Re: [心得] 我得了愛滋

看板sex作者 (大王椰)時間10年前 (2013/11/30 22:37), 編輯推噓5(5016)
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這是之前看到BBC的新聞 我簡單翻譯一下重點 肯亞的性工作者有時為了應付不戴套的嫖客 在完事後會去注射 post-exposure prophylaxis, or PEP. 也就是一種可以抑制愛滋病毒的藥 (但是要在完事72小時內注射才有用) 一般都是醫師碰到愛滋患者的血液的事後救濟藥物 但是 PEP的副作用比較大 常常接觸高危險族群的應該注射 Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) --------------------------------------------------------------- 我是認為台灣的性教育已經是沒救了 基本上學生是管不住自己的性衝動的 應該要趕緊推廣這種事後補救的措施 要不然真的中標 一方面國家財政會越來越困難 另一方面年輕人的未來也毀了 我不是這方面專業的 如果有錯請用力鞭 以下是原文 有興趣的自己看一下 Sex workers using anti-HIV drugs instead of condoms By Zainab Deen BBC World Service, Nairobi A fashion contest in the Korogocho slum, Nairobi Continue reading the main story In today's Magazine A beautiful but deadly liquid metal Russia: Why is Putin always late? The first panda to leave China Quiz of the week's news In Kenya 1.5 million people are living with HIV, and there are about 100,000 new infections every year. Despite this, some sex workers are having unprotected sex - and taking antiretroviral drugs afterwards to cut the infection risk. How reckless is this? "Let me tell you the truth about why many of us don't use condoms," says Sheila who has been a prostitute in Nairobi's Korogocho slum for six years. "We don't have money, and when you meet a client who offers to give you more money than you usually get, you have sex without protection even when you don't know his HIV status." Sheila says she and other prostitutes can go to a clinic the next morning to get emergency antiretrovirals - drugs which suppress the virus, if taken within 72 hours of infection, and in many cases stop its progression. Continue reading the main story “ Start Quote I had unprotected sex when I was very drunk one night... and lied that I was forced into it” Pamela (sex worker) "We use this medicine like condoms," she says. The type of antiretroviral in question is known as post-exposure prophylaxis, or PEP. It is intended to be used in emergencies. For example, it is given to victims of rape if their attacker is thought to be HIV-positive, or to medics who have been pricked by a potentially infected needle. There are no definitive figures to show how well PEP works. It's far better, experts say, to prevent exposure to the virus in the first place, by using condoms. Continue reading the main story Antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) Bottles of antiretroviral pills Antiretroviral therapy (ART) - treatment for HIV positive patients Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) - emergency drug reduces risk of infection after exposure Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) - taken daily to reduce chance of getting infected ARVs can be given to pregnant and breastfeeding women, to prevent mother to child transmission Some clinics will only give clients one course of PEP a year. They worry that if they hand the drugs out too freely, prostitutes will stop using condoms altogether. This hasn't stopped 24-year-old sex worker Pamela using PEP four times in the past year. "I had unprotected sex when I was very drunk one night and the following morning I didn't go to the same clinic where I got the first PEP tablets... I went to a different clinic where they don't have my records, and lied that I was forced into unprotected sex," she says. She didn't finish the full course because of the side-effects. "You feel bad, like vomiting, dizziness, and generally you just feel sick," she says. "So I stopped taking them." Peter Godfrey-Faussett, senior science adviser with UNAIDS, says there is a place for antiretrovirals among sex workers, but only when used in the right way. "We know that despite fairly high rates of condom use in many sex-work communities, we still have very high rates of HIV so we need additional tools as well as what's already happening," he says. An HIV test at the Kenwa Centre for HIV positive women However, emergency use of PEP is not the best way to go about it, he says. Instead it would be better for prostitutes to take a type of antiretroviral designed to be taken before exposure to HIV - known as Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). These are taken daily, and contain fewer drugs than PEP, so there are fewer side effects. But Godfrey-Faussett stresses that they must be used as part of a wider package, including regular HIV testing to make sure that the patient is on the correct medication. There are plans to run a pilot programme with sex workers in Kenya to see if it could be practical for them to use PrEP as an extra layer of defence. Bottle of Truvada pills Truvada was approved for use as a PrEP in the US in 2012 The drugs are not cheap, though. Continue reading the main story Find out more Zainab Deen's report was featured on Newsday on the BBC World Service. More from Newsday More from the BBC World Service More on HIV and AIDS In the US, PrEP costs around $14,000 (£8,700) a year at the full price, although people on low incomes can get it much cheaper, or even free. In developing countries, where generic copies of the drugs are used, the cost may be about $150 (£93) a year. Godfrey-Faussett stresses that the cheapest line of defence is, in this case, the strongest. "Condoms are the single most effective way of preventing HIV, sexually transmitted infections and pregnancy," he says. "PrEP is not a silver bullet that will suddenly take away all those other issues." ※ 引述《amnotu (白告)》之銘言: : Also from心之谷:案例討論:口交傳染HIV : : 「小新是年輕的大男生,定期每半年會做匿名篩檢。去年4月檢驗陰性,10月再去檢驗, : 報告變成HIV陽性。他傻眼了,這段時間只有跟Y君在一起,而且只有幫Y君口交一次,從 : 未有口交以外的性行為。小新回顧那次口交:他本身有牙周病,口交過程有吃到Y君的前 : 列腺液、但沒有接觸到精液。難道Y君是感染者,透過口交把HIV傳染給他? : 他把事情告訴Y君。Y君自覺身體健康、從沒做過篩檢,於是在小新建議下,也去做了匿名 : 篩檢。檢驗結果:HIV陽性。意外的是,Y君的CD4只剩20幾顆,病毒量超過10萬,顯示Y君 : 感染HIV應該有一陣子了,已經到了發病的階段。醫生立刻要求Y君開始接受雞尾酒療法。 : 」 : (下略...) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

