Re: [GG ] Leighton Meester Speaks on Future of …

看板YAseries作者 (Gibbs好帥~*)時間15年前 (2009/05/23 23:46), 編輯推噓6(601)
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俺只翻簡略翻一下:p ※ 引述《maxisam (偽.強者)》之銘言: : On the fittingly green carpet at the CW upfronts, Leighton Meester couldn't : wait to share her thoughts on the future of Chuck and Blair, while co-star : Blake Lively weighed in on Georgina's return to the show next season. : When last we saw them, Chuck was showering Blair with her favorite treats : and, more importantly, finally saying the three little words we waited so : long to hear. : But alas, can Chair really work in the real world? 當Blake在大膽預測蕭婆加入戰局可能造成的混戰之際, Leighton也大方分享她對椅子戀的發展預測。 : "Chuck and Blair holding hands, Chuck and Blair going to the movies - isn't : that what he says would be unrealistic?" Leighton Meester asked E! Online. B、C兩人手牽手壓馬路、看電影, 不跟C之前形容的一樣:是很不切實際的幻想嗎? : "I feel like a tumultuous relationship is a-brewin', but that's what drama : is." 我覺得兩人的關係,應該不只製造愛情,還會醞釀混亂喔。 : The actress, who recently went blonde for her new movie, The Roommate, but : promised to go back to brunette ASAP, says she isn't sure what she hopes will : come for the fan favorite couple when the show returns August 31. : "I want us to see them together, but at the same time, the reason why they're : so good is why they can't be together," Leighton Meester says. 我當然希望椅子戀能真的修成正果, 但是這段小冤家之所以廣受觀眾歡迎,不就是因為他們兩人老在分分合合嗎? : Unfortunately, both Meester and Blake Lively agree that Georgina Sparks' : return could cast a long shadow over Chuck and Blair's future. 另外,Leighton同意Blake的觀點, 她也覺得蕭婆G會變成籠罩B、C兩人頭頂的一片超級烏雲~ (不過每朵烏雲總是會鑲銀邊的,搞不好到最後G還會被萬能/無能的編劇寫成邱比特) : "Chuck and Blair are finally together, but yet Georgina is back to screw up : her life with that major vendetta," said Lively of Serena's frenemy. B、C終於正式交往, 但G的重出江湖,自然打算把跟她有著不共戴天之仇的B的生活攪得天翻地覆才開心囉。 (這是Blake的分析) : Despite the cliffhanger conclusion, whether or not Michelle Trachtenberg will : be back on the show full-time remains in question. The actress has been cast : in a new series, Mercy, a nursing drama that NBC recently picked up. 雖然大家都很期待B V.S G的女生大戰, 但飾演G的Michelle Trachtenberg在秋季將會出演另一部影集, 因此,G能否扶正變成正式班底還很難說。 : Another big challenge ahead for our favorite Upper East Siders may be higher : education: "A few other people are going to college," Meester says. : "I don't know if they're going to stay." 但還有另一個潛在的問題, 班底中有些人要去上大學了,他們會不會繼續留在劇組還說不定。 (這點俺不是很懂,是指場景轉換還是演員真的要去上大學?) : Speaking of college, Penn Badgley said that Dan Humphrey's half brother, : Scott (Chris Riggi) might be up to no good with his sneaking around New York. : "He's gotta skulk... He's a Humphrey," Penn predicted. 大哥會成為躲在新生Humphery一家身邊的匪諜? Penn是這樣猜測的,畢竟他也是另一個姓Humphery的,這種事情,不意外啊(攤手) : Speaking of Humphreys, could Dan be coming around to the idea of Nate (Chace : Crawford) getting with Little J (Taylor Momsen) for real this time? : According to Penn, "He should. Nate's a solid dude." Penn也大膽押注NJ戀出現, 因為N是個寂寞難耐的少年郎啊! : Is Dan done thinking that Jenny's too young for Nate? : "Probably not," says Penn. "But I personally think that Dan should relax. Dan : is too uptight." 至於N配上J有無老牛吃嫩草的問題, 他是覺得沒什麼關係。 但Penn也承認,D真的太大驚小怪了,應該放輕鬆點,Let it be! (D都已經跟老師搞不倫了,要是他還敢說N這樣不道德其實也說不過去啊( ′-`)y-~) : Last but not least, in addition to more Georgina and Rufus-Lily spawn in : season three, there is one indisputably awesome character we can promise will : be getting plenty of screen time: : Countess Dorota (Zuzanna Szadkowski). : "I think she's going to be around a lot more next season," says Leighton. 最後,由於S3的G和RL夫婦的劇情需要, Dorota在下一季的戲份也將會吃重不少。 Leighton覺得,Dorota下年度的工作量大概會爆增呢:D (我好想看B帶著Dorota住進宿舍跟G開戰的情況呢XDDDDDD 應該會很像電影麻雀變王妃的王子帶管家跑到米國唸書的情況差不多吧) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

05/24 00:02, , 1F
05/24 00:02, 1F

05/24 00:28, , 2F
為了Dorota 我會追第三季!
05/24 00:28, 2F

05/24 02:34, , 3F
05/24 02:34, 3F

05/24 04:31, , 4F
拍拍手 !!! :D
05/24 04:31, 4F

05/24 18:21, , 5F
會跟英劇SKINS一樣在第三季大換血嗎? 蠻期待的!
05/24 18:21, 5F

05/24 19:02, , 6F
05/24 19:02, 6F

05/24 23:23, , 7F
為了DOROTA 追第三季+1+1 本來不想看的說XD
05/24 23:23, 7F
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