[灌水] 試翻歌詞- Mayonaise

看板pumpkins作者 ( )時間14年前 (2010/07/04 23:48), 編輯推噓2(200)
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Smashing Pumpkins/(1993) Siamese Dream 09. Mayonaise(美乃滋去n。這歌名根本無從譯起 XD) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BE6SvhrZxus&feature=related
Fool enough to almost be it Cool enough to not quite see it Doomed 笨得,幾乎變成那個樣子 冷靜得,看糊了整回事 註定毀蝕 Pick your pockets full of sorrow And run away with me tomorrow June 收拾你裝滿懊悔的衣袋 明天與我一道離開 這六月時日 We'll try and ease the pain But somehow we'll feel the same Well, no one knows Where our secrets go 我們嘗試敉平痛楚 但,我們的感受卻始終如昔... 唔,沒人知道 我們秘密的去處 I send a heart to all my dearies When your love is so, so dreary Dream 我送了自己的心,給所有親愛的人 時當你的愛如此、如此荒寂 幻夢 I'm rumored to the straight and narrow While the harlots of my perils Scream 謠傳我往正途行去 時當娼妓在我的危難險途裡 尖喊... And I fail But when I can, I will 我墮落 但等我準備好後,我就能夠... Try to understand That when I can, I will 試著諒解 等我準備好後,我就能夠... Mother weep the years I'm missing All our time can't be given Back 母親為了我荒廢的年歲低泣 時光已無以賜回 Shut my mouth and strike the demons That cursed you and your reasons Out of hand and out of season Out of love and out of feeling So bad... 閉嘴,驅魔 祂們詛咒你與你的操守 無季節之分,無援引之手 無愛,無情 多麼不幸... When I can, I will 等我準備好後,我就能夠 Words defy the plans When I can, I will 說出口的,撩叛既有的準備 等我準備好後,我就能夠... Fool enough to almost be it And cool enough to not quite see it And old enough to always feel this Always old, I'll always feel this No more promise no more sorrow No longer will I follow Can anybody hear me I just want to be ME 笨得,幾乎變成那個樣子 冷靜得,看糊了整回事 老得,足以時時感知到這一切 總是老了,我將時時感知到這些... 不承諾就無懊悔 我將不再迷隨... 有人聽到了嗎? 我只是 想當我我自己! When I can, I will 等我準備好後,我就能夠 Try to understand That when I can, I will 試著諒解 等我準備好後,我就能夠... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/22 16:53, , 1F
02/22 16:53, 1F

06/23 18:34, , 2F
Pumkins的詞超~難翻的 詞彙量不豐富的話根本翻不出來...
06/23 18:34, 2F
文章代碼(AID): #1CCAr0L8 (pumpkins)