),未來 希望以所學幫助政府及民眾決定環境及資源政策,不排斥回到現在的工作崗位, 或是留在美國教書或是進智庫、研究機構。 很幸運的1/26在澳洲看澳網的時候收到第一間的通知,而且是被錄取,雖然是我 傾向拿來保底的學校,但還是覺得至少有地方去了。更幸運的是2/10收到 Virginia Tech的offer,和director通過電話,可惜指定我第一年RA是跟一位中 國籍的助理教授(她去年發了大概將近10篇文章),重點是她的研究領域是健康經 濟,在director的逼迫下3月中我就接受了合約(還討價還價延了一個禮拜),不 過後來因為拿到更適合我的offer,在不違反415條款之下,寫信過去辭去這個職 位。 中間等待其他學校的結果與是不是有funding的過程依然很煎熬,Florida給的很 大方,本來是第一年 TA 12,225 + 4,000 fellowship,第二年起 TA 16,225, 後來加碼變成一年22,000的Graduate Alumni Award,可惜的是他們家在這領域 表現並不突出,不然第三、第四年給我開課這種經驗對於喜歡教學的我是很具有 吸引力的。3/15 NCSU獎學金評估開獎,我是前五名的TA候補,這時候覺得有一 點開心,可以被環境經濟top的學校排獎學金前5候補對我來說已經是種肯定了, 他們家一向是AD狂,這幾年財政好像出了問題,第一年給獎很少,沒拿到的要考 過資格考後才有機會,而且一樣非常競爭,甚至聽說連研究需要的data也要自己 出錢購買,這期間我一直有跟director聯絡說我還對他們學校很有興趣,拿到獎 的情形容待後述。 一直到4/11收到一封平信,信中日期是3/12 =_= 竟然是Penn State的offer,之 前我寫信去問都沒下文,本來想說大概沒了,也一度很煎熬是不是要自費去念 Minnesota,Texas A&M也很晚才通知錄取,再問之下有給funding,不過 in-state tuition還不確定來源,讓我還是猶豫了,他們的program很好,雖比 較偏向agribusiness方面,但有氣候變遷研究做得很好的Bruce McCarl。在美國 東岸4/15的中午左右,決定接受Penn State的offer,沒想到台灣4/16早上10點( 美東4/15晚上10點)收到NCSU的director的email,問我接受別的學校了沒,他能 提供我免學費、保險 + 0.25的TA,雖然畢業可以拿經濟博士而不是農經博士, 地點位於不錯的Duke、UNC、NCSU三角地區,但考量到NCSU的財政問題,往後幾 年的funding都還是未知數,而且就算我有碩士學位了可能還是要4年多才能畢業 ,忍痛放棄我手中這個環境經濟領域最好的offer...放棄了後還是有點失落就是 ...不過不管如何,決定了就好好的念,Penn State也提供dual-title in Demography或是Operations Research的選項,課程規劃3年半可以畢業,對我來 說都是很大的優點。 最後謝謝親朋好友的協助,公司同事的體諒與關心,不管我如何決定都支持我的 父母與女友,ptt留學版廣大的前輩留下來的寶貴資訊,接下來幾年要在Go Blue 與Go Nittany Lions之間糾結了XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/16 21:49, , 1F
04/16 21:49, 1F

04/16 21:55, , 2F
恭喜! 我也要去Penn State
04/16 21:55, 2F

04/16 23:22, , 3F
04/16 23:22, 3F

04/17 00:04, , 4F
04/17 00:04, 4F

04/17 00:26, , 5F
Welcome to PSU!!!
04/17 00:26, 5F

04/17 01:24, , 6F
04/17 01:24, 6F

04/17 01:24, , 7F
04/17 01:24, 7F

04/17 03:54, , 8F
04/17 03:54, 8F

04/17 05:27, , 9F
恭喜啦~ 三年半可以畢業很令人羨慕!!
04/17 05:27, 9F

04/17 23:13, , 10F
恭喜!! 推環境經濟^^
04/17 23:13, 10F

04/18 05:36, , 11F
Welcome to Penn State!!
04/18 05:36, 11F

04/19 12:42, , 12F
04/19 12:42, 12F

04/19 14:44, , 13F
04/19 14:44, 13F

04/22 01:31, , 14F
04/22 01:31, 14F

04/23 01:02, , 15F
04/23 01:02, 15F
※ 編輯: kiwilo 來自: (04/23 20:17)
文章代碼(AID): #1FZ1Sqf4 (studyabroad)