11/30 22:40, , 1F
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11/30 22:41, , 4F
11/30 22:41, 4F
其實原文內也是這樣說 可能反而造成反效果 但是你仔細看一下現在的愛滋成長率 其實也差不多是失控了 ※ 編輯: baboosh 來自: (11/30 22:43)

11/30 22:42, , 5F
11/30 22:42, 5F

11/30 22:43, , 6F
11/30 22:43, 6F

11/30 22:44, , 7F
下輩子投胎當鱷魚比較快 免疫系統強大 完殺HIV 隨便原PO搞
11/30 22:44, 7F
不好意思 我有潔癖 只跟左右手玩 洩洩 現在台灣最小的病例有15歲 打一針可以救他們的未來 很多人根本不知道有救濟的藥物 玩完後後悔 然後起求上蒼饒過他這次 結果很多沒那麼幸運 但是他們幸不幸運跟我沒關係 主要我是怕這個國家被愛滋病拖垮 ※ 編輯: baboosh 來自: (11/30 22:44) ※ 編輯: baboosh 來自: (11/30 22:47)

11/30 22:46, , 8F
11/30 22:46, 8F

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11/30 22:48, , 10F
11/30 22:48, 10F
不管有沒有發覺 爽完那兩秒 三天之內就應該趕緊去打針 ※ 編輯: baboosh 來自: (11/30 22:49)

11/30 22:50, , 11F
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11/30 22:51, , 12F
11/30 22:51, 12F
沒說預防不做 預防也應該要做 但是事後補教 我認為也很必要 雖然會造成一些人的僥倖心理 但是我相信大多數宅宅還是很自愛 至於那些常常來注射事後藥的 我認為國家應該對這些人進行列管了 ※ 編輯: baboosh 來自: (11/30 22:54)

11/30 23:22, , 13F
11/30 23:22, 13F

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12/01 00:59, , 20F
12/1世界愛滋日 關懷愛滋 預防愛滋 從你我做起
12/01 00:59, 20F

12/01 12:37, , 21F
12/01 12:37, 21F
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