台大 盡量詳解 106英文A

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各位好: 此份答案 附上出題來源 相信這會幫助到 對英文有興趣的同學 可以每天看一篇 增加語感與單字量 也可能可以體會 台大英文出題的邏輯 (但有的可能是學校自己出的 就找不到了) 單字題 大多是是從第三方摘取下來的題目 只有少數有原文改寫 或是自己出題 (但也可能 我搜尋不夠徹底XD) 文法題 有的給考點提示 (有的很難解釋 這時候語感可以幫助) 但是還有一兩題答案值得商確 希望神人一起討論 填空題 除了附上題目出處 選項單詞都盡量給予解釋 總結: 朋友需要英文協助 加上我覺得這份考卷挺美的XD 放上來 大家一起加油 而且覺得老師出題挺辛苦的 題目來源 包羅萬象 PS 不確定PTT是否可以直接連結 建議傳到自己郵件 或是 複製到其他地方 比較好打開 超連結喔 1.D 暖身題XD A 瘋子 B精神病院 (nuts 堅果 口語有瘋子的意思) C肉豆蔻 2.B http://edition.cnn.com/2016/01/18/us/flint-michigan-water-crisis-five-thi ngs/ 3.D https://myspace.com/article/2016/9/6/pottermore-presents-harry-potter-ebo oks 4. A https://www.inc.com/nicolas-cole/7-traits-older-generations-dont-understa nd-about-millennials-written-by-a-millen.html 5. B http://www.talentsmart.com/articles/8-Secrets-of-Great-Communicators-1395 382425-p-1.html 6. A http://www.popsci.com/10-brain-myths-busted 7. D http://www.popsci.com/10-brain-myths-busted#page-10 8. C http://www.popsci.com/10-brain-myths-busted#page-12 9. D http://www.propheadsphoto.com/airwaves/ 10. B https://www.inc.com/jeff-haden/harvard-psychologist-says-this-trait-matt ers-most-10-ways-to-make-a-great-first-.html 11. C http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/uk-sleep-report-calls-for-national-s leep-strategy_us_56fda1fde4b0daf53aef4dd9 12. B https://mic.com/articles/164230/how-to-break-the-habit-of-checking-your- phone-all-the-time#.dxB13gtx5 13. D http://www.health.harvard.edu/diseases-and-conditions/going-off-antidepr essants 14. C http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/uk-sleep-report-calls-for-national-s leep-strategy_us_56fda1fde4b0daf53aef4dd9 15. C https://newrepublic.com/article/104873/david-bell-future-bookless-librar y 16. B https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2015/11/is-it-harmful-to-use- music-as-a-coping-mechanism/413236/ 17. B http://theconversation.com/is-there-a-natural-limit-to-how-long-humans-c an-live-66460 18. A http://www.popsci.com/article/technology/world%E2%80%99s-most-advanced-b uilding-material-wood 19. D http://www.aph.gov.au/About_Parliament/Parliamentary_Departments/Parliam entary_Library/pubs/rp/rp1516/OverseasStudents 20. A https://www.thefreelibrary.comThe+functions+of+social+support+in+the+men tal+health+of+male+and...-a019005193 7 21. C http://web.mit.edu/rpindyck/www/commodej.pdf 22. A 空洞的 23. C or B 24. D , writing on the wall 不祥之兆, in the wake of sth. 在什麼之後 25. D = Cause (something unpleasant or painful) to be suffered by someone or s omething. Grammar 26. D https://benjaminhardy.com/8-things-every-person-should-do-before-8-a-m-2 / 27. A https://www.inc.com/peter-economy/5-ways-remarkably-successful-people-sp end-the-weekend.html 28. B https://www.fastcompany.com/3066982/why-the-most-productive-people-do-th ese-six-things-every-day 29. A (這題有待商確) 30. C. 31. D 因為有since 不選A 選B or C要注意 這樣整句話 沒動詞@@ ..., known widely as Newton's second law, ... 這是分詞子句來修飾 F=ma 所以known不是真正這句子的動詞 32. A https://journals.ala.org/index.php/rusq/article/view/5635/6959 33. C https://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/04/business/media/michael-bloomberg-to-r eturn-as-chief-of-company-he-founded.html?_r=0 34. C 考比較用法 A. B. 要用as ... as 或是 so...as 35. C 考 Dangling modifiers Passage A http://nymag.com/scienceofus/2016/10/what-are-dreams.html 36. B 37. C 萬花筒似的; 千變萬化的 A. 對立的 (形狀) B. 就是外星人 ET D. 垂直的; 成直角的 38. D Passage B https://www.forbes.com/sites/travisbradberry/2016/07/19/8-secrets-of -great-communicators/#cefc97e30297 39. C 親密關係 A. 脅迫 (形容詞蠻常用的 intimidated ) B. 英勇 D. 褻瀆 40. C 消除 A. 模糊不清的 B. 升級 D. 增加 乘(乘法的乘) 41. A 散發 B. 阻止 C. 慫恿 D. 止血 42. D 成功完成 A. 組合 B. 克服 C. 搶劫 @@ (我第一次看到這個片語@@) Passage C http://www.consumerreports.org/robots-drones/10-ways-drones-are-chan ging-the-world/ 43. A 1. A ghostly apparition; a phantom. 2. A haunting or disturbing image or prospect: the terrible specter of nuclear war. B. 處於觀看者的狀態 (the state of being a spectator) C. 內省 V. D. 君主權杖 N. 44. C 投票 A. B. C. 45. D 使役動詞 have + 原形動詞 46. C 重新審視 A. 撤銷 B. 執行(行) C. 徵稅 impose tax Passage D http://nymag.com/scienceofus/2016/10/what-are-dreams.html 47. D A. 畫...(不會我打你XD) B. 使顯像 使形象化 C. 唸咒語 48. C 這題就考你對整個文章意思有沒有了解了 A. 令人驚訝的 B. 因此 D. 相反的 49. A 仔細的看; 探查 B. glance at 撇見 (介系詞是 at) C. star at 注視 (介系詞用 at) D. Examine 不用介系詞 50. D 考文法 雖然的意思 如果你們知道while的正式文章用法 選這題比較不會痛苦 While: In formal contexts, the meaning of while is similar to "although" B and C 都是在解釋原因 (giving reasons 用的介系詞) A. 就語意不通 XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/graduate/M.1496652396.A.621.html ※ 編輯: P0970509782 (, 06/05/2017 16:55:36

