[新聞] 學生服用止痛藥 25%不看標示

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http://udn.com/NEWS/BREAKINGNEWS/BREAKINGNEWS9/8336248.shtml4分之1的國、高中學生,到藥局買止痛藥的時候,不會注意使用標示。」台灣師範大學副 教授張鳳琴3日公佈「全國學童用藥情形」調查結果,發現學生的用藥態度及行為雖有進步 ,但對止痛藥的每日用量、使用說明及對肝功能影響的認知,仍有待加強。 食管署在2013年,補助全國19縣市、共112所學校推動正確用藥教育,結果發現學生在用藥 的認知及行為上,都有進步,包括遵從醫囑服藥的比例從62.7%提升至67.6%,買藥前會檢查 衛生署核准藥品許可證字號的比例,從77.8%提升至83.5%;最明顯的進步,是服用來源不明 的藥品,例如親友介紹、市場廟口、廣告推銷的比例大幅下降,勸阻親友購買危險藥物的學 生,更是突破了10萬人。 然而,台師大針對8386名國小至高中學生進行的用藥調查發現,學生使用止痛藥的比例越來 越高,對止痛藥的認識卻仍嫌不足。「過去一年,有77%的國高中生,曾經有頭痛、牙痛、 經痛、喉嚨痛、肌肉痠痛等經驗。」 張鳳琴指出,其中有58%的學生會服用醫師開立的止痛藥,另外31%的學生是自己去藥局買止 痛藥,比較讓人擔憂的是,「25%的學生去藥局買止痛藥時,不會注意使用標示。」 此外,普拿疼等市售止痛藥最主要的解熱鎮痛成份為「乙醯氨酚」,每人每天服用量不可超 過4千毫克,卻有53%的學生不知道止痛藥也有劑量限制。張鳳琴表示,有42%的學生不知道 有飲酒習慣,或是肝炎病史的人,應該儘量避免服用乙醯氨酚,以免增加肝臟的損傷;有 25%的學生不知道,過度服用乙烯氨酚,可能導致肝毒性累積。 食管署指出,未來有必要針對止痛藥的使用,加強用藥教育,並呼籲各級學生必須建立用藥 的「知風險、看標示、告病況、遵醫囑、問專業」等「5要」觀念,並遵守「不喝酒、不併 用、不空腹、不亂買、不過量」的「5不」原則。 === 之前衛生署(現在福利部)不是還說要超商開放賣止痛藥嗎...? http://www.appledaily.com.tw/appledaily/article/headline/20110819/33608792/ 還有教授喊好... / _>\ 分享一下FB中華民國[藥師Pharmacist]資訊交流平台 by 李仁文 美國最新一期的 Pharmacist's Letter 對止痛藥的管制級別再修正, 供各位參考....重點 在Acetaminophem的劑量, 美國對acetaminphen的肝毒性這麼小心防範, 依照我們台灣國內 消費者的購藥與服藥習慣, 把這些藥品輕易交給超市超商去陳列販賣, 我們台灣到底要死多 少消費者, 政府才會知道做錯了...... You'll see BIG changes with hydrocodone (Vicodin, etc)...phaseouts, new formulations, and a move to reclassify combos as CII. These changes are to increase safety and decrease abuse. Phaseout of products with MORE THAN 325 mg of acetaminophen per tab or cap is an effort to decrease liver injury due to acetaminophen. By January 14, manufacturers must discontinue all Rx combos with over 325 mg of acetaminophen. This includes higher strengths of acetaminophen with hydrocodone, oxycodone, or butalbital. Get patients switched to lower-dose acetaminophen combos before Jan 14. Legal experts will debate whether FDA can tell you not to dispense the discontinued products that may still be on your shelves. Try to avoid dispensing these after Jan 14...if something were to go wrong, it gives the opposing side one more potential strike against you. Reformulated Vicodin, Vicodin ES, and Vicodin HP all now have 300 mg of acetaminophen per tab. This will lead to confusion, since most generic hydrocodone combos have 325 mg/tab of acetaminophen instead of 300 mg. Encourage prescribers to write for generics with 325 mg of acetaminophen. Explain that these cost much less than Vicodin tabs. Reclassifying hydrocodone COMBOS to Schedule II on the federal level is now likely...and is already in effect in some states. This is a move to limit hydrocodone abuse and opioid deaths. Expect rescheduling to take several months or longer. After that, acetaminophen with codeine will be the only opioid that's not a CII. Zohydro ER (zoe-HI-dro, hydrocodone extended-release) will be the first hydrocodone-only med. It's a CII...with 10 to 50 mg of hydrocodone per cap. We'll tell you more before it hits the market in March. ---摘自 Pharmacist's Letter: December 2013; Vol: 29, No. 12--- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/03 21:31, , 1F
12/03 21:31, 1F

12/03 22:19, , 2F
12/03 22:19, 2F
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