[請問] 收到自稱泰國前教育部長妻子求救信?!

看板ask作者 (YU)時間9年前 (2015/05/26 00:35), 編輯推噓11(1109)
留言20則, 17人參與, 最新討論串1/1
今天莫名收到一封不知名的英文信,用翻譯查了一下他自稱泰國前教育部長的妻子?!好 像有事相求,胡思亂想以為是不是她可能遇害要求救,就回了她「????」,剛剛她又 回覆我了,實在是看不懂,也在想應該是國際詐騙,想請大家幫我看看!麻煩了! 第一封: My name is Hyuk Cho, wife of the former Thailand Education Minister, Mr. Chatu ron Chaisang. I contacted you after going through your profile. Contact me back for this important message. MRS. HYUK CHO, 第二封回覆: FROM MRS. HYUK CHO, Wife Of The Former Thailand Education Minister, Mr. Chaturon Chaisang Chaturon My name is Hyuk Cho, wife of the former Thailand Education Minister, Mr. Chaturon Chaisang. I contacted you after going through your profile. During the Yingluck Shinawatara rule that was forced out from power by the military early this year. In view of the recent arrest of my husband has prompted me to seek for help. He was incarcerated on accusation of "incitement to trouble the public order" as you can read from the Bangkok post news website confirming his arrest and detention by the Junta. I am very worried over the political crises here in Thailand coupled with the fact that our family assets has now been frozen in attempt by the ruling Junta to purge supporters of Thaksin. I have decided to contact you, to help me to move some funds to your country before it gets discovered and frozen by the Junta, as my family hope to relocate to your country and go into investment with you in your country. Below is the Link for the News http://news.yahoo.com/thai-education-minister-condemns-coup-072656092.html http://www.bangkokpost.com/news/local/411585/junta-continues-thaksin-purge I will explain further when you respond and show interest to assist as my country Thailand is no longer safe for me and my children and also considering the political instability. This requires 100% confidentiality for reasons I will convey to you later. My warm regards to you and your family, as I wait to read from you. Sincerely, Hyuk Cho Bangkok-Thailand -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/ask/M.1432571759.A.D07.html

05/26 00:38, , 1F
你可以跟他聊下去看看 我覺得是詐騙
05/26 00:38, 1F

05/26 00:41, , 2F
05/26 00:41, 2F

05/26 00:44, , 3F
05/26 00:44, 3F

05/26 00:45, , 4F
05/26 00:45, 4F

05/26 00:48, , 5F
轉給165相關單位吧 很大的機率是詐騙......
05/26 00:48, 5F

05/26 00:48, , 6F
05/26 00:48, 6F

05/26 00:56, , 7F
05/26 00:56, 7F

05/26 01:10, , 8F
05/26 01:10, 8F

05/26 01:24, , 9F
05/26 01:24, 9F

05/26 01:24, , 10F
05/26 01:24, 10F

05/26 01:57, , 11F
05/26 01:57, 11F

05/26 05:03, , 12F
問他先寄個可以兌現的國際支票給你 證明他的身份
05/26 05:03, 12F

05/26 05:04, , 13F
05/26 05:04, 13F

05/26 06:54, , 14F
05/26 06:54, 14F

05/26 08:56, , 15F
05/26 08:56, 15F

05/26 09:18, , 16F
我真覺得台灣常見的詐騙等級比這高多了 這種很天方夜譚的
05/26 09:18, 16F

05/26 09:18, , 17F
05/26 09:18, 17F

05/26 12:09, , 18F
05/26 12:09, 18F

05/26 12:56, , 19F
你要上國際新聞了 台灣史特龍
05/26 12:56, 19F

05/26 16:00, , 20F
05/26 16:00, 20F
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