[閒聊] 好市多官網Q&A

看板hypermall作者 (範馬刃牙)時間8年前 (2015/10/02 22:40), 8年前編輯推噓3(4114)
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有鑑於剛剛有版友遭遇到好市多退貨櫃台的質疑 小弟也發現好市多的網頁Q&A有些許的不同 目前官網的 如何辦理退貨?退貨期限為何?在台中店買的商品可以在高雄店退嗎? 您在好市多所購買的商品均享有「100% 零風險滿意保證」, 若商品有任何瑕疵或您不滿意,好市多將全額退款。 電視、電腦、相機、攝影機、iPod/ MP3 播放器和手機 須自購買起90天之內辦理退貨。 在好市多購買及安裝的輪胎皆享有5年好市多輪胎道路損壞保證, 詳洽好市多輪胎部。 不論您在哪一個賣場購買的商品,皆可請會員本人至最近的 賣場會員部櫃檯辦理退貨。 台灣區各賣場位置請參考賣場位置網頁。 請您配合以下事項: 1. 原發票如打統一編號,請攜帶公司發票章。 2. 若付款方式為信用卡,請務必攜帶原信用卡。 3. 若購買商品的發票及收據遺失,請務必攜帶會員卡。 英文版本 How do I return products? Can I return at another Costco location? Costco guarantees your satisfaction on every product we sell with a full refund. The following must be returned within 90 days of purchase for a refund: televisions, projectors, computers, cameras, camcorders, touch screen tablets, MP3 players and cellular phones. All tires sold through Costco Wholesale are covered by a 5-year Road Hazard Warranty protecting customers against treadwear damage and tire failure. Please visit Costco Tire Center for details. Please bring the product with the receipt to the nearest Costco membership counter for refund. To expedite the return process, please: 1.bring the company seal if your Company Tax ID was issued on the original receipt 2.bring your credit card if the item was paid by credit card 3.bring your Costco membership card if you have lost the receipt ----------------------以上現行官網版--------------------------------- 下方舊版官網的不知多久前的(參考文章代碼#1Goz-RqH) How do I return merchandise? 我要怎麼退貨呢? Bring your merchandise and receipt directly to our membership desk for afull and courteous refund. It is helpful (but not required) if you bring the original packaging and literature as well. 帶著商品和收據到櫃台,就可以拿到全額退款。 如果有包裝和說明書更好,但這不是必要的條件。 ----------------------改了也不說分隔線-------------------------------- 特此提醒各位版友,除了Q&A,會員規章也是如此有些許的不同。 怎麼解讀?我想會員跟好市多櫃台各有一套,咱們就看戲吧! -- 我要的,他們要的,那些為國家拋頭顱灑熱血的人要的 是我們的國家愛我們 就像我們愛她一樣! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/hypermall/M.1443796821.A.905.html ※ 編輯: LiDiDoWe (, 10/02/2015 22:41:33

10/03 02:59, , 1F
10/03 02:59, 1F

10/03 07:01, , 2F
10/03 07:01, 2F

10/03 07:01, , 3F
10/03 07:01, 3F

10/03 07:02, , 4F
10/03 07:02, 4F

10/03 07:02, , 5F
10/03 07:02, 5F

10/03 14:47, , 6F
10/03 14:47, 6F

10/03 14:47, , 7F
10/03 14:47, 7F

10/03 21:07, , 8F
呃,所以你的重點是什麼?舊版是寫的太偷懶 很多會員會多跑
10/03 21:07, 8F

10/03 21:08, , 9F
一趟 寫清楚點不是很好嗎?
10/03 21:08, 9F

10/03 21:54, , 10F
舊版的QA說, 包裝跟說明書不一定必要。 新版的沒特別
10/03 21:54, 10F

10/03 21:54, , 11F
10/03 21:54, 11F

10/04 13:48, , 12F
10/04 13:48, 12F

10/04 17:58, , 13F
10/04 17:58, 13F

10/04 17:59, , 14F
10/04 17:59, 14F

10/05 12:16, , 15F
10/05 12:16, 15F

10/05 22:26, , 16F
10/05 22:26, 16F

10/05 22:27, , 17F
你表達的語意不清 又說等著看戲 真無聊...
10/05 22:27, 17F

10/07 01:06, , 18F
10/07 01:06, 18F

10/07 01:07, , 19F
10/07 01:07, 19F
文章代碼(AID): #1M3fTLa5 (hypermall)