[新聞] 非凡人物更換鼓手

看板pumpkins作者 (恐怖時代。)時間14年前 (2009/08/20 12:52), 編輯推噓5(500)
留言5則, 4人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://ppt.cc/NKJS Smashing Pumpkins Replace Drummer Drum roll, please. The Smashing Pumpkins have a new member of the band. The band posted on its Web site that 19-year-old Mike Byrne of Portland was chosen from the more than 1,000 drummers who responded to the group's open call to replace Jimmy Chamberlin. Frontman Billy Corgan says Byrne has "that X-factor that all the great drummers have, a stunning blend of power, speed, and grace." Byrne, who started playing drums at 11, will play on the Grammy-winning band's next album and go on tour. He saw the Pumpkins when they toured Portland two years ago and says the opportunity he's been given is a dream come true. -- 為了再聽一遍。 我隨他走進一間打鑰匙和做鞋底的店。 蒙 我問他您剛才說什麼。 馬 他重複。 特 他知道重複可以讓我幸福。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

08/20 15:14, , 1F
我想大家都知道少了 Chamberlin 的SP是怎樣..
08/20 15:14, 1F

08/20 15:18, , 2F
Chamberlin技巧很高超但決不炫技 這是沒人能取代的
08/20 15:18, 2F

08/20 21:31, , 3F
08/20 21:31, 3F

08/26 02:20, , 4F
19歲................... 有種Corgan只是想當老大的感覺...
08/26 02:20, 4F

12/23 21:18, , 5F
沒有chamberlin...想想adore那張被罵多慘 雖然我喜歡adore
12/23 21:18, 5F
文章代碼(AID): #1AZDQ9Jk (pumpkins)