[新聞] 希臘新冠病毒確診人數增至45例(新增14例)

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完整標題:Confirmed Cases of New Coronavirus in Greece Rise to 45 希臘新冠病毒確診增至45例 發稿單位:The National Herald 發稿時間:March 6, 2020 撰 稿 者:ANA 原文連結:https://reurl.cc/Y1lVrn 原始網址: https://www.thenationalherald.com/289992/confirmed-cases-of-new-coronavirus-in-greece-rise-to-45/ ATHENS – The number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Greece has risen to 45, infectious diseases expert and health ministry spokesperson Prof. Sotiris Tsiodras announced on Friday. 雅典- 傳染病專家和衛生部發言人Sotiris Tsiodras教授週五宣布希臘確診人數 增至45例 Yesterday, a sudden jump from nine to 31 cases of the coronavirus has Greek officials jumpy the numbers could soar with the western region of Amaliada in Phase 2 of the Health Ministry’s health risk containment strategy. That means that official measures will now focus on containing the virus from spreading in the country, said Kathimerini, with the New Democracy government already having put in place a contingency plan that could shut down public gatherings. Kathimerini說明,目前著重在防止疫情在國內擴散。且政府已制定應變計劃,可 能會停止公眾聚會。 There are also worries the fear of the disease, which has proved deadly in northern Italy and closed major tourism destinations there, could keep visitors from coming to Greece this spring and summer, undercutting a slow recovery from a decade-long economic crisis. 此疫情已在義大利北部出現死亡案例並關閉主要旅遊景點,對此疫情的擔憂,可能 導致遊客在今年春季及夏季不再前往希臘,十年經濟危機後的些微復甦將被消弱。 The number of cases jumped overnight when 21 travelers who had returned from a pilgrimage to religious sites in Israel and Egypt tested positive, health authorities trying to trace their contacts to test another 400 and expecting another rise. 衛生當局正在對昨晚從以色列和埃及朝聖回來的21位確診者進行疫調,並追蹤400 名接觸者,預計確診人數還會增加。 “The coming weeks will see a significant increase in cases in Greece,” Sotiris Tsiodras, the Athens University professor in charge of the expert committee advising the government on its response to the virus told the paper. Sotiris Tsiodras向政府說明,接下來的幾週,希臘確診人數會激增。 Nine of the new patients were being treated in a hospital in the Patra suburb of Rio, with three of them showing serious symptoms, Tsiodras told journalists. The rest remained confined at home. Tsiodras向記者說明,新確診病患中有九位在Patra suburb of Rio醫院接受治療, 其中三位為重症。其他人在家中隔離。 Patra, the country’s third-largest city, is a daily destination for ferries from Italy and health teams have been dispatched to advise travelers to take precautions but Greece has not barred entries there or another port destination from Italy at Igoumenitsa. 每日都有從義大利來的渡輪停靠於希臘第三大城Patra,醫療團隊已建議旅遊者需 採取預防措施,但希臘目前仍未禁止從義大利來的渡輪進入Patra城或另一個 Igoumenitsa城的港口。 Eleven doctors and nurses at the hospital are also reportedly being treated as well as the staff at another in Amaliada, which had initially treated a 66-year-old without taking any protective measures, since he was not considered a “suspicious” case. 因為未做任何防護措施治療了一位66歲的確診者,當時這位確診者並未被視為疑似 病例,導致11位醫生及護理人員在醫院接受治療。 Officials a “significant increase” in the number of confirmed cases in the coming weeks and urged citizens to “adhere religiously” to the preventive measures, especially frequent hand washing and to cover coughs. 官方說確診人數在將接下來的幾週激增,並督促人民要虔誠地做防疫,尤其是頻繁 的洗手及咳嗽時摀嘴巴。 AN ECONOMIC JOLT 經濟危機 Α 48-hour suspension was announced by the University of Crete in Rethymno because one of the students took part in the group trip to Egypt and Israel. Crete in Rethymno大學宣佈停課48小時,因為有一名學生參加了到埃及跟以色列的 團體旅遊。 Despite worries that the virus could show later in people not displaying symptoms, Greek officials let a cruise ship where a passenger who had disembarked was found to have the disease continue from Piraeus to Corfu even though many passengers had to be called back from an excursion to the Acropolis where they were on contact with hordes of tourists. 僅管擔憂存在無症狀患者,希臘官方仍讓曾載有確診患者的船繼續從Piraeus航行至 Corfu,許多乘客不得不中斷旅遊並被召回至他們與成群遊客接觸的Acropolis城。 Finance Minister Christos Staikouras said the virus could bring a big hit to the economy that was slowly recovering, and could undercut New Democracy plans to lure foreign investors to help spur a faster rebound. 財政部長Christos Staikouras說明,病毒會對些微復甦的經濟造成很大的打擊,且 消減新民主黨計劃中想吸引國外投資人幫助更快的復原。 He said the effects were “bigger and more numerous than initially anticipated ” after the government had downplayed worries. Fear is keeping people from going to public gathering spots such as cinemas and theaters which could be closed if the virus spreads. 他說,當政府淡化擔憂以後,影響會比預期更大。恐懼使人不再去像電影院會因病 毒傳播而關閉的公眾場所。 The government said it would consider suspending taxes for enterprises that had to close under containment measures, which could also reduce revenues to the state as plans were being made for tax cuts to extend to the middle class and retroactive pension payments. 政府目前在考慮對會因遏制措施而關閉的企業停稅,可能會對已制定計劃要對中產 階級及養老金支付減稅的州,造成收入上的減少。 Authorities have already carried out an initial assessment of the impact of the virus on tourism and shipping – two critical sectors for Greece, Staikouras told the paper as he called for “centralized European policies to tackle the problem,” without offering any. 當局已對希臘的兩個關鍵部門:旅遊業及航運業進行初步的影響評估,Staikouras在 採訪時呼籲:歐洲應採取集中政策來解決問題。但未提供任何相關措施。 #天佑希臘 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/nCoV2019/M.1583506248.A.784.html

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文章代碼(AID): #1UOcD8U4 (nCoV2019)