[XD] 饒舌爭霸戰:史蒂芬史匹柏vs希區考克vs...

看板joke作者 (TC)時間9年前 (2014/12/16 18:33), 編輯推噓8(801)
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英文字幕 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wYtG7aQTHA
繼拉斯普丁vs史達林後,又一部大亂鬥出來了,不過這次怎麼看都有一位主坦啊XDD EpicLLOYD這次特殊化妝化了九小時,辛苦他了 史蒂芬·史匹柏 代表作《侏儸紀公園》、《辛德勒的名單》、《搶救雷恩大兵》、《大白鯊》 《E.T.外星人》 Learning from your films to become a much better director 史匹柏高中時曾經溜進環球影城偷看希區考克拍戲 Now picture a 3 billion dollar dream machine 史匹柏目前淨資產約三十億美元 Try to Duel with me Alfred, ya must be Psycho 雙關史匹柏的《飛輪喋血》(Duel)與希區考克的《驚魂記》(Psycho) I'll bring back JAWS and take a bite of your Lifeboat 雙關史匹柏的《大白鯊》(JAWS)和希區考克的《救生艇》(Lifeboat) I'm always so on the top of my game, I get the Vertigo 雙關希區考克的《迷魂記》(Vertigo) I rocked the Academy and the DGA You rock as many Oscars as that schlep Michael Bay 史匹柏拿過三次美國導演工會(DGA)電影類最佳導演獎與四次奧斯卡最佳導演獎 希區考克被提名奧斯卡最佳導演5次但未獲獎,跟麥可貝一樣(中槍1) Check the trade, see me Amblin to my next big play Amblin是史匹柏的公司 I produce cartoons and made games for all ages Amblin有做動畫跟遊戲(例如榮譽勳章系列) 希區考克 代表作《驚魂記》 《鳥》 《39號台階》 That was a Close Encounter of the Turd Kind 雙關史匹柏的《第三類接觸》(Close Encounters of the Third Kind) Half your billions should go to John Williams John Williams是史匹柏長期合作的作曲家,兩人合作超過27部電影 You're more horrible than Megan Fox's acting in Transformers 你比梅根福克斯在變形金剛的演技還爛(中槍2) Come on, fish puppets and Muppets to stir the fears up I squeezed screams out of chocolate syrup 希區考克說史匹柏的魚布偶(大白鯊是機械做的)根本嚇不了人 我光用巧克力醬就嚇壞一堆人(《驚魂記》中的血拍攝時是用巧克力醬) Damage panderers and haunt you like the last Indiana 冤魂不散纏著你(希區考克已過世)就像印地安那瓊斯4(史匹柏的黑歷史之一) 昆汀塔倫提諾 代表作《黑色追緝令》《追殺比爾》 Alfred, you got no style dawg, I'm the king of dialogue 相較於希區考克,昆汀塔倫提諾常用一連串的長台詞 There's only one movie I know you from 希區考克幾乎只有《驚魂記》(的淋浴鏡頭那段)較為人知 (不過昆汀塔倫提諾的作品我也只記得《追殺比爾》...希區考克我還知道《鳥》 《北西北》等) And I've seen more blood in the shower when I stubbed my toe in one 昆汀塔倫提諾以大量噴血畫面聞名,他說我切腳趾的血都比在淋浴間 (《驚魂記》的淋浴鏡頭)流的多 You tried to fight in World War One but couldn't do that The British Army wouldn't let you join cause you were too fat 希區考克因為體重過重在一戰時被英軍拒絕入伍 Due to War of the Worlds a failure's what I label you It looked like some sell-out bullshit Michael Bay would do 昆汀說《世界大戰》(War of the Worlds)超失敗,根本像賣bullshit的麥可貝會拍的片 (中槍3) Ask anybody "What's your favorite Sam Jackson part?" No one's gonna say "What's his name, from Jurassic Park?" 山繆傑克森跟昆汀合作多次,在侏儸紀公園中演出Ray Arnold一角但根本沒人記得 (我也不記得...) Scripts that I write ain't the, cleanest (fuck!) But when I grip mics I'm the, meanest (dick!) 昆汀的電影充滿大量髒字 A bad motherfucker from the wallet to the penis 《黑色追緝令》的經典片段:bad motherfucker wallet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUuwd8Z0l_4
史丹利·庫柏力克 代表作《奇愛博士》、《2001太空漫遊》(個人認為最讚科幻片)、 《發條橘子》、《鬼店》 Do another take and get it right, 127 times 庫柏力克拍《鬼店》曾重拍了一個鏡頭127次,金氏世界紀錄「重拍最多次的有台詞鏡頭」 I'll make you learn to love me, I'm the bomb, drop ultraviolet rhymes Like Clockwork, make you all hurt, beat Spielberg the Color Purple learn to love me, I'm the bomb雙關《奇愛博士》的副標題How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb。雙關《發條橘子》(A Clockwork Orange)和史匹柏的 《紫色姐妹花》(Color Purple) AI is the worst waste of potential since the Ninja Turtles 《A.I.人工智慧》版權一開始被庫柏力克買下,由於當時電影科技水平的限制被暫時擱置 。庫柏力克看了《侏羅紀公園》特效的成功,促使庫柏力克改編了劇本,並與史匹柏探討 了劇本。庫柏力克去世後,史匹柏接手了庫柏力克留下的筆記,並於2001年推出。但結局 遭到不少批評。 《忍者龜:變種世代》於2009年把版權轉手給麥可貝的製作公司白金沙丘魔堡(中槍4) 麥可貝 代表作 《變形金剛》 That's enough, I've heard enough crap from all of you 麥可貝:嗆我嗆夠沒 If there's one thing I've learned, bitch, this game is about motherfucking money. I make that dollar, y'all, motherfucking money 好萊塢就是motherfucking money啦 Even make Mark Wahlberg make some motherfucking money Mark Wahlberg是變形金剛4主角 I give the people what they love, while the critics say I'm evil Got no time to read reviews, while I'm working on the sequel 雖然評論家說我很邪惡,但我只是給觀眾看他們愛的(爆炸!!!!) 沒空讀評論因為我忙著拍續集 When it comes to blowing up, no director is my equal 麥可貝的特色就是:爆炸!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/joke/M.1418725980.A.467.html

12/16 18:39, , 1F
12/16 18:39, 1F

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12/16 18:58, , 3F
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12/16 18:59, , 4F
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12/16 19:23, , 5F
Mother Fucking Money!
12/16 19:23, 5F

12/16 19:40, , 6F
12/16 19:40, 6F

12/16 20:10, , 7F
12/16 20:10, 7F

12/16 20:53, , 8F
12/16 20:53, 8F

12/16 23:33, , 9F
看到michael bomb 就笑了
12/16 23:33, 9F
文章代碼(AID): #1Ka0fSHd (joke)