[GG ] Gossip Girl 217 英文筆記

看板YAseries作者 (偽.強者)時間15年前 (2009/02/05 08:32), 編輯推噓18(1805)
留言23則, 19人參與, 最新討論串1/1
[冷知識] king lear http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_Lear 公認為莎士比亞最偉大的創作 Cordelia king lear的三女 也是真正愛King Lear的女兒 Henry David Thoreau http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_David_Thoreau 被尊稱第一位環保主義者 Mary Kay Letourneau http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Kay_Letourneau http://ballkafka.blogspot.com/2006/09/american-photo-scoop.html 師生戀代表人物 charlotte's web http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0413895/ templeton http://0rz.tw/ZEr8p kama sutra http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kama_Sutra 印度愛經 Greenwich http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greenwich,_Connecticut eyes wide shut http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120663/ 大開眼界 Oberlin http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oberlin_College 中西部的學校 park avenue http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Park_Avenue_(Manhattan) 好野人集散地 Boules http://www.discoverfrance.net/France/Sports/DF_boules.shtml 法式滾球 Beret http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beret 之後B會戴這個帽子 [單字] snooze 打盹兒, 瞌睡 snooze button 鬧鐘上的打盹按鈕(鬧鐘響後暫停讓人趁機打個盹再起床) Schooling 學校教育 In my 16,982 hours of schooling Hooky 逃學者 Makes me wanna play hooky. drop off 留下 繳交 Sympathetic adj. 有同情心的, 贊成的, 合意的 cross off 劃掉 I have to cross her off my list of recruits. Recruit n. 新兵, 新會員 v. 征募; 充實 keep your chin up 不要氣餒!;不要灰心! Pick up the pace 加快腳步 sense of isolation 隔離的孤獨感 Outsider 局外人 Overbearing adj. 傲慢的; 專橫的; Overbooked 預訂超過實際的 Overflow 溢出, 泛濫, 超值 self-absorption 自我沉溺 a wall of 大量的 Takedown 抹黑 sit this one out 缺席 stand for . 代表; 主張; 象徵; 支援, 擁護 Eternity n. 永遠; 不朽; 來世 Vendetta n. 仇殺, 族間仇殺 不共戴天之仇 check【美】寄存;託運 ‧ I'll check my coat. Nauseous 令人作嘔的;使人厭惡的 Pinch v. 掐, 修剪, 夾痛; 收縮, 節省 Withdrawal 停止吸毒 I think it's withdrawal. Scandal n. 醜聞, 醜事; 流言蜚語 Zen n. 禪宗 That's very zen. get a grip 控制一下 ‧ He better simmer down and get a grip on himself. Ammo n. 軍火; 彈藥 Munitions Commie 阿共 , 共產黨 Cornhusker 【俚】剝玉米皮州 Nebraska filthy rich 非常有錢 high-stakes 大賭注的 高風險的 As clean as a whistle 非常潔淨;潔白無罪 Ms.Carr is clean as a whistle. Raw 紅腫 My fingers are raw. knock over 打翻 Cyberspace 網際空間 Way to go 幹得好 Raccoon n. 浣熊, 浣熊毛皮 raccoon makeup (煙燻妝的戲稱) Contraband 違禁品, 走私 bootleg You're way too far 你太過分了 Velvet n. 天鵝絨 Divan n. 長沙發椅, 沙發床; couch sofa futon Jog 觸動,喚起(記憶) recall It could help jog your memory ginger ale 薑汁蜜酒 warm ginger ale is a miracle hangover cure Trespass v. 侵奪, 侵入, 犯罪 intrude infringe Intimidated adj. 害怕的; 受到恐嚇的 I was just a little intimidated. Spinach n. 菠菜 Courtesy n. 禮貌; 謙恭有禮的言辭 客套 Parched 乾渴的 very thirsty Are you thirsty? Parched turned a blind eye 對...故作不見; 對...視而不見; 假裝沒看見 Accusation n. 控告, 指控; 罪名 Preposterous adj. 前後顛倒的, 荒謬的, 不合理的 absurd ridiculous (pre 前 post 後) Expel v. 驅逐, 開除, 逐出 banish Expulsion n. 逐出, 驅逐, 開除 Revoke v. 撤回, 宣告無效, 廢除, 取消; Legitimate adj. 合法的 Rat on someone 告狀 So you ratted on Blair? Kilt n. 蘇格蘭男用短裙; 褶襉短裙 百褶裙 Crony n. 密友, 好朋友, 親伴 buddy pal put the squeeze on .對...施加壓力 bring on 導致; 引起, 介紹 she brought it on herself Alleged adj. 聲稱的, 所謂的 so-called Council n. 會議, 評議會 committee conference Saved by the bell 救命鈴聲 ‧ The boxer was saved by the bell, ie He escaped further severe treatment when the bell sounded fired-up 情緒激昂 Perimeter 周圍;邊緣 周長 come around 讓步;改變立場 I really thought that Rachel would come around Scapegoat n. 代罪羔羊 (scape有 shaft的意思) Advocate v. 擁護; 主張; 提倡; 鼓吹 (站出來 ad 說話 vocate ; voc,voke=to call(喊叫),voice(聲) Equivocal 說話含糊的 revoke 宣告無效) Chiropractor n. 整脊師 double-jointed 關節柔軟的 (類似瑜珈術) Vouch v. 保證, 證明 guarantee pledge vow testify prove (voc,voke=to call(喊叫),voice(聲)) Overwhelm 戰勝; 壓倒; 征服; 覆蓋 Insult v. 傲慢無禮, 刺激, 侮辱 humiliate offend Affair 風流韻事, 戀愛事件 An affair with a student? non grata 【拉】不受歡迎的 take over 接收, 接管 Courier n. 送遞急件的信差; messenger Tragic 悲慘的, 悲劇的 pick up on 【美】【口】了解到;注意到 smoking gun 確鑿的證據 hold accountable 負責 She should be held accountable Injunction n. 命令; 禁令; 指令 Exculpatory adj. 辯解的; 辯明無罪的 Comfort v. 安慰; 使緩和 pull away 拉掉 Vengeful adj. 復仇心重的, 報復的 Prophetic adj. 預言的, 預示的, 先知的 (pro 先前 phe phon 聲音 語言 ex.phone phonetic phoney騙人的東西 (只有聲音沒有形體)) Overcome v. 戰勝,克服 conquer defeat Off-hours 業餘時間 Irony n. 反諷, 諷剌之事, 諷剌 on the line 處於危險中 set in motion 開動...; 使...運轉; 調動... Momentum n. 動力; 要素 see out 熬過 What Goes Around, Comes Around 因果報應 [口語] Who's with me? 誰站在我這邊 Somebody pinch me. 誰來捏醒我 Hey,this day is getting weirder by the minute. 今天真的是越來越糟糕了 I'm not the one you need to convince. 我不是那個你要說服的人 Can I take a message? 我能幫你留言嗎 I didn't mean to upset you. 我不是故意讓你心情不好的 I'm your guy. 我挺你 don't take it personally 別當作針對你 Sometimes the only thing left to do Is to wrap your arms around each other one last time And then just let go. (分手信參考用語 214快到了 大家記得用(誤)) I don't know what came over me. 我不知道我怎麼了 -- 我想當一個壞人. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/05 11:25, , 1F
02/05 11:25, 1F

