[新聞] 俄羅斯新增57例 累計495例 遭批統計失真

看板nCoV2019作者 (夜鷺食穀)時間4年前 (2020/03/25 13:22), 4年前編輯推噓0(002)
留言2則, 1人參與, 4年前最新討論串1/1
媒體:俄國公營「塔新社」 TASS 標題:Coronavirus cases in Russia rise to 495 over past day Number of COVID-19 cases in Moscow reaches 290 撰稿者:無 日期:2020/03/24 網址:https://is.gd/Iskn0R 俄羅斯昨天新增57例,累計495例。 目前已有22例康復。 病例集中在前兩大城市 莫斯科:290例 聖彼得堡:21例 (圖) 俄羅斯疫情走勢圖,累計495例 https://images2.imgbox.com/72/75/hnxFKVTb_o.jpg
昨天莫斯科市長Sergei Sobyanin說俄國的疫情統計數字被低估了, 俄國有些地區的採檢數量實在太少了,無法反映真實疫情。 他以偏遠的Primorsky行政區為例,當地有6000人從疫情重災區飛回來,但卻只驗出兩 個病例。 Sobyanin他強調這些大問題遲早會浮出檯面的。 (圖) 莫斯科市長批評俄國疫情統計數字失真 https://images2.imgbox.com/77/30/UHEnsR5c_o.jpg
(地圖) 俄羅斯Primorsky行政區位置圖 https://i.imgur.com/WuS5s7h.jpg
[TASS] No real picture of COVID-2019 situation in Russian regions — Mosco w mayor March 24 https://is.gd/qX5iL6 撰稿者:無 Sergei Sobyanin cited an example of Russia’s Far Eastern Primorsky Region where some 6,000 arrived from infection-hit areas abroad There is no real p icture of the COVID-2019 situation in Russian regions, Moscow Mayor Sergei S obyanin said on Tuesday. "Some regions seem not to understand [the situation with the coronavirus s pread]. Well, they [regional governors] see just a couple of cases. The matt er is that the level of testing is very low. There is no real picture," said the Moscow mayor, who is a deputy chairman of the Russian government’s coo rdinating council on coronavirus response. He cited an example of Russia’s Far Eastern Primorsky Region. "Once 6,000 people arrived in the Primorsky Region after visiting infection-hit areas a broad, it is a big problem anyway. And this problem will surface sooner or l ater," he stressed. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/nCoV2019/M.1585113767.A.05F.html

03/25 13:39, 4年前 , 1F
俄國之前號稱檢驗10萬例 ...
03/25 13:39, 1F

03/25 13:39, 4年前 , 2F
03/25 13:39, 2F
下面這篇報導提到俄羅斯的檢驗有幾個盲點 1. 被Vektor實驗室壟斷檢驗結果 2. Vektor出的檢驗套件的精準度不是很好 3. 檢驗對象的範圍不夠廣泛 Russia Says It Has Very Few Coronavirus Cases. The Numbers Don’t Tell the Full Story. Experts say Russia’s testing procedures have been hampered by bureaucracy. March 18, 2020 https://is.gd/vVHZOK ※ 編輯: bearland ( 臺灣), 03/25/2020 14:26:25
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