[轉錄][新聞] 英國《衛報》票選「最佳五十部小 …

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※ [本文轉錄自 NTUMystery 看板] 作者: blueleslie (藍色雷斯里) 看板: NTUMystery 標題: [轉錄][新聞] 英國《衛報》票選「最佳五十部小說改編 … 時間: Thu Jun 15 12:49:42 2006 ※ [本文轉錄自 movie 看板] 作者: goniker (goniker) 看板: movie 標題: [新聞] 英國《衛報》票選「最佳五十部小說改編 … 時間: Thu Jun 15 08:03:01 2006 ※ [本文轉錄自 book 看板] 作者: goniker (goniker) 看板: book 標題: [新聞] 英國《衛報》票選「最佳五十部小說改編電影」 時間: Thu Jun 15 08:02:46 2006 英文學映象 ◎木麻黃 文字.影像.啟示錄 同為說故事的藝術,電影向來喜歡從小說中提領靈感或商機;無 數經典作品當然是改編劇本的寶庫,而當代暢銷小說或話題之作 ,更是片商最愛,但文字與影像畢竟是南轅北轍的兩種敘事語言 ,編劇如何在壓縮後留住原著質地?導演如何利用影像再度「說 服」觀眾/讀者一次?講白一點──電影將文學移形換位一場後 ,到底是成功或失敗? 文學改編電影前十名出列 近來,英國《衛報》便做了一項「最佳五十小說改編電影」大調 查,先由《衛報》組織的評審團經過火力全開的論辯後,從歐美 影史無數小說改編的電影作品中,擬出一份短名單,再將這份列 有五十部電影的短名單,交由讀者票選名次。 結果終於在六月初底定,首選為美國作家哈波.李作品改編而成 的《梅崗城故事》(To Kill a Mockingbird)。這本講述美國南方 小鎮風土人事的長篇小說,是哈波.李的處女作,也是她一生唯 一一部作品,出版後旋即獲得普立茲獎,而改編而成的電影亦獲 得奧斯卡最佳編劇等多項肯定,在文學史與影史中無疑都是經典 大作。 第二名《飛越杜鵑窩》,原著為美國小說家肯.凱希(Ken Kesey) 的同名小說,囊括當屆奧斯卡八座獎項,凱希本人對電影的改編 卻頗有不滿。由科幻大師菲利浦.迪克(Phillip K. Dick)的作品 《Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?》改編而成的《銀翼殺手》 則拿下第三名。 前十名裡,由法蘭西斯.柯波拉執導的就占了兩部:分別為第四 名的《教父》與第七名的《現代啟示錄》(改編自康拉德《黑暗之心》)。 《教父》有目共睹的巨大成功,或可歸功於柯波拉與原著普佐 的密切合作,柯波拉甚至罕見地將《教父》全名定為「馬里歐 .普佐之教父」(Mario Puzo's Godfather),藉此向原著小說致 意。第五名《長日將盡》為日裔英籍小說家石黑一雄的同名作 品,第六名為英國小說家拜瑞.漢司(Barry Hines)的《凱斯》 (Kes)。 第八名為從史蒂芬.金《四季奇譚》中選摘改編的《刺激一九 九五》;美國推理大師艾羅依(James Ellroy)的《鐵面特警隊 》(L.A.Confidential),原著本身是絕佳的推理小說,電影更完 美重現了五○年代的美國時代氣氛,獲第九名;而去年橫掃國際 影壇,由李安執導,安妮.普露原著改編的《斷背山》則獲第十 名。 (第十一至第五十名之詳細排序,可參考《衛報》網站專文: arts.guardian.co.uk/features/story/0,,1788064,00.html) 心頭好與遺珠憾大對抗 排序結果或者難以讓各有心頭好的讀者/觀眾個個滿意,但這 份短名單引起的爭論更大。在《衛報》部落格上,不斷有讀者 提出質疑:需要湊這種十大百大的熱鬧嗎?票選原則到底是「 改編得好」或「以文學作品改編而成中,最好的電影」?短名 單中不乏大師名作,但令人有憾的遺珠更多。而《大白鯊》、 《萬惡城市》、《巧克力冒險工廠》等從通俗或兒童文學改編 而來的電影,又是在何種標準下從眾多同類作品間殺出重圍? 最常被提起的,則是為何完全沒有非英語系的電影入選?是英 國人的「文化沙文主義」作祟嗎?但同為英語系電影,某些原 著與電影均有一定口碑與名氣的作品,也連入場券都拿不到。 例如《魔戒》、《哈利波特》、《亂世佳人》、《時時刻刻》 等。 誰來決定這啟示? 《衛報》並未詳陳這份名單的評審原則,唯一能確定的是,小 說改編電影,永遠會是影評、觀眾、讀者眾聲喧譁的話題。接 下來一年裡,預期還有幾部矚目的改編作品即將面世,如徐四 金《香水》、彼得.梅爾《戀戀酒鄉》,胡賽尼去年一炮而紅 的《追風箏的孩子》,則正在改拍作業中,文字與影音長路無 盡的愛怨競合,大約也是二十世紀的「現代啟示錄」之一吧! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/15 09:53,
06/15 09:53

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06/15 10:18
※ 編輯: goniker 來自: (06/15 12:02)

06/15 12:43,
06/15 12:43

06/15 12:44,
06/15 12:44
-- 假設上帝無限偉大,那麼祂的能力必然不受拘束, 而且祂絕不會讓自己的傑作-世界-自生自滅。 因此世界同樣也是無限偉大。 但假使世界真的無限偉大,上帝的存在便是多餘。 from 安伯托.艾可~《L'isola Del Giorno Prima 昨日之島》 ◇My Blog: http://blog.yam.com/blueleslie -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: 香水.追風箏的孩子.少年Pi的奇幻漂流~一定要去看的啦!! 我把剩下的PO一下好了~ 11. A Clockwork Orange 發條橘子 Stanley Kubrick (1971) Adapted by Kubrick from the 1962 novel by Anthony Burgess A Clockwork Orange was Kubrick's stylised take on Burgess's dystopian fable, famously yanked from circulation after it was accused of sparking copycat violence. If the film inevitably labours to match the linguistic gymnastics of the book, it is largely faithful to its malign, playful spirit. Kubrick cuts Burgess loose only at the end. Where the novel finished on a note of hope, the film bows out with a cynical cackle, installing the thuggish Alex (Malcolm McDowell) as the stooge of a corrupt and brutal establishment. XB 12. Doctor Zhivago David Lean (1965) Adapted by