[情報] 第37屆金酸莓獎 初選名單

看板movie作者 (bill9355)時間7年前 (2017/01/07 11:12), 編輯推噓92(97552)
留言154則, 94人參與, 最新討論串1/1
最爛影片 Worst Picture: 刺客教條 Assassin’s Creed 蝙蝠俠對超人:正義曙光 Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice 最美的安排 Collateral Beauty 黑暗來臨 The Darkness 阿公歐買尬 Dirty Grandpa 分歧者3:赤誠者 The Divergent Series: Allegiant 格雷的五十道黑影 Fifty Shades of Black 荷魯斯之眼:王者爭霸 Gods of Egypt 希拉蕊的美國:揭露民主黨 Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party ID4星際重生 Independence Day: Resurgence 全面攻佔2:倫敦救援 London Has Fallen 幸福百分百 Mother’s Day 自殺突擊隊 Suicide Squad 名模大間諜2 Zoolander 2 最爛導演 Worst Director: Dinesh D’Souza – Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party Roland Emmerich – Independence Day: Resurgence Justin Kurzel – Assassin’s Creed Dan Mazer – Dirty Grandpa Greg McLean – The Darkness Babak Najafi – London Has Fallen Tyler Perry – Boo! A Madea Halloween(梅迪亞萬聖節) Alex Proyas – Gods of Egypt Zack Snyder – Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Ben Stiller – Zoolander 2 Michael Tiddes – Fifty Shades of Black 最爛男主角 Worst Actor: Ben Affleck – Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Kevin Bacon – The Darkness Gerard Butler – Gods of Egypt / London Has Fallen Henry Cavill – Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Dinesh D’Souza (as himself) – Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party Robert De Niro – Dirty Grandpa Zac Efron – Dirty Grandpa / Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates Liam Hemsworth – Independence Day: Resurgence Brad Pitt – Allied(同盟鶼鰈) Will Smith – Collateral Beauty / Suicide Squad Ben Stiller – Zoolander 2 Marlon Wayans – Fifty Shades of Black 最爛女主角 Worst Actress: Jennifer Aniston – Mother’s Day / Office Christmas Party(幸福百分百/聖誕搞 轟趴) Marion Cotillard – Allied / Assassin’s Creed Megan Fox – Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows(忍者龜:破影而 出) Radha Mitchell – The Darkness Tyler Perry (as Madea) – Boo! A Madea Halloween Margot Robbie – The Legend of Tarzan / Suicide Squad Julia Roberts – Mother’s Day Becky Turner (as Hillary Clinton) – Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party Naomi Watts – The Divergent Series: Allegiant / Shut In(分歧者3:赤誠者/育陰 房 ) Shailene Woodley – The Divergent Series: Allegiant 最爛男配角 Worst Supporting Actor: Nicolas Cage – Snowden(神鬼駭客:史諾登) Benedict Cumberbatch – Zoolander 2 Johnny Depp – Alice Through the Looking Glass(魔境夢遊:時光怪客) Jesse Eisenberg – Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Will Ferrell – Zoolander 2 Jeff Goldblum – Independence Day: Resurgence Jeremy Irons – Assassin’s Creed / Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Jared Leto – Suicide Squad T.J. Miller – Office Christmas Party Geoffrey Rush – Gods of Egypt Brenton Thwaites – Gods of Egypt Owen Wilson – Masterminds / Zoolander 2 最爛女配角 Worst Supporting Actress: Cassi Davis – Boo! A Madea Halloween Julianne Hough – Dirty Grandpa Kate Hudson – Mother’s Day Keira Knightley – Collateral Beauty Helen Mirren – Collateral Beauty Aubrey Plaza – Dirty Grandpa Jane Seymour – Fifty Shades of Black Octavia Spencer – The Divergent Series: Allegiant Sela Ward – Independence Day: Resurgence Kristen Wiig – Masterminds / Zoolander 2 Kate Winslet – Collateral Beauty 最爛電影劇本 Worst Screenplay: 刺客教條 Assassin’s Creed 蝙蝠俠對超人:正義曙光 Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice 阿公歐買尬 Dirty Grandpa 分歧者3:赤誠者 The Divergent Series: Allegiant 格雷的五十道黑影 Fifty Shades of Black 魔鬼剋星 Ghostbusters 荷魯斯之眼:王者爭霸 Gods of Egypt 希拉蕊的美國:揭露民主黨 Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party ID4星際重生 Independence Day: Resurgence 幸福百分百 Mother’s Day 自殺突擊隊 Suicide Squad 名模大間諜2 Zoolander 2 最爛重拍、惡搞、續集電影 Worst Remake, Rip-off, or Sequel: 魔境夢遊:時光怪客 Alice Through the Looking Glass 蝙蝠俠對超人:正義曙光 Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice 追殺厄夜叢林 Blair Witch 分歧者3:赤誠者 The Divergent Series: Allegiant 格雷的五十道黑影 Fifty Shades of Black (rip-off of Fifty Shades of Grey) ID4星際重生 Independence Day: Resurgence 泰山傳奇 The Legend of Tarzan 全面攻佔2:倫敦救援 London Has Fallen 我媽的希臘婚禮 My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 一路前行2 Ride Along 2 忍者龜:破影而出 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows 名模大間諜2 Zoolander 2 來源:https://goo.gl/g69DKU -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1483758737.A.316.html