06/05 16:57, , 1F
06/05 16:57, 1F

06/05 16:58, , 2F
06/05 16:58, 2F

06/05 17:26, , 3F
06/05 17:26, 3F

06/05 17:32, , 4F
06/05 17:32, 4F

06/05 17:34, , 5F
06/05 17:34, 5F

06/05 17:38, , 6F
06/05 17:38, 6F

06/05 17:44, , 7F
這個太感人了 推推
06/05 17:44, 7F

06/05 17:47, , 8F
06/05 17:47, 8F

06/05 17:48, , 9F
一定要推阿 辛苦了!
06/05 17:48, 9F

06/05 17:49, , 10F
06/05 17:49, 10F

06/05 18:11, , 11F
扯 必須推
06/05 18:11, 11F

06/05 18:17, , 12F
06/05 18:17, 12F

06/05 18:19, , 13F
06/05 18:19, 13F

06/05 18:39, , 14F
06/05 18:39, 14F

06/05 18:52, , 15F
06/05 18:52, 15F

06/05 18:53, , 16F
06/05 18:53, 16F

06/05 19:21, , 17F
06/05 19:21, 17F

06/05 19:52, , 18F
06/05 19:52, 18F

06/05 19:56, , 19F
06/05 19:56, 19F

06/05 20:02, , 20F
06/05 20:02, 20F

06/05 20:07, , 21F
06/05 20:07, 21F

06/05 20:41, , 22F
06/05 20:41, 22F

06/05 21:05, , 23F
06/05 21:05, 23F

06/05 22:30, , 24F
推推 我愛你
06/05 22:30, 24F

06/05 23:47, , 25F
06/05 23:47, 25F

06/05 23:53, , 26F
06/05 23:53, 26F

06/06 00:01, , 27F
推 超級好人 :)
06/06 00:01, 27F

06/06 00:23, , 28F
06/06 00:23, 28F

06/06 00:37, , 29F
06/06 00:37, 29F

06/06 07:40, , 30F
06/06 07:40, 30F

06/06 13:45, , 31F
你人超好 感動
06/06 13:45, 31F

06/06 21:42, , 32F
06/06 21:42, 32F

06/07 15:10, , 33F
06/07 15:10, 33F

06/07 15:48, , 34F
06/07 15:48, 34F

01/01 18:16, , 35F
01/01 18:16, 35F

01/21 22:31, , 36F
01/21 22:31, 36F

01/23 09:52, , 37F
2020路過推個 另外23題感覺B比較正確
01/23 09:52, 37F
文章代碼(AID): #1PDHfiOX (graduate)