02/05 12:00, , 2F
this is meaningful
02/05 12:00, 2F

02/05 12:34, , 3F
02/05 12:34, 3F

02/05 13:32, , 4F
02/05 13:32, 4F

02/05 13:39, , 5F
女板友特多 ?
02/05 13:39, 5F

02/05 14:48, , 6F
02/05 14:48, 6F

02/05 15:10, , 7F
補一個 lavatory 盥洗室 沒有台詞 但是B在裡面開會
02/05 15:10, 7F

02/05 15:12, , 8F
謝謝 :D 這個字出現在貴族學校還真適用
02/05 15:12, 8F

02/05 15:43, , 9F
02/05 15:43, 9F

02/05 16:01, , 10F
02/05 16:01, 10F

02/05 16:40, , 11F
02/05 16:40, 11F

02/05 17:30, , 12F
02/05 17:30, 12F

02/05 18:56, , 13F
推~~~~~~~~ 版主好用心
02/05 18:56, 13F

02/05 20:10, , 14F
02/05 20:10, 14F

02/05 20:24, , 15F
版大是華僑還是外文系的? 還是你根本是歪果仁??
02/05 20:24, 15F

02/05 21:37, , 16F
樓上 版主是孔子再世..阿..不對..孔子不會講英文..
02/05 21:37, 16F

02/05 21:37, , 17F
02/05 21:37, 17F

02/06 04:31, , 18F
我英文很爛的 Orz 板上高手很多 真的 比如說那個ppr
02/06 04:31, 18F

02/06 05:44, , 19F
推.. beret 有人翻譯成"貝雷帽" (戴了會被雷到嗎?好冷^^;)
02/06 05:44, 19F

02/06 05:51, , 20F
哈哈 被雷帽 你真有梗啊 XD
02/06 05:51, 20F

02/09 15:09, , 21F
02/09 15:09, 21F

02/09 20:27, , 22F
這真是太威猛了!!!! 大推!
02/09 20:27, 22F

02/24 17:22, , 23F
u rock!!!these r very helpful!
02/24 17:22, 23F
文章代碼(AID): #19YZENih (YAseries)