[歐美] 英國獨立報採訪A片經紀人:拍A片能賺多少ꐊ時間: Thu Dec 20 14:23:53 2018

看板japanavgirls作者 (胸奴王)時間5年前 (2018/12/20 14:23), 5年前編輯推噓11(1107)
留言18則, 12人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/1
HOW MUCH PORN STARS REALLY GET PAID, ACCORDING TO LEADING AGENT FOR ADULT ACTORS 成人片女優究竟賺多少錢? 根據大牌經紀人的說法 'I don’t think that adult stars make as much money as the general public perceives them to make,' says Derek Hay Derek Hay(英國男優 在加州開自己的A片經紀公司):'我不認為成人演員賺的有一般大眾想 像來的多' https://reurl.cc/e3p1L --- To those outside the adult industry, it can often seem like a mystery completely alien to most people’s day to day lives. A片產業對一般人而言很神秘,大家需要它卻對這個行業一無所知 While consumers of porn enjoy watching it, they rarely consider the actresses and actors at the heart of the films. But why do people become porn performers? How much do they get paid and does this depend on what they do? 當消費者在尻尻爽時,很少有人想到A片演員的情況和處境,他們為什麼入行? 他們拿 到多少錢? 跟他們演的類型有關嗎? The Independent spoke to Derek Hay - the founder of LA Direct Models which represents many of the top adult performers - via Skype from his offices in Las Vegas, Nevada. Hay, who is British-born, co-founded the company in 2000 after performing as an adult actor himself. 我們採訪了前男優Derek Hay,LA Direct Models經紀公司的創辦人,他的辦公室在 拉斯維加斯,這個英國人2000年跟人共同創立這家公司,並逐漸從螢幕前轉幕後 Overseeing and managing the pay of his clients is part of his job. The pay for adult performers is not set in stone, and usually vastly depends on what they are willing to do. As standard, a female performer in a scene with an male performer could expect to earn around $1,000 (£800), a scene with another woman would see them earn around $700-800 (£550). The rates could go up or down by 10 to 20 per cent depending on who the performer is, their agent and other factors. 為他的客戶談判拍片酬勞是他的部份工作,價格並非鐵板一塊,很大程度決定於男女優 願意拍什麼類型,一男一女的價位在1000美元上下,如果是一男二女大約女優賺800, 根據名氣 經紀人或其他因素價位可能波動20%上下 However, for some scenes this pay cheque can increase significantly, more so if it involves a sexual act the performer has not done before as the studio will raise their pay in order to incentivise the actress. 然而有的類型酬勞可能大幅提高,比如女優沒做過的體位、多P或綑綁等等,片商會 願意多付錢來吸引女優來拍'某某第一次XX'藉此贏過對手 "For the right girl, for whatever reason which could vary, to do acts like their first anal scene, first interracial scene, first scene with three, four or five guys, those scenes could pay premium rates. A company’s studios would offer a particular girl a much higher rate to induce her to accept the offer to shoot that kind of scene. That’s always been the case, but in the past few years a number of different studios have put a lot of prominence on those kind of scenes and the rates offered to models to do that have increased markedly." '像第一次肛交、第一次被黑人幹、第一次跟3 4 5個男的gangbang,這些片可以賺更多額 外的報酬,片商為了吸引特定女優拍這些片願意花大錢,但最近幾年有些片商專門在拍 某些類型的片,他們願意付更多錢所以女優的收入跟著水漲船高' And what is premium rate? According to Hay, a model could be offered anywhere from $2,000 to $6,000 for a first anal sex scene, for example. "I have seen figures higher than that but they are not common," he says. 根據Hay,第一次肛肛大約2000到6000美元,'我看過更高價的不過不常見' The fact that an adult actress could be paid more to do her first scene with a black performer is something that stands out and seems remarkably offensive to someone not in the business. When pressed about this, Hay insisted there is "no race element" to the higher pay being offered. 女演員跟黑人男優拍第一次也可以拿到更多錢,對不在業內的人會覺得很敏感, 但Hay堅持這沒有種族歧視 "Interracial is no big deal… it is another one of those things. A girl might say 'I’m not comfortable to do that' and later in her career may say she is. Later along the way a company may offer her money to incentivise her to do it … it is an open market, the same as anything else." '跨種族性愛不是問題,這只是另外一種類型,女明星可能一開始拒絕拍,但後來還是會 鬆口,於是片商就會捧著鈔票引誘這個女明星拍黑人片,這是自由市場跟其他多P BDSM一 樣 However, in a 2013 article for the Daily Beast entitled 'Interracial Sex Still Taboo for Many Porn Stars", former adult actress Aurora Snow wrote: "On-camera race relations are a complicated topic—particularly the way they have been translated in porn’s fantasyland." 然而13年Daily Beast刊出一篇文章'跨種族性愛對許多女明星仍是禁忌',前女優Aurora Snow寫道''鏡頭前的種族問題很複雜,特別是在色情片的幻想世界中要把它拍出來'' There have been suggestions that pay rates for performers have dropped in recent years, however Hay says this is not necessarily the case and that instead they have just stagnated. "For some special acts [rates] have actually gone higher, but rates in general have not risen in last five years or so. There has been no increase in relation to inflation, they haven’t really fallen they have just plateaud." 有很多情報顯示A片的酬勞在近年來降低,但Hay說主因是大環境不佳,''有的類型仍然 價碼往上走,但大部分的經費過去5年來都沒漲--考慮通膨的話,片酬沒有下降,但薪水 的確凍漲' In a world where the gender pay gap is pervasive in a plethora of industries, porn is an exception. Hay says it is "universally known that women get paid a lot more" but said successful male actors are paid "what most people would think is a lot" and suggested they have an advantage in being able to work more than women. 在這個男女收入不均充斥的世界,大部分的產業男女收入不均,但色情片是例外,Hay說 ''女星當然會得到更多片酬,但出名的男優賺到的錢大部分人都會認為超多,男優有優勢 的地方在於可以得到更多拍攝機會'' The average salaries for female performers vary massively, and Hay explains the disparity in pay in the industry by comparing it to what Zlatan Ibrahimovic makes to a below-conference league footballer. 