[台北/一般] 國際青年旅舍 誠徵兼職

看板part-time作者 (wuwu123)時間10年前 (2014/05/03 13:49), 10年前編輯推噓1(101)
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本人已同意一切遵循現行法律,並確知文責自負 ↑此行若刪除,文章就會被刪除 《工作時間》 ※以下三項子欄位必填,禁止面議或超過法定每日工時上限 ※工時欄位除每日工時外還需列出每週/每月大約工作天數或總工時 每日工作&休息時間︰09:00~17:00 早班 16:00~22:00 晚班 工作日期&排班方式:每週排三~五個時段 休息有無計薪&供餐:午餐、晚餐時間可自行出外買飯,不另外扣時數 《工作待遇》 ※以下五項子欄位必填,禁止面議並符合法定最低時薪115/hr ※本欄所稱之平常日為星期一 ~ 日,國定假日日期請參考各地方勞工局公告  平常日薪資:115/hr 起 國定假日薪資:依勞基法規定 (約定時薪x2/補休,5/1 - 勞動節) 超時加班費:依勞基法規定 (第9-10hr 約定時薪x1.33,11-12hr 約定時薪x1.66) 勞健保、勞退︰依法規定投保、提撥 薪資發放日:每月五號 《工作內容》 ※以下兩項子欄位必填並請盡量詳細描述,不可模糊籠統 工作地點︰台北市萬華區和平西路三段53號 工作內容︰ Hostel staff wanted! Get paid to improve your foreign language at one of the most popular backpacker hostel in town! One of the most popular hostel in town releases limited staff vacancies! - Front Desk: check in/out, floor guide, tour desk, reservation, availability management...etc. - Guest hospitality: making bed, readiness checkup, room & linen stock management...etc. - Assistance to environment maintenance: cleaning, recycle...etc. - Miscellaneous: Sales & marketing support, basic book keeping. Qualified candidates can expect on-the-job training and 360-degree appraisal from our team members during one-month probation. Qualified trainees will be offered challenging job assignments, flexible time shift, and comparative work remuneration including bonus and rewards on the team basis. Requirements: - Experienced solo traveller or backpacker. - Excellent Foreign language capabilities: Good in written and fluent in oral English. Second foreign language in Cantonese, Japanese or Korean preferred. - Good communication skills: Mature, independent, and co-operative. Active listening and reasonable dialogue under pressure. - People person: Out-going, open-minded, smily and friendly. - Fun seeker: Curiosity, humor, and creativity type. Risk- and challenge- lover. - Accountability/Professionalism: Strong accountability, quick learner, proactive working attitude, big-picture with detail-oriented, flexible upon emergencies. 《事業登記資料》 ※統編、單位名稱、地址欄位必填,農林漁牧醫藥補教業者需加填相關字號 ※填寫資料以政府單位可查詢之公開資料為準,經比對不符者視同未填 統一編號:53556891 單位名稱:德翫國際有限公司(芒果客棧 Mango53 Inn) 單位地址:台北市萬華區和平西路三段53號 醫療醫藥相關單位代碼: 農林漁牧業登記字號: 補教業立案文號: 《聯絡資訊》 ※以下三項子欄位必填,電話需含區碼,姓氏只接受中、英文寫法 ※Email跟國內市話、手機擇一填寫,不接受這三者以外的連絡方式   聯絡人姓氏︰張先生 Email/電話︰hr.mango53inn@gmail.com 是否回信給報名者:否 If you are interested in applying, please submit a cover letter and resume in both Chinese and English to hr.mango53inn@gmail.com Mango53 Inn accepts applications for Reception/Front Desk personnel at our Long-Shan Temple location, on an ongoing basis throughout the year. One of our staff members will contact you if a position is available and you meet the requirements ◎《其他資訊》 ※限定性別、外貌等條件違反就業服務法,受訓期間需正常支薪  需求人數:1~2人 通知方式:email 面試時間:履歷收到後,如符合,兩個禮拜之內 受訓時間:約一個月,看個人學習能力而定 截止時間:徵到人為止 強烈建議雇主徵到人會在這篇標題註明(大寫T修改標題) (資方徵到人請改標題或是通知應徵者 多多體諒勞方等待心情) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/part-time/M.1399096156.A.A1E.html ※ 編輯: wuwu123 (, 05/03/2014 17:41:21

05/04 17:09, , 1F
05/04 17:09, 1F

05/10 10:53, , 2F
05/10 10:53, 2F
※ 編輯: wuwu123 (, 05/17/2014 13:15:45
文章代碼(AID): #1JP8DSeU (part-time)