Re: [心得] anyone can share a good website of b …

看板sandlot_ball作者 (Lightning Strike)時間16年前 (2007/10/30 17:14), 編輯推噓0(000)
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※ 引述《neruda2007 (neruda2007)》之銘言: : I am a beginner here. Anyone can share with a nice webpage/ blog to know the most info. of baseball in Taiwan? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- first of all,you better learn how to fix your sentences if your sentences are even longer than this space, please press "enter" to make it look neater for readers.(I've got it done your words above the line.) secondly,you'd offer what you are try'in to ask more specifically. it is too general..isnt it? it better tells us what kinda info you need ..such as info about schedule of students baseball, the history of sandlot baseball or introduction of prospects..they are just miscellaneous. think about it carefully before you post. I didnt blame the way you go,but hopefully you can try to express it more intelligibly and specifically. the people here are very kind , considerate and thoughtful of any newcomers. they'll give you a hand as soon as they know what you want. (they dont tell that u better do homework first..) just stay cool and post it again..okay? ps:you can try pressing "z" when you just get into this board. there might be something you need... -- 如果有一天.. 我希望能看到台灣的棒球..成為真正的國球 而不是利益下的產物 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: seimo 來自: (10/30 23:56)
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