[問題] Country Attire網購地址key錯

看板e-shopping作者 (pilelepalab)時間10年前 (2014/08/05 22:03), 編輯推噓1(101)
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手機排版請見諒 ES版首po希望大家能幫幫我>"< 7/24在Country Attire上訂了一雙Hunter的特價童鞋,因為爬文發現很少有超過一個禮拜還沒收到的 心裡覺得怪怪的就寄信給他們,請他們幫我確認地址,結果發現我key錯地址了啦T_T 以下原文複製: "That was not the address you entered when you placed the order. The address we have sent the parcel to is: Taipei Underpass Jhongjheng District Taipei City 100 Taiwan You will need to contact your post office and let them know that this parcel is on its way and see if they are able to help you receive the parcel when it arrives." 好像是因為key地址時會跑出一個向下拉的選單,我好像按錯了 Taipei Underpass是什麼地方啦~嗚嗚 官方回應是要聯絡郵局,請問有人曾經有這樣的經驗過嗎? 郵局的話是需要找誰詢問? 有沒有其他補救方法呢>"< 最後謝謝大家看完,如果不行的話我只好認了囧rz 補ES點,Country Attire的Hunter童鞋款超便宜!還有10%off折扣碼,但現在好像都剩下小孩子尺寸了:http://www.countryattire.com/shop-by-brand/hunter-boots/hunter-original-kids-wellington-boots-black.html -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/e-shopping/M.1407247383.A.E98.html

08/05 23:57, , 1F
08/05 23:57, 1F

08/06 03:27, , 2F
08/06 03:27, 2F
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