[情報] 05/24 十二星座運勢(中英對照)

看板Zastrology作者 (猴子)時間14年前 (2010/05/23 20:49), 編輯推噓2(200)
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英文網址:http://astrology.shine.yahoo.com/astrology/ 原文網址:http://weedyc.pixnet.net/blog/post/26232181 Aries Your listening skills are tested early on today, and if you pass, you can expect great things at work or at home. If not, you'll get another chance -- but it may take quite a while to come. 今天稍早你的傾聽技巧會接受考驗, 如果你通過了,可以期待在職場上或是家裡會有好事發生。 如果沒有,你有第二次機會–但可能會晚一點。 Taurus Join a gym or find some other way to improve your health in the company of others. It makes it much easier for you to commit when others are involved as well -- even total strangers! 加入某個健身房或是找到和眾人一起鍛鍊體能的方法。 如果有其它人跟你一起,你會比較容易守約–就算那些人是陌生人! Gemini That brainy energy you are so famous for is ready for action! You may want to take a class, engage in a debate or just shoot the breeze with the very smartest of your friends and family. 你那為人熟知的聰明才智正蓄勢待發! 你也許想要報名進修、和人辯論或和親友間最聰明的人隨意閒聊。 Cancer It's easier than usual to get going today, in part because you can feel the pressure of all the things you still need to do. The good news is that your activity should pay off handsomely. 今日比以往更能夠動起來, 主要是因為你能感受到來自待辦事項的壓力。 好消息是你的行動會得到相當不錯的回報。 Leo Don't be afraid to ask for help today -- in fact, it may be the only way you can get anything done! Your friends and colleagues are mostly looking out for the group's interests anyway. 今天別害怕向人伸手求救– 事實上,這也許是你成事的唯一方法! 是說你的朋友和同事主要是在尋求整體利益而已。 Virgo Expect a setback. It isn't likely to be the end of the road for any project, but it is likely to tie you up for longer than you would like. If you handle it well, you draw the right kind of attention to yourself. 請對即將到來的倒退嚕有心理準備。 這不代表所有計畫都會是死路一條, 不過它的確會比你想的還要讓人陷入困境。 若處理得還不錯,你的確是有做對心理準備。 Libra Art and music are especially appealing today -- and so are attractive humans! You may find yourself drawn to someone new, which may be thrilling or disconcerting, depending on your circumstances. 藝術和音樂今天特別吸引你–風情萬種的人兒也是! 你會發現自己被某個素不相識的人深深迷住, 這到底是興奮不已或手足無措,就看你當時狀況來決定了。 Scorpio It's easier than ever for you to get to the bottom of the issues right now -- though it may not be so easy to act on this knowledge. You're good at biding your time, so wait out the opposition. 現在應該比以往更能了解問題的真相– 雖然憑藉著這些認知去行動反而沒那麼容易。 你擅於拿時間出價,所以就耐心等待風水輪流轉吧。 Sagittarius You need to be upfront today -- anyone who's acting furtively is sure to be seen in the same light as lawyers. Don't parse your words or give yourself wiggle room, as you don't need such tricks. 本日應當提高警覺– 任何舉止鬼鬼祟祟的人都應該和律師一樣立刻認出來。 不要玩弄文字遊戲或是讓自己顯得模稜兩可, 你不需要這些技倆。 Capricorn It's one of those days when you know that you need to make a big push on your career track or job goals, and you should have the right kind of mental energy to do it. Motivate yourself! 又是個明知自己需要在職涯或事業目標推一把的一天, 你應該是擁有正需要的精神力量才對。 給自己打打氣吧! Aquarius Your intellect is well respected, and for good reason. Now is the time to reinforce people's beliefs about you -- bust out with a hot idea or original insight that nobody else could see coming. 你的聰明才智很受人看重,而且是事出有因。 現在正適合加強人們對你的信念– 爆出超棒主意或是沒人想到的獨一無二見解吧。 Pisces It's a great time for decision-making. You've got all the facts you need, and all the support you can ask for. All you need to do is make up your mind and then take the first step. 做決定的好時間點。 你擁有所有需要的事實論據,所有能要求的援助。 你現在只需要下定決心並踏出第一步。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: weedyc 來自: (05/23 20:51)

05/25 01:45, , 1F
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05/25 14:04, 2F
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