
看板marvel作者時間12年前 (2012/07/16 21:25), 編輯推噓3(308)
留言11則, 6人參與, 最新討論串1/1
是Discovery頻道的專題,共二十分鐘 以下影片如果讓鄉民感到反胃不適,建議還是別看了 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clJ5juabxak
影片中的怪物在分類上應該算是喪屍, 喪屍習性喜歡晝伏夜出,屈身爬行,行動快速, (不像殭屍一樣身體硬梆梆的)喜歡居住在久未人居的廢棄房屋或地下室, 在曠野或深山的森林、墓地、停車場可以偶爾發現,這小鎮應該在美國的北部, 美國北部可能有喪屍出沒,喪屍喜歡群體行動,若發現一隻通常可發現有數隻在附近潛伏 要殺喪屍若無法砍頭,最好是用刀直接插入喪屍喉嚨,扭轉刀身後橫出, 這樣方能砍斷其主要神經連結幹道,減弱其行動力和攻擊力, 當然最好避免被撲倒或遭到數隻包圍(這樣就囧了) 如果從美國失蹤人口來看, 美國當局可能低估了未知生物(類生物)的危害 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)

07/16 21:35, , 1F
這是個笑話嗎= =
07/16 21:35, 1F

07/16 21:35, , 2F
discovery大概有七八成都是模擬不是探索 別浪費時間看了
07/16 21:35, 2F

07/16 21:36, , 3F
07/16 21:36, 3F

07/16 21:37, , 4F
07/16 21:37, 4F

07/16 21:38, , 5F
全部用電腦模擬 LOW爆了 可能跟NASA關係不好
07/16 21:38, 5F
※ 編輯: punck 來自: (07/16 21:39) ※ 編輯: punck 來自: (07/16 22:00)

07/16 22:36, , 6F
07/16 22:36, 6F
ps.如果你寫信去Animal Planet詢問真實性,大概會收到類似這樣的回信 Dear Viewer, Thank you for your interest in Animal Planet’s LOST TAPES. This cryptozoology series is inspired by the possibility that creatures like Bigfoot, Chupacabra and the Monterey Bay Monster do exist. Although the existence of these creature s has never been proven, alleged sightings and encounters suggest that there are species that have managed to elude the reach of mankind. LOST TAPES is not meant to be deceiving; its purpose is to entertain viewers by posing stories, mixed with purported evidence, that suggest what could happen if these animals and people crossed paths. The footage in the program contains some recreations and re-enactments which incorporate the nuances and character istics of these animals that have been allegedly gathered over the years. LOST TAPES does not acknowledge the existence of these creatures, nor does it disprove it. The series is simply meant to peak viewerscuriosity about unknown animal species that may lurk beyond the scope of human knowledge. Thanks again for your interest in our programming. Sincerely, Viewer Relations Animal Planet viewer_relations@discovery.com 其中一句mixed with purported evidence讓人覺得回應者希望大家希望故事為真???!!!! 舉例來說像便利商店一出來就被喪屍咬的錄像帶?是後製?還是真的?讓人存疑 但我不大欣賞動物星球這種 要說不說、真的不敢說是真的的態度 ※ 編輯: punck 來自: (07/16 23:20)

07/17 02:11, , 7F
07/17 02:11, 7F

07/17 11:25, , 8F
mixed with purported evidence <= 意思是說真假影片混雜
07/17 11:25, 8F

07/17 11:26, , 9F
哪些真,哪些假? 我猜大概蚊子、吸血蝙蝠是真
07/17 11:26, 9F

07/17 11:26, , 10F
07/17 11:26, 10F

07/19 17:01, , 11F
07/19 17:01, 11F
文章代碼(AID): #1G11P91F (marvel)