01/07 11:16, , 1F
01/07 11:16, 1F

01/07 11:17, , 2F
01/07 11:17, 2F

01/07 11:18, , 3F
01/07 11:18, 3F

01/07 11:19, , 4F
01/07 11:19, 4F

01/07 11:19, , 5F
01/07 11:19, 5F

01/07 11:20, , 6F
01/07 11:20, 6F

01/07 11:20, , 7F
01/07 11:20, 7F

01/07 11:21, , 8F
01/07 11:21, 8F

01/07 11:24, , 9F
這個名單真讓人失望 nine lives居然沒有在裡面?!
01/07 11:24, 9F

01/07 11:27, , 10F
Max Steel也沒在裡面 是只挑知名度高的嗎?
01/07 11:27, 10F

01/07 11:29, , 11F
01/07 11:29, 11F

01/07 11:30, , 12F
01/07 11:30, 12F

01/07 11:32, , 13F
應該要有Nine Lives+1 好歹是影帝凱文主演的
01/07 11:32, 13F

01/07 11:32, , 14F
另外我猜阿班有驚無險逃過正選 但威爾會進五強
01/07 11:32, 14F

01/07 11:33, , 15F
自殺突擊隊票房好他是有功 但最好安排評價票房皆
01/07 11:33, 15F

01/07 11:34, , 16F
低於原先預期 很難不被讓人評議
01/07 11:34, 16F

01/07 11:34, , 17F
01/07 11:34, 17F

01/07 11:36, , 18F
01/07 11:36, 18F

01/07 11:36, , 19F
另外金酸莓俵自殺隊雖在預期 但到有點意外超摩出身
01/07 11:36, 19F

01/07 11:37, , 20F
的Cara Delavinge不在女配初選中 我記得金酸莓
01/07 11:37, 20F

01/07 11:38, , 21F
01/07 11:38, 21F

01/07 11:38, , 22F
另有點意外瑪格羅比也在女主初選 會連帶中槍入圍嗎?
01/07 11:38, 22F

01/07 11:38, , 23F
01/07 11:38, 23F

01/07 11:39, , 24F
01/07 11:39, 24F

01/07 11:39, , 25F
01/07 11:39, 25F

01/07 11:40, , 26F
BVS與自殺隊好歹賺錢 分歧者3可是賠到讓片商寧願
01/07 11:40, 26F

01/07 11:40, , 27F
Kevin Spacey跟Jennifer Garner是怎麼回事...
01/07 11:40, 27F

01/07 11:40, , 28F
01/07 11:40, 28F

01/07 11:40, , 29F
拍電視劇也不想重返大銀幕 這新聞鬧得也蠻大的
01/07 11:40, 29F

01/07 11:41, , 30F
01/07 11:41, 30F

01/07 11:41, , 31F
自殺特攻隊超爛 實至名歸
01/07 11:41, 31F

01/07 11:41, , 32F
這兩個 就算不是一線 也是二線的演員吧
01/07 11:41, 32F

01/07 11:42, , 33F
金酸莓一直都是 沒好到一定程度不會入選啊xd
01/07 11:42, 33F

01/07 11:43, , 34F
01/07 11:43, 34F

01/07 11:44, , 35F
你知名度不夠高 就算是大爛片 他也不想理你
01/07 11:44, 35F

01/07 11:47, , 36F
01/07 11:47, 36F

01/07 11:49, , 37F
01/07 11:49, 37F

01/07 11:50, , 38F
01/07 11:50, 38F

01/07 11:50, , 39F
班艾佛列克是bvs颱風尾 短名單應該就不會有了
01/07 11:50, 39F
還有 75 則推文
01/07 18:24, , 115F
荷魯斯得罪猶太人了 明明不差還上榜 誰叫埃及法老奴役這