Robert Bolt from the 1957 novel by Boris Pasternak At almost three hours and 20 minutes, this is one of cinema's mighty and high-minded epics, for which Bolt won a best adapted screenplay Oscar. Julie Christie and Omar Sharif were the great lovers, whose romance unfolds against the background of the Russian revolution. It did rip-roaring business but had some sniffy notices in its day, mainly on account of an allegedly sentimentalised view of Pasternak's interpretation of history, and also because of Lean's fondness for vast, intricate and beautiful sets. But his movie is remarkable for effortlessly making something from the pen of a Russian Nobel Laureate into a popular entertainment for western audiences. PB 13. The Maltese Falcon John Huston (1941) Adapted by Huston from the 1930 novel by Dashiell Hammett The notion that Sam Spade, the tough gumshoe, could exist independently of lisping, tightly wound Humphrey Bogart is now quite inconceivable - a tribute both to Bogart's imperishable charisma and this confident adaptation by Huston, who was directing his first movie. The Maltese Falcon is a dark and involved noir, featuring Mary Astor as the heroine, who will play off Peter Lorre, Sydney Greenstreet and Bogart himself. It doesn't get harder-boiled than this, especially when Bogart snarls to Astor: "I hope they don't hang you, precious, by that sweet neck." Spade's surname has the unforgiving hardness of a gravedigger's shovel. PB 14. Fight Club 鬥陣俱樂部 David Fincher (1999) Adapted by Jim Uhls from the 1996 novel by Chuck Palahniuk After being beaten up by yob campers, Palahniuk sat down, licked his wounds and bashed out a dark satire of white-collar machismo. Fincher took that blueprint and ran with it. His Fight Club is flashy and furious, a big-budget studio picture that bites the hand that feeds it, offering a crash-course in the dubious relationship between consumer culture and male identity. At times Fincher seems half in love with the world he is attacking. Perversely, that only makes the film that bit richer and more intriguing. XB 15. The English Patient Anthony Minghella (1996) Adapted by Minghella from the 1992 novel by Michael Ondaatje The huge and involved novel by Ondaatje, about the mystery of a critically burned plane crash victim in the second world war, was turned by Minghella into a big, heartfelt epic that managed to retain its sense of narrative complexity, along with a surging romantic theme. Ralph Fiennes starred as the "English patient" - actually a Hungarian explorer - with Kristin Scott Thomas and Juliette Binoche. The movie became a massive talking point, but its bubble was pricked by an essay from Frederick Forsyth in the Spectator, brusquely pointing out a string of plot holes and absurdities, including the fact that a monastery was shown having double beds. ("Those naughty Cistercians!"). PB 16. Brighton Rock John Boulting (1947) Adapted by Graham Greene and Terence Rattigan from the 1938 novel by Greene You can practically smell the sea and taste the vinegar in this bracing tale of switchblades and rosary beads on the south coast of England. Brighton Rock is a film where the elements gel beautifully. Greene helped write the