[情報] 05/20 十二星座運勢(中英對照)

看板Zastrology作者 (猴子)時間14年前 (2010/05/19 21:24), 編輯推噓5(501)
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英文網址:http://astrology.shine.yahoo.com/astrology/ 原文網址:http://weedyc.pixnet.net/blog/post/26216469 Aries Your energy is aligned toward the real, material world today -- which is not to say that your soul is withering! It just means that you take greater pleasure in food, gardening, nature and so on. 你今天精力都專注在現實物質世界上– 這並不是說你的靈魂正在凋謝。 只不過是你對食物、園藝或是天地萬物等等比較有興趣罷了。 Taurus It's one of those days when you know you're right, but you just can't convince others to pay attention. The Cassandra complex can be hard to deal with, but time is actually on your side for once. 今天只不過又是個你明知自己是對的,卻無法說服其它人的一天。 卡珊德拉情節可能不好處理,但時間這次是站在你這裡的。 [卡珊德拉情節:阿波羅曾向她求愛,賦予預言能力, 因求愛不遂又讓其預言永不被人相信。] Gemini You're not always pushy with your point of view, but today you feel compelled to be just that. You may actually do quite well, as others are fairly open-minded today. 你對自己的看法並不是那麼堅持, 但今天就是覺得有必要那樣做。 你可能真的做的不錯,同時其它人也真的沒啥偏見。 Cancer You aren't really a show-off by nature, but you do need to strut your stuff from time to time -- like right now! You can make the right kind of impression without any serious effort on your part. 你骨子裡不是個愛炫耀的人, 但你卻真的需要無時無刻不展現一下自己的成果–好比現在! 完全不需要在工作崗位上有任何認真作為, 你就可以營造出這種印象。 Leo You get a hint of what it's like to be famous today in some small way. Maybe your neighborhood recognizes you for something you've done, or maybe you meet someone many people know of. 你會在枝微末節之處,稍嚐成名滋味。 可能是鄰居認出你做了某件事,或是巧遇名人之類的。 Virgo You're the underdog today, but that isn't frustrating -- far from it! If anything, you're happier when you have to struggle a little than when you've got absolutely everything you want. 今天你是隻敗犬,但這不是什麼難過的事–差得遠哩! 硬要說的話,需要奮鬥那麼一滴滴比心無所求還要快樂。 Libra You get a glimpse into your heart's desire today -- and it may surprise you! Sometimes ambition can be complex, and you might need to start changing course somewhat to get where you want to go. 今天你有機會一瞥內心慾望–可能會讓你大吃一驚! 有時候野心是很複雜的,可能要稍微轉換軌道,才能達到你要去的地方。 Scorpio Work issues can be extremely difficult today, especially if you are in conflict with the boss (or a customer, client or board member). It's a good idea to hold your tongue for a few days. 本日工作問題可能會非常棘手, 尤其是你和老闆(或消費者、客戶、會員)有所衝突。 閉嘴幾天是個不錯的主意。 Sagittarius Your mind is traveling, even if your body isn't quite ready to hit the road. If you are actually on a trip, your energy should be perfect for anywhere you find yourself, so get out there and explore! 縱使你的身體還沒準備好要上路旅行, 你的思緒已經漫遊天際。 如果你真的是在旅行途中, 你在任何地方都會處在最佳狀態, 所以現在就出發去冒險吧! Capricorn The working world is quite a bit harsher today -- but it's a quick storm, rather than an ongoing problem. You just need to weather the worst of it without contributing to the madness yourself. 本日職場是有點殘酷– 但那只是一時的風暴,並不是停滯不前的問題。 你只需要挺過最糟那一關,別讓自己精神崩潰。 Aquarius A sudden impulse today takes you by surprise -- and many others, too, if you decide to act on it! See if you can aim yourself toward places where big decisions are unlikely to go awry. 突然其來的一股衝動讓你嚇一大跳– 很多其它人也是,如果你因此而決定行動的話! 看看你能不能把目標錨準某些重大決策不太可能會出差錯的領域。 Pisces It's a good time for you to take a hard look at your work situation. Any conflicts with management are signs of something deeper, though you may actually need to change direction completely. 現在是嚴格檢視工作狀況的好時機。 任何管理上的衝突都只是冰山一角, 雖然你可能其實是需要來個一百八十度大轉彎。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/19 21:47, , 1F
05/19 21:47, 1F

05/19 21:50, , 2F
上升蠍推跟老師對槓 打工又跟站長客戶槓
05/19 21:50, 2F

05/19 21:55, , 3F
05/19 21:55, 3F

05/19 22:08, , 4F
05/19 22:08, 4F

05/19 22:49, , 5F
大推射手!! XD借轉感謝
05/19 22:49, 5F
minbyminby:轉錄至看板 Sagittarius 05/19 22:49

05/20 02:40, , 6F
05/20 02:40, 6F
文章代碼(AID): #1By-QFIh (Zastrology)