[交易] 賣書/ICU,小兒,Moore,Harper,Guyton,藥理

看板medstudent作者 (jay)時間4年前 (2019/10/04 23:52), 編輯推噓0(000)
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以下幾本書求售 1. ICU book, second edition, 200元 https://imgur.com/o6oNmgb
2. 台大實用小兒科學 第二版 200元 https://imgur.com/W1nalAW
3. Clinically oriented anatomy, 5th ed., by Keith L. Moore, 400元 全新 https://imgur.com/cZsMh25
4. Harper's illustrated biochemistry, 27th ed. Lange, 200元 https://imgur.com/SL0rGO8
5. Textbook of Medical physiology, 11th ed, Guyton & Hall, 300元 全新 https://imgur.com/VrsS9UJ
6. Basic and clinical pharmacology, 11th ed, Lange, 400元 全新 https://imgur.com/DHEPAjI
7. 藥理學精義 中文版 4ed, 150元 全新 https://imgur.com/Dnraxyb
8. Understanding electrocardiography, 8th ed, Mosby, 200元 https://imgur.com/TI5Va3h
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