[求譜] 可以幫我抓間奏的solo嗎?

看板guitar作者 (Layla)時間13年前 (2011/01/13 19:41), 編輯推噓0(000)
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歌名: Much too soon Michael Jackson的柔情歌,看標題似乎是Tommy伴奏? 1:37 開始的那段bridge我不會抓....但是沒有很長 想請教板上的大大,能把這段做起來就還蠻好聽的耶 還是附上歌詞: She was there just sitting at the table Thinking now that things won't be the same And would you like to go with me? And she answered No... to me But I guess I learned my lesson much too soon I never thought she'll leave me here forever But who knows just what the future brings And would you like to go with me? And she answered No... to me But I guess I learned my lesson much too soon Take away this never ending sorrow Take this lonely feeling from my soul If only I knew what things bring tomorrow She'd be sitting here beside me And my heart would let me go I hope to make a change now for the better Never letting fate to control my soul And I'm hoping that my prayers will see The day that you'll come back to me But I guess I learned my lesson much too soon Hmmmmmmmmmmm Yes I guess I learned my lesson much too soon -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
文章代碼(AID): #1DBkJG1L (guitar)