stiletto-sharp script, Boulting's direction has a tough, tawdry glamour and Richard Attenborough is genuinely good (and bizarrely scary) as the psychopathic boy criminal, Pinkie Brown. The preposterous final scene with the stuck record was added at the insistence of the British censors. XB 17. Trainspotting Danny Boyle (1996) Adapted by John Hodge from the 1993 novel by Irvine Welsh Welsh's picaresque tale of Edinburgh junkies was a cult favourite with readers in the early 1990s. Boyle's stylish screen treatment - his follow-up to Shallow Grave, which was also scripted by Hodge, a former hospital doctor - weeded out various subplots and supporting characters, drafted in a cast of bright young things (Ewan McGregor, Jonny Lee Miller) and struck gold at the UK box office. These days it's hard not to view Trainspotting as a film of its time; the emblematic picture for the Cool Britannia era that flourished for a brief spell between the second and third Oasis albums. XB 18. Rebecca Alfred Hitchcock (1940) Adapted by Philip MacDonald from the 1938 novel by Daphne du Maurier This was the novel that made Du Maurier's name, a classically English mystery influenced by Jane Eyre and Northanger Abbey. Wealthy and glamorous widower Max de Winter (Laurence Olivier) marries the unnamed young heroine (Joan Fontaine) and takes her back to his magnificent Cornish estate, Manderley, where she is oppressed by the creepy housekeeper Mrs Danvers (Judith Anderson) and the memory of the first Mrs de Winter. The themes of marital menace and sinister secrets appealed to Hitchcock, who turned his first Hollywood movie into a classic. But the Hollywood codes of the day demanded that key plot events had to be changed: what was a murder in the novel is accidental in the movie, and there is a comeuppance for Mrs Danvers that Du Maurier did not imagine. The adapter was the English-born MacDonald, a prolific and ingenious author of crime fiction who moved to Hollywood in the 1930s to write screenplays. PB 19. Oliver Twist 孤雛淚 David Lean (1948) Adapted by Lean and Stanley Haynes from the 1838 novel by Charles Dickens Dickens's tearjerker has been tackled by everyone from Carol Reed to Clive Donner to Roman Polanski. But Lean's 1948 version is still the one to beat; an operatic saga of abandonment and salvation, played out in the Victorian slums (lovingly recreated in the studio) and showcasing a cast of grotesques. At the time, opinion was split about Alec Guinness's flamboyant depiction of Fagin. His performance resulted in the film being banned in both Israel (for its perceived anti-semitism) and Egypt (for apparently making the character too sympathetic). XB 20. Schindler's List 辛德勒名單 Steven Spielberg (1993) Adapted by Steven Zaillian from the 1982 novel Schindler's Ark by Thomas Keneally Keneally's original novel was called Schindler's List in the United States, and the book was renamed everywhere after the movie came out with this title. The award of the Booker prize to the novel was controversial at the time, with many considering that docu-fiction should be ineligible. However, this was not a problem in the movie world, which has a well-understood tradition of fictional features