[海外] [新加坡] 半導體廠產品工程師已刪文

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目前我課上缺人,所以幫我老闆PO徵人啟事 工作內容詳細介紹如下,若有意願,還請依下述資訊提供英文履歷,謝謝 。 【公司名稱】 Systems on Silicon Manufacturing Company Pte Ltd (SSMC) 【工作職位】 產品工程師/Product Engineer 【工作內容】 1. Resolve yield, quality and reliability issues in the qualification of new devices. 2. Perform pre-tapeout risk assessment and communication with Business line/ Fab on the necessary actions to eliminate/ minimize risk. 3. Conduct product yield analysis to identify root causes of wafer sort and final test failures. 4. Work with Customers and Account Managers to maximize die output. 5. Establish product low yield criteria and dispositioning. 6. Provide product engineering support to failure analysis lab for electrical fault isolation. 7. Provide product engineering support to reliability lab to understand and resolve reliability failures. 8. Compliance to safety, discipline and housekeeping rules. 9. Support cost reduction through yield improvement and resolving excursion. 10. Participate in continuous yield and productivity improvement projects. 11. Provide guidance to junior engineers in daily duties. 【徵求條件】 1. Bachelor's Degree in Engineering (Electrical/Electronic) or equivalent. 2. 2 years of relevant product engineering experiences in front-end wafer fab environment or Candidates without experience are welcome to apply. 3. In depth knowledge of semiconductor device physics, electrical & electronics engineering fundamentals & wafer fabrication processes. 4. Strong analytical and problem solving skills. 5. Good communication and interpersonal skills. 【工作地點】 新加坡 【工作時間】 08:30-18:00(午休1小時) 【月休】 週休二日,比照新加坡政府行事曆 【公司福利】 -保13,季獎金 大概一個月,分紅大概一個月,但是只是預估值,依據考績可以拿到更多 -有伙食/旅遊補助/醫療補助/牙醫補助 -特休一進去15天/年,病假14天/年,住院病假60天/年 -當年(2018)我來時候,公司有附來新加坡機票/簽約金 【薪資範圍】 月薪SGD 5000~7000 (面議) (台灣個人所得稅率為5%至40%,新加坡個人所得稅率為2%至22%) 【需求人數】 2位 【聯絡人/連絡方式】 請將英文履歷”同時”寄至: tian.yow.lim@ssmc.com (my boss: Lim Tian Yow) q8300881@gmail.com (Owen) 感謝 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (新加坡) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/job/M.1655916680.A.81B.html
文章代碼(AID): #1YiqY8WR (job)