Re: [新聞] 減碳成空談 馬競選承諾跳票

看板a-diane作者 (tku's cuh)時間15年前 (2008/12/24 14:05), 編輯推噓0(000)
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※ 引述《shouri (行到水窮處 坐看雲起時)》之銘言: : 首先, 不是你感覺到有風, 風車就轉得動. : 我還以為小學都教過蒲福氏風級表, 還有你先前的文章也提到要5級 : 風車才發得了電, 你自己去查查多大的風才到5級吧. : 太陽也一樣. 現在是冬天, 距離冬至沒幾天, 就算你看得到光也沒什麼能量啦. 澎湖風力發電場已經不用5級風才能轉了 2級風就有電產生 澎湖夏季平均風速在3級以上 冬季在6級以上 風速等級與中屯E-40風力機發電量 蒲福 風之稱謂 風速 澎湖中屯風力發電場 發電量(千瓦) 風級 E-40發電性能 (m/s) 風速 (m/s) 0 無風 不足0.3 0 - 0.3 0 0   1 軟風 0.3-1.5 0.3 - 1.5 0 2 輕風 1.6-3.3 1.5-2.5 0 2.5-3 4.9   3 - 4 19.1 3 微風 3.4-5.4 4 - 5 42.1   5 - 6 77.7 4 和風 5.5-7.9 6 - 7 126.5   7 - 8 193.4 5 清風 8.0-10.7 8 - 9 278.7   9 - 10 377.8 6 強風 10.8-13.8 10 - 11 484.6 11 - 12 550.5   12 - 13 590.0 7 疾風 13.9-17.1 13 - 14 605.0 14 - 15 605.0   15 - 16 605.0 8 大風 17.2-20.7 16 - 17 605.0 17 - 18 605.0   18 - 19 605.0 美國現在也有所謂small wind 是給一般家庭使用 How do residential wind turbines work? A wind turbine, which is installed on top of a tall tower, collects kinetic (motion) energy from the wind and converts it to electricity that is compatible with a home's electrical system. In a normal residential application, a home is served simultaneously by the wind turbine and a local utility. If the wind speeds are below cut-in speed (7-10 mph) (約3.05m/s~4.44km/hr) – the minimum speed to spin the blades - there will be no output from the turbine and all of the needed power is purchased from the utility. As wind speeds increase, turbine output increases and the amount of power purchased from the utility is proportionately decreased. When the turbine produces more power than the house needs, many utilities institute a policy called “net metering” whereby the extra electricity is sold back to the utility. All of this is done automatically. There are no batteries in a modern, grid-connected residential wind system. Small wind systems for remote (off-grid) applications operate somewhat differently and often charge batteries so electricity is available when the wind isn’t blowing. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:
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