[台北] Macro Strategy RA, Yuanta IC 元大投顧

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job版禁止張貼違反「就業服務法」、性別平等工作法」、勞基法」與其他法律之文 章 發文者已同意一切遵循現行法律,並確知文責自負。本工作確實勞健保! 此兩行刪除,文章會被刪除不另通知。 請各位資方配合遵守。 【公司名稱】Yuanta Investment Consulting, Yuanta Holdings 元大金控-元大證券投資顧問 【工作職缺】Global Macro Strategy Research Associate, Equity Research Departme nt 元大投顧研究中心 【工作內容】 1. Full-time Global Macro, Cross Asset, and Equity Strategy research position in Taipei 2. Responsibilities may include, but not limited to, region/asset class covera ge, report drafting, slides presentations, and actual duties will depend on ca pabilities and experiences 3. This is a hardcore research and analytics role at the sell-side, where mate rials and daily news and information at work are heavily in English. Will occa sionally write in English 【徵求條件】 1. A full-time Bachelors or above degree, with an Economics, Finance, or Busin ess major at any level; or, has transcripts of lifetime credits comparable to such majors 3. Exposures in science, technology, industry, and (any) research are valued w hile fresh graduates are welcome 4.Intelligent, detailed, sophisticated, able to work solo, as a team, and unde r pressure 5. Motivated to excel in investment research and willing to work diligently 6. Advanced in English skills 7. Senior Securities Specialist certificate (高業) and pass Basic Test on Fina ncial Markets and Professional Ethics (金融市場常識與職業道德測驗) is a must. ※為保障板友就業機會平等,雇主對求職人或所僱用員工,不得以種族、階級 、語言、思想、宗教、黨派、籍貫、出生地、性別、性傾向、年齡、婚姻、 容貌、五官、身心障礙或以往工會會員身分為由,予以歧視。 【工作地點】台北市大安區敦化南路二段 【工作時間】7:00-16:30 【月休】週休二日 【公司福利】 【薪資範圍】 月薪4萬元以上 【需求人數】1 【聯絡人/連絡方式】johan.huang@yuanta.com 【其他備註】 https://www.104.com.tw/job/7pmns?jobsource=cs_2018indexpoc -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/job/M.1661184738.A.9F0.html
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