[新聞] 加州通過禁止同志婚姻

看板gay作者 (深情在睫,孤意在眉)時間15年前 (2008/11/06 01:10), 編輯推噓14(14029)
留言43則, 21人參與, 最新討論串1/1
California voters approve Proposition 8 ban on same-sex marriages http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-gaymarriage6-2008nov06,0,2331815.story The measure was the most divisive on the state ballot. Its passage throws into doubt the unions of thousands of recently wed couples. * Proposition 8: Gay marriage ban Yes 52.0% No 48.0% Precincts reporting: ~95.0% By Jessica Garrison, Cara Mia DiMassa and Nancy Vogel 8:35 AM PST, November 5, 2008 A measure to once again ban gay marriage in California was passed by voters in Tuesday's election, throwing into doubt the unions of an estimated 18,000 same-sex couples who wed during the last 4 1/2 months. As Proposition 8, the most divisive and emotionally fraught issue on the state ballot this year, took a lead in early returns, supporters gathered at a hotel ballroom in Sacramento and cheered. "We caused Californians to rethink this issue," Proposition 8 strategist Jeff Flint said. Early in the campaign, he noted, polls showed the measure trailing by 17 points. "I think the voters were thinking, well, if it makes them happy, why shouldn't we let gay couples get married. And I think we made them realize that there are broader implications to society and particularly the children when you make that fundamental change that's at the core of how society is organized, which is marriage," he said. In San Francisco on Tuesday night at the packed headquarters of the "No on 8" campaign party in the Westin St. Francis Hotel, supporters heard from San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom, whose decision to issue same-sex wedding licenses in his city led to the court ruling that made gay marriage briefly legal in the state. . "You decided to live your life out loud. You fell in love and you said, 'I do.' Tonight, we await a verdict," Newsom said, speaking to a roaring crowd before final returns were in. Elsewhere in the country, two other gay-marriage bans, in Florida and Arizona, also won. In both states, laws already defined marriage as a heterosexual institution. But backers pushed to amend the state constitutions, saying that doing so would protect the institution from legal challenges. Proposition 8 was the most expensive proposition on any ballot in the nation this year, with more than $74 million spent by both sides. The measure's most fervent proponents believed that nothing less than the future of traditional families was at stake, while opponents believed that they were fighting for the fundamental right of gay people to be treated equally under the law. "This has been a moral battle," said Ellen Smedley, 34, a member of the Mormon Church and a mother of five who worked on the campaign. "We aren't trying to change anything that homosexual couples believe or want -- it doesn't change anything that they're allowed to do already. It's defining marriage. . . . Marriage is a man and a woman establishing a family unit." On the other side were people like John Lewis, 50, and Stuart Gaffney, 46, who were married in June. They were at the San Francisco party holding a little sign in the shape of pink heart that said, "John and Stuart 21 years." They spent the day campaigning against Proposition 8 with family members across the Bay Area. "Our relationship, our marriage, after 21 years together has been put up for a popular vote," Lewis said. "We have done what anyone would do in this situation: stand up for our family." The battle was closely watched across the nation because California is considered a harbinger of cultural change and because this is the first time voters have weighed in on gay marriage in a state where it was legal. Campaign contributions came from every state in the nation in opposition to the measure and every state but Vermont to its supporters. And as far away as Washington, D.C., gay rights organizations hosted gatherings Tuesday night to watch voting results on Proposition 8. "This is the biggest civil rights struggle for our movement in decades. . . ." said Human Rights Campaign President Joe Solomonese, speaking from a Proposition 8 gathering at a brewery in the nation's capital. "The outcome weighs incredibly heavily on the minds of every single person in the room." Eight years ago, Californians voted 61% to define marriage as being only between a man and a woman. The California Supreme Court overturned that measure, Proposition 22, in its May 15 decision legalizing same-sex marriage on the grounds that the state Constitution required equal treatment of gay and lesbian couples. Opponents of Proposition 8 faced a difficult challenge. Bob Stern, president of the Center for Governmental Studies, said California voters "very, very rarely reverse themselves" especially in such a short time. Both sides waged a passionate -- and at times bitter -- fight over whether to allow same-sex marriages to continue. The campaigns spent tens of millions of dollars in dueling television and radio commercials that blanketed the airwaves for weeks. But supporters and opponents also did battle on street corners and front lawns, from the pulpits of churches and synagogues and -- unusual for a fight over a social issue -- in the boardrooms of many of the state's largest corporations. Most of the state's highest-profile political leaders -- including both U.S. senators and the mayors of San Francisco, San Diego and Los Angeles -- along with the editorial pages of most major newspapers, opposed the measure. PG&E, Apple and other companies contributed money to fight the proposition, and the heads of Silicon Valley companies including Google and Yahoo took out a newspaper ad opposing it. On the other side were an array of conservative organizations, including the Knights of Columbus, Focus on the Family and the American Family Assn., along with tens of thousands of small donors, including many who responded to urging from Mormon, Catholic and evangelical clergy. An early October filing by the "yes" campaign reported so many contributions that the secretary of state's campaign finance website crashed. Proponents also organized a massive grass-roots effort. Campaign officials said they distributed more than 1.1 million lawn signs for Proposition 8 -- although an effort to stage a massive, simultaneous lawn-sign planting in late September failed after a production glitch in China delayed the arrival of hundreds of thousands of signs. Research and polling showed that many voters were against gay marriage, but afraid that saying so would make them seem "discriminatory" or "not cool," said Flint, so proponents hoped to show them they were not alone. Perhaps more powerfully, the Proposition 8 campaign also seized on the issue of education, arguing in a series of advertisements and mailers that children would be subjected to a pro-gay curriculum if the measure was not approved. "Mom, guess what I learned in school today?" a little girl said in one spot. "I learned how a prince married a prince." As the girl's mother made a horrified face, a voice-over said: "Think it can't happen? It's already happened. . . . Teaching about gay marriage will happen unless we pass Proposition 8." Many voters said they had been swayed by that message. "We thought it would go this way," Proposition 8 co-chair Frank Schubert said. "We had 100,000 people on the streets today. We had people in every precinct, if not knocking on doors, then phoning voters in every precinct. We canvassed the entire state of California, one on one, asking people face to face how do they feel about this issue. "And this is the kind of issue people are very personal and private about, and they don't like talking to pollsters, they don't like talking to the media, but we had a pretty good idea how they felt and that's being reflected in the vote count." -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/06 01:12, , 1F
11/06 01:12, 1F