女星的收入差異極大,Hay用瑞典足球巨星Zlatan Ibrahimovic和發展聯盟的差異來比喻 這行的薪水差距 “In our business there are some fairly standardised rates but what any one girl makes over the course of a year hugely depends on her, her characteristics and what agency she is with. '這行的收入起初都有公道價,但有的女孩入行一年以後會身價暴漲,這要看她的個人特質 跟經紀公司而定' "I don’t think that adult stars make as much money as the general public perceives them to make. I don’t think there’s anybody, even the biggest stars, who are making more than half a million a year, but if some of the top stars are making $300,000-400,000 per year, by most people’s perception that would still be a lot of money I think." '我不認為色情明星有外人想的那麼好賺,我不認為有人一年可以賺50萬美元就算是最大 牌的,但如果頂尖的賺到年收30-40萬,一般人也會覺得很多' While porn performers are still making a lot of money, one way in which the industry has hugely transformed in recent years is due to the increase in streaming sites which Hay says has "hugely" damaged the industry. 雖然當紅的女優們仍然賺大錢,但色情業正在轉變,Hay說免費線上收看網站正在'嚴重 侵蝕'整個A片產業 “Most of the tube sites have stolen content on them which they make available for people to view for free. Most people that want to watch adult content are aware they can watch it for free and do so. Obviously that has damaged the studios who produce scenes and movies and some of them have gone out of business and many of them shoot less than they otherwise would, because they cannot maintain their sales that they formerly could before people were stealing their content.” '大部份的免付費觀看網站偷走片商的內容,觀眾透過它們可以免費看片,這使得有的片場 關門、有的減少拍攝即使他們應該拍更多才對,片商沒辦法賺到以前一樣的錢因為大家 都在偷走他們的努力成果 In an industry which is very much judged on appearance, one could presume that the average career length of a female performer might be more short-lived than most. However, Hay says due to the rising popularity of porn featuring older women, many adult actresses can now expect to work until their mid to late thirties. 這是個很重視外表的行業,一般人認為女優的平均生涯壽命很短,但Hay解釋隨著老女人 的口味越來越被觀眾喜愛,很多女優可以做到將近40歲 "The two most searched terms in porn are teen and milf. There are fashions and trends in porn just like in everything else, like music and clothing ... about eight years ago, this phenomenon came along and it has never gone away. It is phenomenally successful. Pretty much any girl who is in the business and gets to her late twenties is going to get offered work that typecast her as ‘milf'. More specifically, if you are a performer who comes in the business in your twenties you could potentially stay in until you are generally mid thirties, with some exceptions girls like Julia Ann and Jessica Drake who are real standout stars." '最常被搜尋的字眼就是'青少人'跟'MILF(我要幹媽媽)',這就跟音樂 衣服一樣已經是一 種流行趨勢,大約8年前MILF片就開始興起而且從未退燒,我們看到巨大的成功,很多女星 到了20年尾就會收到片商的邀約,A片標題就會主打這個女星是'MILF',如果你是25歲比較 晚入行的你可能可以工作個10年沒問題,像Julia Ann 和Jessica Drake就是很成功的例子 So how does he decide what actors and models LA Direct will represent? "Obviously their appearance, age, attitude and demeanour but I am also interested in their motivation and ambition. 所以經紀人如何決定要簽哪個素人或明星? Hay表示取決於外表 年齡 態度 舉止 不過動機和企圖心也是因素之一 "This business now is extremely competitive. In certain states like California, Nevada, Florida and others there is little-to-no taboo left for a girl working in this industry. Girls come out of their teens and have decided 'this is what I want to do with my life'. Any of those old antiquated ideas that girls come into business because they are from downtrodden or abused childhoods, there is no truth to it whatsoever nowadays." '這行現在極度競爭,在加州、內華達、佛羅里達等地方A片明星什麼都拍,很多女生18歲 就出道而且把色情業當成終身志業,有的觀念比較保守的女孩也會入行,因為她們從童年 就被虐待或施暴,這不是什麼秘密了' "I am really interested in taking on a model with a long term goal, I’m not really interested in taking on a girl who has a loan to pay off or doesn’t really know if she wants to do this or not but maybe wants to for a few months to earn some money. Depending on the girl, I may or may not take her but it is far less interesting to me." '我很喜歡跟女星們談她們的長期目標,我對一個只想付房租或根本了解色情業或只想賺 幾個月快錢的女生沒興趣,如果她條件很好我可能會簽,但我就不會對她的一切有興趣' And when they successfully land a casting agent and representative, how do adult actors and actresses land films? Hay says it is pretty straightforward: studios call up after seeing one of the models on their website. There is no sleazy audition system that some might expect, clarifying that "casting couches" (where actresses are asked for favours in order to get roles) are not the norm. 那片商是如何挑選男女優的? Hay說非常簡單,片商看過經紀公司的網站後就會打電話 給他,然後就把他們送去拍片,在A片裡面看到女優坐在沙發談價碼開幹多半是演的, 有經紀公司的女優都是經紀人負責談價碼跟條件 “I couldn’t say that it has never happened in our business but it is extremely rare,” he says claiming it is just as likely to happen in Hollywood. '在沙發上談那種我不能說沒有但超級少,可能只有在好萊屋才有演吧' “Most commonly there is no audition or casting ... some studios do like to see the models and they would ask for a ‘go-see’ which is as simple as that going to see someone. It might last 10 minutes: a girl shows up, sees the person, they chat, they understand a little bit about their personality. They will probably ask them to get naked just to see their body in person and ask do they look like the pictures on the agency website? Have they gained or lost any weight, got any tattoos not displayed, any scars or piercings, and contact the agent back and tell us whether they wish to hire the model or not. '選秀或直接談價碼很少見,有的片商的確會安排這種會面大約10分鐘左右:女的跟片商的 人先聊天、問女優的背景個性、然後叫女優脫衣服確認跟經紀網站的照片相符、體重有沒 有灌水、有沒有刺青疤痕穿環,然後聯絡我們的經紀人決定是否成交' "They don’t have to do anything except be fit and healthy, look like their pictures and be ready to work." '我的客戶不用做什麼事,只要他們身材好健康,跟照片中的一樣,就可以開拍了' ---- 這篇去年的文章可以一窺西洋片的內幕 以前10的Gianna Michaels為例 在2014的身價400萬 拍過超過500部以上 扣掉代言或其他收入 平均片酬大概5000-6000鎂 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/japanavgirls/M.1545287037.A.8DD.html

