[影音] Rise Against - Give It All

看板punk作者 (Fender boy)時間17年前 (2007/11/11 00:29), 編輯推噓7(702)
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※ [本文轉錄自 share 看板] 作者: Alsine (Fender boy) 看板: share 標題: [影音] Rise Against - Give It All 時間: Sat Nov 10 21:42:19 2007 亂晃Youtube找到的 蠻爽的一首歌 分享給大家 http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=-Osd96ZMYkY Break through the undertow, your hands I cant seem to find, pollution burns my tongue, cough words I can't speak so I stop my struggling, then I float to the surface, fill my lungs with air, then let it out I give it all, This Is the reason why I sing, So give it all, and its these reasons that belong to me Rock bottoms where we live, and still we dig these trenches, to bury ourselves in them, backs breaking under tension For far too long these voices, muffled by distances, its time to come to our senses, up from the dirt Breathe, the air we give, the life we live, our pulses racing distances, so wet my tongue, break into song, through seas of competition, So please believe your eyes, a sacrifice, is not what we had in our minds, I'm coming home tonight, home tonight We give it all, This is the reason reason why I sing, So give it all, and its these reasons that belong to me Today I offer all myself to this I'm living for my dying wish, I give it all, now there's a reason, there's a reason, to give it all -- If someone prays for patience, you think God gives them patience? Or does he give them the opportunity to be patient? If he prayed for courage, does God give him courage, or does he give him opportunities to be courageous? If someone prayed for the family to be closer, do you think God zaps them with warm fuzzy feelings, or does he give them opportunities to love each other? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/11 00:31, , 1F
11/11 00:31, 1F

11/11 00:35, , 2F
玩NEED FOR SPEED 9 常常會聽到這首歌..還蠻爽的..
11/11 00:35, 2F

11/11 00:37, , 3F
11/11 00:37, 3F

11/11 00:55, , 4F
11/11 00:55, 4F

11/11 00:57, , 5F
11/11 00:57, 5F

11/11 01:48, , 6F
某集411片尾曲就是這首 聽過一次我就把所有專輯找來聽
11/11 01:48, 6F

11/11 02:23, , 7F
標準的龐克啊!! 台灣買的到他們的專輯~ 很棒的團呢!!
11/11 02:23, 7F

11/11 04:05, , 8F
推Rise Against
11/11 04:05, 8F

11/11 21:58, , 9F
11/11 21:58, 9F
文章代碼(AID): #17DTnbGw (punk)