[錄取] Johns Hopkins, International Relations

看板studyabroad作者 (也許有一天)時間14年前 (2010/03/25 16:03), 編輯推噓12(1206)
留言18則, 17人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Admission:Johns Hopkins, SAIS, MA in International Relations Rejection: Harvard, Kennedy School, MPP Princeton, Woodrow Wilson School, MPA MIT, Politics Stanford, International Policy Studies Carnegie Mellon, Heinz School, MSPPM Columbia, SIPA, MIA Pending:Georgetown, SFS Background: NCCU, Diplomacy and English (dual degrees) GPA: Overall:3.8, Diplomacy major GPA: 4.0, English major GPA:3.6 Test Score: TOEFL iBT (November 2009) R27/L29/S24/W27 107分 GRE PBT (October 2007) Verbal 430/ Quantitative 640/ AWA 4.0 CBT (December 2009) Verbal 540/ Quantitative 690/ AWA 3.5 Work Experiences: Research Assistant, Department of Foreign Language and Literature, NCKU Booth Advisor, Carnegie Mellon University, American Education Fair Intern, British Council Taipei Honors/Awards: Presidential Award (書卷獎) *2 Recommendation: Academic performance: one of my course instructors at NCCU Extracurricular activities: National Model United Nations delegation faculty advisor, also my professor at NCCU Work experiences: Carnegie Mellon University staff 申請過程一路跌跌撞撞,在留學版啟發良多,因為家人的堅持,我很大膽的只丟了 overall ranking在前25名,IR領域前10名的學校,一開始連續收到 MIT,Princeton和CMU的rejection時,我還大哭了一場,以為自己會全軍覆沒, 所以接到JHU錄取通知時,除了ecstatic,我沒有別的形容詞 之前就決定只要有申請上,我一定要來留學版回饋心得, 因為如果不是身旁好友家人的支持,我撐不到現在,如果不是留學版上眾多版友的分享, 我拿不出好的SOP,也當然,就不會有拿到admission的機會 有鑑於國際關係領域的分享文章不多,我計畫寫一系列從選校,讀書計畫,到與學校應答 都包含在內的分享文,希望能幫助有志從事IR或公共政策方向版友,不過因為最近工作 比較忙,請容許我慢慢po :) 恭喜已經申請上的版友(置底文看起來成果豐碩) 也祝福還在等消息的人儘快拿到offer (快回答我阿Georgetown! >"<) 祝大家申請順利 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/25 16:14, , 1F
NCCU!!!!!!!!!!!! CON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
03/25 16:14, 1F

03/25 16:47, , 2F
03/25 16:47, 2F

03/25 16:52, , 3F
03/25 16:52, 3F

03/25 17:25, , 4F
03/25 17:25, 4F

03/25 17:28, , 5F
03/25 17:28, 5F

03/25 17:31, , 6F
03/25 17:31, 6F

03/25 17:38, , 7F
賀!! 收入精華區啦~
03/25 17:38, 7F

03/25 20:02, , 8F
03/25 20:02, 8F

03/25 22:42, , 9F
03/25 22:42, 9F

03/25 23:36, , 10F
03/25 23:36, 10F

03/26 06:49, , 11F
03/26 06:49, 11F

03/26 09:27, , 12F
nice job, SAIS has really good programs
03/26 09:27, 12F
※ 編輯: athinaannie 來自: (03/26 09:46)

03/26 13:31, , 13F
03/26 13:31, 13F

03/26 13:34, , 14F
恭喜恭喜 希望你可以申請上georgetown 快來當學弟/妹;)
03/26 13:34, 14F

03/26 15:29, , 15F
是學妹 :)
03/26 15:29, 15F

03/26 23:37, , 16F
03/26 23:37, 16F

03/27 09:05, , 17F
03/27 09:05, 17F

06/23 15:25, , 18F
希望對您有幫助 http://www.94istudy.com
06/23 15:25, 18F
文章代碼(AID): #1BgnZZRE (studyabroad)