[新聞] Busking for a living

看板katncandix2作者 (唉。)時間15年前 (2009/07/25 01:33), 編輯推噓15(15022)
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The Straits Times life! music Page D4 July 24 2009 Media Correspondent:Boon Chan ─────────────────────────────────────── Even with an album out, buskers katncandix2 say they will keep on singing on the roadside Singing can be a perilous occupation when you are performing on the streets. In two years, Taiwanese duo katncandix2 have tangled with the police and even had run-ins with unsavoury characters. Speaking from Taipei to promote their debut album of breezy folk-pop Little Flight, Shen Sheng-che, 27, and Chuang Chuang-ying, or Hsiao Chiu, 22, recall the harrowing experiences they have had. Chuang says: "There was this guy in his 30s who kept drinking alcohol as we were singing and then he tried to feel me up from behind. I kept glaring at him and trying to shift away. When the song ended, I asked him to stop what he was doing." On another occasion, after their performance in the busy Ximending area, a man asked Chuang if she knew why there were so many policemen milling across the street. "It's because I had a huge knife in my hand all this time," he told her. Shen contributes an incident from when they first started out two years ago. He said: "We quarrelled with the cops at the police station for an entire afternoon because they were under the impression that we could not perform in public but we had already received official approval." Guitarist-composer-producer Shen and lyricist-singer Chuang, who have denied that they are a couple, met each other through a singing competition. Shen was then a music producer's assistant and supplemented his income by busking. Chuang says in her girlish voice: "Once, he said he was off to work. It was then that I found out that he was a street performer. I tagged along out of curiosity and thought it was pretty cool. Other than making money, it was a way to let people hear your voice." So they got together as a duo and took a test in order to get their busking licence from Taipei's Cultural Affairs Bureau. From the start, Chuang faced strong objections from her parents. "They felt that I should be studying or working in a proper job instead. My father's friend asked him: 'Don't you think your daughter is like a beggar?' He got even angrier after he heard that," she recounts. Shen's family was a lot more supportive as his elder brother is an artist as well. He says their attitude was more along the lines: "Do what you want as long as you don't get into drugs." With the release of Little Flight by a major record label, Chuang's family has become a lot more supportive. Even with the music deal, katncandix2 say they will continue to perform on the streets as "that is where we come from and where out roots are". "Every time we perform, it's like a new experience. And when our audience encourage us, we feel that busking's not so tough," says Shen. Chuang adds: "We're not idols so we can do just what we like." Oddly enough for an indie group, they picked a name, Mian Hua Tang (Chinese for "candy floss"), that immediately brings to mind the successful boyband Bang Bang tang or Lollipop. Shen laughs and explains: "I had known Hsiao Chiu for about half a year and I thought her voice was soft and fluffy and very comforting, like candy floss." "She can sing both sentimental ballads as well as the more sweeping numbers, just like cotton candy is flexible and can be stretched." Chuang adds: "And I couldn't think of any other name." But being named after a food item has a unique benefit. "Because of that, our fans will buy candy floss for us," she says. Shen quips: "Maybe we should call ourselves Fried Chicken Cutlets instead." Little Flight is out in stores. -- 這是新加坡英文報章的一篇報導 應該是越洋訪談 聖哲說 早知道就應該改名為炸雞排XD (那粉絲就會送炸雞排不送棉花糖給你們吃了齁? 哈哈哈哈哈哈) 棉花糖→炸雞排 好跳痛 :p 以上純手工鑑入 有錯誤請指正 甘溫~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/25 02:22, , 1F
07/25 02:22, 1F

07/25 02:42, , 2F
好有畫面的英文 可以想像你們說話的樣子 XD
07/25 02:42, 2F

07/25 02:54, , 3F
我比較想知道 這訪問聖哲和小球是用英語還是用國語回答
07/25 02:54, 3F

07/25 02:54, , 4F
07/25 02:54, 4F
※ 編輯: LikeAChild 來自: (07/25 03:04)

07/25 09:41, , 5F
超級酷的~~小球越來越年輕了~~XDDDD 看到最后一句,我笑
07/25 09:41, 5F

07/25 09:44, , 6F
了,太好玩啦~~炸雞排!!! Not Idols But Friends!!!YA!!!
07/25 09:44, 6F

07/25 10:35, , 7F
那個我想問下,第四段里面的feel me up有沒錯,怎么我老感
07/25 10:35, 7F

07/25 10:37, , 8F
好吧..貌似也沒錯= =
07/25 10:37, 8F

07/25 11:12, , 9F
feel me up那段是說想要摸她的意思...就有點被性騷擾
07/25 11:12, 9F

07/25 11:16, , 10F
07/25 11:16, 10F

07/25 11:49, , 11F
07/25 11:49, 11F

07/25 12:03, , 12F
艾草 板標......... 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈
07/25 12:03, 12F

07/25 13:19, , 13F
炸雞排的女孩 好好聽XDDD
07/25 13:19, 13F

07/25 13:28, , 14F
為什麼那雞排要離開 女孩不明白 .... 好想哭 T^T
07/25 13:28, 14F

07/25 14:25, , 15F
炸雞排女孩 xDD
07/25 14:25, 15F

07/25 14:45, , 16F
07/25 14:45, 16F

07/26 00:01, , 17F
07/26 00:01, 17F

07/26 00:10, , 18F
喬治捏~~~好久好久好久沒有見了!!! 打粉處處在 處處有打粉
07/26 00:10, 18F

07/26 01:53, , 19F
07/26 01:53, 19F

07/26 02:03, , 20F
07/26 02:03, 20F

07/26 02:04, , 21F
07/26 02:04, 21F

07/26 02:04, , 22F
07/26 02:04, 22F

07/26 02:04, , 23F
07/26 02:04, 23F

07/26 02:05, , 24F
07/26 02:05, 24F

07/26 02:05, , 25F
07/26 02:05, 25F

07/26 02:06, , 26F
07/26 02:06, 26F

07/26 02:06, , 27F
07/26 02:06, 27F

07/26 02:06, , 28F
07/26 02:06, 28F

07/26 02:07, , 29F
07/26 02:07, 29F

07/26 02:07, , 30F
our English are poor.(檢查文法中!!!XDD)
07/26 02:07, 30F

07/26 02:07, , 31F
07/26 02:07, 31F

07/26 15:18, , 33F
07/26 15:18, 33F

07/26 16:11, , 34F
老闆一定放棄看這一篇文章XDDDDDD 所以就沒推文XDDDDDD
07/26 16:11, 34F

07/26 16:14, , 35F
07/26 16:14, 35F

07/27 23:33, , 36F
哇!!!是英文耶......這是我這篇的心得XDDD GooD JOB!!!
07/27 23:33, 36F

07/28 01:29, , 37F
07/28 01:29, 37F
文章代碼(AID): #1AQV1VIu (katncandix2)