
看板YAO作者 (你今天WOW了嗎﹖)時間18年前 (2005/12/26 20:00), 編輯推噓2(203)
留言5則, 2人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://bbs.sports.sohu.com/r-yaoming1-615501-0-30-0.html 文華爾多 火箭輸給猛龍﹐引發了一場美國球迷大討論 姚蜜﹐姚黑﹐麥蜜﹐麥黑全都坐不住了﹐炸開了鍋 各位也坐不住了吧﹐哈哈哈﹐大家也一起來參加討論吧 由於內容太多﹐太精彩﹗(在不失真的前提下﹐經過我的翻譯潤色^_^) 一次無法翻譯完﹐如果反應好﹐繼續更新 【姚蜜﹐姚黑﹐麥蜜﹐麥黑大討論】 球迷﹕Ladies and Gentleman I present to you the ugliest game in NBA history . . . 女士們先生們﹐現在向您獻上NBA歷史上最難看的比賽…… 球迷﹕I think YAO doesnt slow down ROX speed at all. This team is slowwwww 我覺得姚明沒有拖累火箭的速度﹐火箭嘛本來慢 球迷﹕Also on top of that Mcgrady is not healthy at all. This season is dead , we are dead. I am just waiting for chronicle to put our tombstone on the first page of the 。 不僅如此﹐麥蒂還不是完全健康的。這個賽季玩完了﹐我們玩完了。我現在就等著紀 事報(休斯頓紀事報)在頭版給我們樹個墓碑吧 球迷﹕Seeing T-Mac score only 6 points already 2 min. into the 4th quarter is exactly why I thought all the Yao bashing in the beginning of the season was so unfair.Yao was getting double and triple teamed and still scoring in the twenties. He would be the top scorer and a lot of people still wanted to trade him for KG. Not to mention that was THE KILLER part of the schedule playing the Spurs, Pistons, Mavs, etc...That being said I think T-Mac will adjust to playing against double and triple teams more as the season goes on. Hopefully we'll still be in the playoff race then. 現在隻剩2分鐘就要進入第四節了﹐看看TMAC隻拿6分。這就是為什麼我覺得賽季初那 樣打擊姚明是不公平的。 姚明被包夾也能拿20+﹐他拿了最高分還是有一些人想把他 和加內特交換。別忘了﹐我們先前打敗我們的球隊是馬刺﹐活塞﹐小牛……隻能說TMAC 要適應更多的包夾。希望我們仍然能夠進入季後賽。 球迷﹕First of all, i dont see there are any instant double team on T-mac . Second of all, You think teams don't double Kobe every game? how can he score 30+ every single game, there's no excuse. T-mac is playing really soft and really slow on his feet, i doubt he ever gonna be like his days in Orlando. 首先﹐我看到並不是任何時候TMAC都有包夾。第二﹐科比每場比賽就沒包夾嗎﹖怎麼 科比就能每場拿30+﹐沒有借口﹐TMAC今天腳步又慢又軟﹐我懷疑他又回到了奧蘭多 的時期了。 球迷﹕T-mac didn't look very interested at all. He seems to want to make it clear how valuable Yao is. TMAC一點激情都沒有。他看起來想証明一下姚明的價值。 球迷﹕T-mac is arguably the best talent in the game. but he is looking around and he is seeing a bunch of scrubs who would'nt get any major minutes on anyother good team are supposedly his teamates. no wonder he dosent care ANYMORE. TMAC他本來是有能力發彪的。但是他一看周圍﹐一大群跑龍套的﹐他就在哪兒琢磨﹕ 這他媽一幫跑龍套的在別的強隊估計一分鐘都打不上(人心散了﹐隊伍不好帶了)。 所以他也撒手不管了 球迷﹕Well, here's a start...1-1 with T-Mac and no Yao. 不管怎麼說﹐在姚明缺陣的情況下是1-1。