01/07 18:24, 115F

01/07 18:25, , 116F
01/07 18:25, 116F

01/07 18:25, , 117F
01/07 18:25, 117F

01/07 18:26, , 118F
01/07 18:26, 118F

01/07 18:36, , 119F
小班是bvs裡面演技唯一好的 居然是他入圍
01/07 18:36, 119F

01/07 18:37, , 120F
01/07 18:37, 120F

01/07 18:40, , 121F
01/07 18:40, 121F

01/07 18:42, , 122F
01/07 18:42, 122F

01/07 18:43, , 123F
荷魯斯之眼只有ptt說不差 影評 台北票房 全球票房 全面大
01/07 18:43, 123F

01/07 18:43, , 124F
落賽 XD
01/07 18:43, 124F

01/07 18:55, , 125F
01/07 18:55, 125F

01/07 19:21, , 126F
01/07 19:21, 126F

01/07 19:38, , 127F
最美安排演員群不差啊 預祝格雷陰影奪多項大獎啦XD
01/07 19:38, 127F

01/07 21:19, , 128F
唯一支持ID4 II
01/07 21:19, 128F

01/07 21:24, , 129F
01/07 21:24, 129F

01/07 21:38, , 130F
01/07 21:38, 130F

01/07 21:39, , 131F
01/07 21:39, 131F

01/07 21:41, , 132F
問個問題:fifty shades of black是啥鬼
01/07 21:41, 132F

01/07 22:48, , 133F
小班盡力了阿阿阿阿... hello darkness my old friend...
01/07 22:48, 133F

01/07 22:49, , 134F
01/07 22:49, 134F

01/07 23:15, , 135F
01/07 23:15, 135F

01/07 23:27, , 136F
01/07 23:27, 136F

01/07 23:28, , 137F
惡搞格雷的片阿 我進戲院支持過 比原版格雷好看多了
01/07 23:28, 137F

01/07 23:53, , 138F
01/07 23:53, 138F

01/08 01:37, , 139F
01/08 01:37, 139F

01/08 01:38, , 140F
01/08 01:38, 140F

01/08 01:43, , 141F
01/08 01:43, 141F

01/08 01:51, , 142F
01/08 01:51, 142F

01/08 01:53, , 143F
ID4真的很難看= =
01/08 01:53, 143F

01/08 03:19, , 144F
本來覺得BvS很難看 看了ID4之後才知道什麼叫爛片
01/08 03:19, 144F

01/08 03:56, , 145F
01/08 03:56, 145F

01/08 09:28, , 146F
01/08 09:28, 146F

01/08 09:45, , 147F
威爾史密斯超雷 入圍好幾部
01/08 09:45, 147F

01/08 10:13, , 148F
01/08 10:13, 148F

01/08 12:29, , 149F
01/08 12:29, 149F

01/09 07:24, , 150F
01/09 07:24, 150F

01/09 23:04, , 151F
01/09 23:04, 151F

01/09 23:19, , 152F
最爛影片只看過自殺 的確是爛透了
01/09 23:19, 152F

01/10 13:16, , 153F
BVS比SS好多了 SS史上最爛片
01/10 13:16, 153F

01/10 13:17, , 154F
至少BVS看完只是累 SS看完是憤怒
01/10 13:17, 154F
文章代碼(AID): #1OS5oHCM (movie)