AMBER- Borders

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[STATION] AMBER- Borders composed and written by Amebr Liu 'Cause mom said I'd be crossing borders 因為我媽相信我能夠突破困境的 Never be afraid even when you're cornered 即使走投無路也不要灰心 Stand up straight, fight your way 挺胸站直,放膽去闖 Fight your way, fight your way 不要退縮,放膽去追尋所願 All these people here staring and looking at me 那些站在一旁看著我的人 Shaking their heads eyes down strong on me 搖頭晃目地冷眼注視著我 What's wrong with me? 我怎麼了呢? Can you tell me now? 你可否告訴我? What's wrong with me? 我哪裡錯了? Can you tell me now? 你能否告訴我? The anger, the cruelty, I deserve it 那憤怒、那些殘酷,我應得的 And I'd do anything to be what they call perfect 我願意去做任何事情達到所謂的完美 Then maybe I could find a place to call my own and belong 然後我似乎就能找到屬於我的歸屬之地 But if only I was strong... 但一切都當我足夠堅強時... I'll be walking with my eyes down, eyes down, eyes down 而我將會一步一步地走著,不好高騖遠 I'll keep my eyes down, eyes down, eyes down 我會記住我的能耐,不會揠苗助長 'Cause mom said I'd be crossing borders 因為我媽相信我能夠突破困境的 Never be afraid even when you're cornered 即使走投無路也不要灰心 Stand up straight, fight your way 挺胸站直,放膽去闖 Fight your way, fight your way 不要退縮,放膽去追尋所願 Through the borders 突破那些困境 Through the borders 打破那些壁壘 Through the borders 面對那些艱苦 Fight your way, fight your way 放膽去闖,去追尋所願 Through the borders 突破那些困境 Through the borders 打破那些壁壘 Through the borders 面對那些艱苦 Fight your way, fight your way 放膽去闖,去追尋所願 Stand up, fall down, up again 起身,跌倒,再站起來 Up against the pressure I am in 承受住那股沈重的壓力 Slowly but surely I begin 即使腳步緩慢但我知道 Jumping trains 'cause I know I can win 持之以恆下去我終將會熬出頭 Oh fear not 'cause I know I'm in His hands 1. 當然會畏懼但不是因為會被它打敗 (2. 不會畏懼,因為主祂與我同在) Though I can't see I know there's a plan 即使看不清但我心裡有個算盤 So thick the fog but I know I can trust 即使雲霧濃厚但我曉得能去相信 The feelings that I feel when the roads rough 相信自身經驗以及累積而來的直覺 I gotta be tough with my eyes down, eyes down, eyes down 我必須要更堅強且不好高騖遠 Strong in my stance with my eyes down, eyes down, eyes down 相信自己的立場,永不放棄自己 No, I won't play pretend 我不會假裝 (I can't pretend) (我也裝不來) There's so much more up ahead 因為前方還有太多在等著我的 (All that's up ahead) (就在前方等著我) No, I won't play pretend 不會無視那一切 I can't pretend 因為也裝不來 There's so much more up ahead 因為前方還有太多在等著我去闖 cr. 小郁 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: leeteukey (, 07/02/2016 14:30:49
文章代碼(AID): #1NTruU4I (lyrics)