[創作] There's One Word I Dare Not Say

看板poetry作者 (bon bon)時間14年前 (2010/06/11 06:21), 編輯推噓5(504)
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There Is One Word I Dare Not Say There is one word I dare not say. One word that is too often profaned, As an eternal trend. Sorry or worry is how it be scribed, Or happy or jolly is how they describe. There is one word I dare not say. One word that makes one's heart like a fountain. Aye does it expend, Yet there's always something extant. There is one word I dare not say. One word that starlights art outshown by one's starry eyes, that days art dy'd in no other way, that the sun is unwat'd in a rainy day. There is one word I dare not say. One word that upon which dost some depend, that art some made to betray or dismay, that can some not sustain. Yet few learn to prevent, Whilst others try but in vain. What we can dost is pray. There is one word I dare not say. One word which is adored for its stain. It makes people ill, And does it taint. "That is insane!" may thou say, But it is how the world maintain'd! This word exists in whence thou dewll: In thy cells, near the bell, on the trail, under the veil. This word is so motley: So old and new So promisimg and despairing. It is a word I dare not say, Whilst el oh ve ee is how thou spell. ------ I wrote this poem when I was 17, and now, I'm almost 20. disabled to write any poem. all those trivials drag me away from my tiny dreamy fantasy. from art, vogue, and writing. since some unknown season i live with riots. So many things on hand, so many plans shall be achieved so many ideas shall be planned. time is expensive and rare carpe diem is what it roars yet the calls from my love never stop art, writing, vogue, art and vogue my heart starts to leap of late leap to where the calls come from i wish, this board may be my place of rest and my disability woulrd be tolerated. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: leighmeow 來自: (06/11 06:23)

06/11 06:33, , 1F
Disability is not a shame, instead,
06/11 06:33, 1F

06/11 06:34, , 2F
it opens your your mind to see the
06/11 06:34, 2F

06/11 06:34, , 3F
world in a new and exciting way! :D
06/11 06:34, 3F

06/11 06:38, , 4F
beautiful poem! ^^
06/11 06:38, 4F

06/11 06:39, , 5F
to carpe diem! cheer up man! :)
06/11 06:39, 5F

06/11 09:15, , 6F
to whence i "swell"
06/11 09:15, 6F

06/11 09:16, , 7F
06/11 09:16, 7F

06/11 09:16, , 8F
welcome to poetry
06/11 09:16, 8F

06/12 07:31, , 9F
超愛這首 ^.^
06/12 07:31, 9F
文章代碼(AID): #1C4MLEhW (poetry)