12/20 14:28, 5年前 , 1F
12/20 14:28, 1F

12/20 14:44, 5年前 , 2F
12/20 14:44, 2F

12/20 14:44, 5年前 , 3F
還不如來台灣賣 隨便掛個洋妞都好幾萬還搶著要
12/20 14:44, 3F
你是說俄羅斯援交妹? 這我就不懂了...

12/20 14:51, 5年前 , 4F
12/20 14:51, 4F

12/20 14:52, 5年前 , 5F
12/20 14:52, 5F
一般人覺得多 可是跟一般影視演員比算少 Julia Roberts 2018年130萬 收入top10 同樣top 10 Gianna Michaels 如果一鏡算1萬也要拍130場 何況還有道德因素... 色情明星沒表面風光QQ 太競爭+免費網站侵蝕

12/20 16:05, 5年前 , 6F
12/20 16:05, 6F

12/20 16:06, 5年前 , 7F
Gianna Michaels還有在拍片嗎 好像都在做私人的
12/20 16:06, 7F
不確定 不過她是經典!

12/20 16:43, 5年前 , 8F
12/20 16:43, 8F

12/20 18:39, 5年前 , 9F
Julia Ann真的是一代傳奇,在業界待了25年有了
12/20 18:39, 9F
從我1歲拍到現在快50 可是假奶我不愛XD 歐美假奶跟MILF的市場超大! ※ 編輯: bigDwinsch (, 12/20/2018 21:50:33

12/21 13:33, 5年前 , 10F
12/21 13:33, 10F

12/21 13:33, 5年前 , 11F
12/21 13:33, 11F

12/21 20:06, 5年前 , 12F
12/21 20:06, 12F

12/21 20:06, 5年前 , 13F
12/21 20:06, 13F

12/21 20:06, 5年前 , 14F
12/21 20:06, 14F

12/21 20:06, 5年前 , 15F
12/21 20:06, 15F

12/23 06:54, 5年前 , 16F
12/23 06:54, 16F

12/23 06:55, 5年前 , 17F
更正 好像超過60了,是部肛交片
12/23 06:55, 17F

12/24 18:08, 5年前 , 18F
12/24 18:08, 18F
文章代碼(AID): #1S6pLzZT (japanavgirls)