[閒聊] Manufactured Landscapes 衝擊地景

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紀錄片真是讓人恢復元氣的精神泉源啊,尤其這位主角 攝影師真有神!(灑花)(影片簡介附在最後) ⊙Edward Burtynsky http://www.edwardburtynsky.com/ →有許多攝影作品 一直想寫篇心得,但腦子裡有很多擁擠模糊的想法, 又感覺少了些什麼。幸好相關論述、影片分享和評論 也已經夠多了。 預告:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ie5SJ39LsDg
 那一片黃是燦坤員工們 片段:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67j7JlEZzpQ
  ↑這版本好詭異,出現很多片中沒有的畫面耶(驚)  而且配樂也一改原本的白色噪音變得很活潑多樣,  到最後還出現 happy together ……。 ( ̄~ ̄)a ★Burtynsky 半小時放映兼演講:http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/view/id/56 觀眾心得: http://blog.roodo.com/pintolivros/archives/2694738.html http://tinyurl.com/5r2x3r ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Manufactured Landscapes 導演 Jennifer Baichwal 2006, 86min 28 s/ English with Chinese subtitle/ Betacam/ Color 過去三十多年來,世界知名的加拿大重量級攝影家愛德華‧伯汀斯基(Edward Burtynsky) 不斷的透過宏構攝影,將採礦場、垃圾場、資源回收場、水壩等 人類工業所製造出來的景觀,呈現在世人眼前。近幾年來,伯汀斯基把攝影目 標轉向中國,本片製作小組即跟隨伯汀斯基前赴中國,見証與捕捉中國在大規 模工業革命中鮮少為人所見的景觀面向。 本片取景地點包括:三峽大壩,世界上最大的水壩,面積是全球第二大水壩的 兩倍之多;鋼鐵廠,年產量高達兩千萬噸的鋼鐵廠廠內情景;上海,上海都市 更新計畫的規模之大,令人咋舌。 伯汀斯基以照相機捕捉這些地點的工業景觀,本片製作小組則跟隨伯汀斯基的 眼光角度,用攝影機拍下這些地點的工業景觀。全片採用超十六釐米底片拍攝 而成,畫質細膩,色彩飽滿。本片要旨並不在於表達一個單純化的批判,或是 得出一個簡單化的結論,而是將重點放在延伸伯汀斯基的攝影敘事,冥思人類 對地球所造成的衝擊,祈盼透過電影畫面,讓觀眾以另一個角度來覺察人類所 生存的這個世界以及現今人類的生活方式。   For almost three decades, internationally renowned Canadian artist Edward Burtynsky has been creating large scale photographs of landscapes transformed by industry: quarries, scrap heaps, factories, recycling yards, dams. Manufactured Landscapes follows Burtynsky to China as he travels the country capturing the evidence and effects of China's massive industrial revolution. Rarely witnessed sites such as the Three Gorges Dam (50% larger than any other dam in the world), the interior of a factory which produces 20 million irons a year, and the breathtaking scale of Shanghai's urban renewal are subjects for his lens and our motion picture camera. Shot in sumptuous super 16mm film, Manufactured Landscapes extends the narratives of Burtynsky's photographs, meditating on human impact on the planet without trying to reach simplistic judgements or reductive resolutions. In the process, the film shifts our consciousness about the world and the way we live in it. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: milonga 來自: (04/05 20:18)
文章代碼(AID): #17zsuFuU (documentary)