being "based on a true story": the tale of Oskar Schindler, the black-marketeer and profiteer who saved more than 1,000 Jewish factory workers from the Nazi death camps. This was a thoroughly deserved triumph for Spielberg, whose seriousness and passion for the subject were unquestioned. Schindler's dark side was upstaged in the movie by a chilling performance from Ralph Fiennes as the SS officer - the role that made his name. PB The next 30 21. The Railway Children dir: Lionel Jeffries (1970) adapted from E Nesbit 22. Breakfast at Tiffany's 第凡內早餐 (主題曲Moon River超有名) dir: Blake Edwards (1961) adapted from Truman Capote 23. Dangerous Liaisons dir: Stephen Frears (1988) adapted from Choderlos de Laclos 24 Orlando dir: Sally Potter (1992) adapted from Virginia Woolf 25 Empire of the Sun 太陽帝國 (異色小說 "超速性追緝" 作者.亦有電影版) dir: Steven Spielberg (1987) adapted from JG Ballard 26 Goodfellas dir: Martin Scorsese (1990) adapted from Nicholas Pileggi 27. The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie dir: Ronald Neame (1969) adapted from Muriel Spark 28. The Talented Mr Ripley 天才雷普利 (聰明的瑞普利先生) dir: Anthony Minghella (1999) adapted from Patricia Highsmith 29. The Spy Who Came in From the Cold dir: Martin Ritt (1965) adapted from John le Carre 30. Lord of the Flies 蒼蠅王 (我超恨這部片及原著.孩子王版大逃殺) dir: Peter Brook (1963) adapted from William Golding 31. Pride and Prejudice 傲慢與偏見 dir: Joe Wright (2005) adapted from Jane Austen 32. Sin City 萬惡城市 (這是漫畫改編的) dir: Frank Miller, Robert Rodriguez, Quentin Tarantino (2005) adapted from Frank Miller 33. The Vanishing dir: George Sluizer (1993) adapted from Tim Krabbe 34. Jaws 大白鯊 dir: Steven Spielberg (1975) adapted from Peter Benchley 35. Watership Down dir: Martin Rosen (1978) adapted from Richard Adams 36. Nineteen Eighty-Four 一九八四 (動物農莊 作者) dir: Michael Radford (1984) adapted from George Orwell 37. The French Lieutenant's Woman 法國中尉的女人 (經典犯罪純文學 蝴蝶春夢 作者 符傲思.原著有三種結局.電影版由2005年諾貝爾文學獎得主改編為劇本) dir: Karel Reisz (1981) adapted from John Fowles 38. Catch-22 dir: Mike Nichols (1970) adapted from Joseph Heller 39. Lolita 蘿莉塔 (蘿莉控的始祖喲~) dir: Stanley Kubrick (1962) adapted from Vladimir Nabokov 40. Tess dir: Roman Polanski (1979) adapted from Thomas Hardy 41. Get Shorty dir: Barry Sonnenfeld (1995) adapted from Elmore Leonard 42. The Jungle Book dir: Wolfgang Reitherman (1967) adapted from Rudyard Kipling 43. Alice dir: Jan Svankmajer (1988) adapted from Lewis Carroll 44. American Psycho 美國殺人魔 dir: Mary Harron (2000) adapted from Bret Easton Ellis 45. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 巧克力冒險工廠 (查理與巧克力工廠) 童年時的喜愛書單之一 dir: Tim Burton (2005) adapted from Roald Dahl 46. Devil in a Blue Dress dir: Carl Franklin (1995) adapted from Walter Mosley 47. Goldfinger 007 金手指 dir: Guy Hamilton (1964) adapted from Ian Fleming 48. The Day of the Triffids dir: Steve Sekely (1962) adapted from John Wyndham 49. The Hound of the Baskervilles dir: Sidney Lanfield (1939) adapted from Arthur Conan Doyle 50. The Outsiders dir: Francis Ford Coppola (1983) adapted from SE Hinton ※ 編輯: blueleslie 來自: (06/15 13:11) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: blueleslie 來自: (06/15 13:13)
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