11/06 01:12, , 2F
sad...原來美國也不過如此 (茶)
11/06 01:12, 2F

11/06 01:12, , 3F
11/06 01:12, 3F

11/06 01:14, , 4F
11/06 01:14, 4F

11/06 01:15, , 5F
11/06 01:15, 5F

11/06 01:16, , 6F
11/06 01:16, 6F

11/06 01:16, , 7F
11/06 01:16, 7F

11/06 01:20, , 8F
11/06 01:20, 8F

11/06 01:23, , 9F
11/06 01:23, 9F

11/06 01:24, , 10F
11/06 01:24, 10F
※ 編輯: seawind 來自: (11/06 01:25)

11/06 01:25, , 11F
本來像麻州這麼liberal的地方 似乎不用擔心 但是看到
11/06 01:25, 11F

11/06 01:26, , 12F
加州這樣 我再也不敢過度樂觀了...
11/06 01:26, 12F

11/06 01:26, , 13F
11/06 01:26, 13F

11/06 01:26, , 14F
是啊 砸大錢拍了一堆愚蠢至極的濫宣傳廣告...
11/06 01:26, 14F

11/06 01:28, , 15F
11/06 01:28, 15F

11/06 01:29, , 16F
11/06 01:29, 16F

11/06 01:30, , 17F
加拿大現在是保守黨執政 令人擔憂會不會效法也辦公投
11/06 01:30, 17F
※ 編輯: seawind 來自: (11/06 01:31)

11/06 01:31, , 18F
唉 各國同志要努力撐住啊 目前通過結婚法案的國家
11/06 01:31, 18F

11/06 01:31, , 19F
11/06 01:31, 19F

11/06 01:32, , 20F
數目停滯不前 ~"~ 美國是大國 所以能通過的意義很大
11/06 01:32, 20F

11/06 01:32, , 21F
11/06 01:32, 21F

11/06 01:33, , 22F
我總覺得合法結婚國家數目要突破10 還要至少十年~"~
11/06 01:33, 22F

11/06 01:34, , 23F
只能期盼西歐與北歐了 亞洲我不敢抱任何期待...= =+
11/06 01:34, 23F

11/06 01:51, , 24F
What a shock!
11/06 01:51, 24F

11/06 02:17, , 25F
11/06 02:17, 25F

11/06 02:17, , 26F
11/06 02:17, 26F

11/06 02:19, , 27F
11/06 02:19, 27F

11/06 02:20, , 28F
11/06 02:20, 28F

11/06 02:21, , 29F
11/06 02:21, 29F

11/06 02:22, , 30F
照樓上這麼說 那我寬心了些 但是通過禁令還是難免失落
11/06 02:22, 30F

11/06 02:31, , 31F
11/06 02:31, 31F

11/06 03:51, , 32F
11/06 03:51, 32F

11/06 03:53, , 33F
當時並憲法沒有規定婚姻必須一男一女的變通辦法, 但現在
11/06 03:53, 33F

11/06 03:54, , 34F
憲法已經上架, 我只能悲觀的想這些原本有的權力會被拿掉
11/06 03:54, 34F

11/06 04:00, , 35F
11/06 04:00, 35F

11/06 06:16, , 36F
11/06 06:16, 36F

11/06 06:17, , 37F
11/06 06:17, 37F

11/06 06:17, , 38F
11/06 06:17, 38F

11/06 06:18, , 39F
11/06 06:18, 39F

11/06 11:48, , 40F
摩門教會總會聽說捐款佔了yes on 8的25%....
11/06 11:48, 40F

11/06 13:25, , 41F
11/06 13:25, 41F

11/06 20:44, , 42F
11/06 20:44, 42F

11/06 20:47, , 43F
14條平等的部分... 也許這是另一條路
11/06 20:47, 43F
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