(哼﹐看姚蜜們怎麼神氣) 球迷﹕We saw effort on Sunday against LAL. I guess that when the team heard that Yao would be out for 6 weeks, the players including TMac believed that the season was over and they just decided to tank. This is the one area that TMac will forever be criticized when being compared to Kobe. Kobe, no matter what you say about his attitude, will never let this happen. 我知道﹐(先不知道姚明傷的怎麼樣)打湖人的時候很努力。我猜當球隊聽說姚明要 休息6周的時候﹐包括TMAC在內的球員們都想啊﹕我不能每天都這麼玩命啊﹐本賽季 他媽算玩完了(我著什麼急啊)。所以就開始放棄了。 這就是TMAC比科比差的地方。科比﹐不管怎麼說在場上那碰到誰跟誰玩命。 球迷﹕Well, 2 weeks ago the consensus was that Yao needs Tracy while Tracy can do it all without Yao. 真有意思﹐兩星期前大家怎麼都一致認為姚明不能沒有TMAC而TMAC可以沒有姚明啊。 球迷﹕And the tracy bashers are out. this team was also rubbish without yao . 0-8 with yao as there leader. plus had da and barry and moutombo. 媽的﹐麥黑們給我出來﹗是﹐這個球隊沒有姚明也是垃圾﹐但是姚明帶隊0-8的時候 ﹐別忘了當時D.Anderson﹐barry﹐木捅都還在。 球迷﹕I knew somebody would say something like that. Let's be childish then , we were blown out by the worst team in NBA while Yao had to lead. Every game was pretty close, even against Dallas, Detroit. 我就知道有人會說這個﹐你這個小娃娃。當姚明帶隊的時候﹐我們都說這是NBA中最 差的球隊。但是每場比賽咬得都很緊﹐包括小牛﹐活塞。 球迷﹕Let's not focus on who to blame or who's the man. All I care is how we can make the playoff. 我們別在埋怨誰了﹐也別再爭火箭是姓“麥”還是姓“姚”。我們要關心到底怎麼樣 才能進季後賽。 球迷﹕it's like a cycle. Weeks ago Yao bashers run in full strength and now YOFs is gaining steam in their revengence. 真是天理循環啊。幾個星期前姚黑們牛X的不得了﹐嘿嘿﹐現在姚蜜們神氣了﹐開始 報仇了﹗(^_^好戲來了) 球迷﹕People labor others as "YOF" or "YOH" should be banned, all they do is sarprating us into opposite groups, creating hate. ppl all are trying to have some rockets talks, that's all, stop god damn laboring others. “姚蜜”“姚黑”應該停止相互指責﹐這麼做隻會分化我們﹐制造仇恨。大家都應該 為火箭著想。別再罵來罵去了。 球迷﹕You give that supporting cast to kobe and he'll still lose to the raptors . it's hard to ignore the YOF Here talking nonsense. it's as if there enjoying seeing the rockets lose. 你讓科比帶著這樣的隊伍試試﹐打猛龍不一樣輸。真受不了姚蜜說的那些屁話。看到 火箭輸他們好像過節似的。 球迷﹕Idiot, I didn't hear you saying that when yao was playing with the same supporting cast playing even worse. Repeat after me: it's all Yao's fault. 白痴﹐應該說姚明帶這個隊伍會打的更糟。 大家跟著我一起喊﹕都是姚明的錯﹐都是姚明的錯…… 球迷﹕TMAC soft. Kobe a warrior. 科比神勇﹐麥蒂軟蛋 球迷﹕I wouldn't say that. Tmac was triple teamed tonight. Kobe was too last night, but he was in a rare zone, he doesn't score 62 every game. 我不這麼認為﹐TMAC整晚都有三個人包夾﹐科比昨晚是吃錯藥了﹐但是他不可能每晚 都拿62分。 球迷﹕We did just get blown out by the worst team in the league, after T- Mac proclaimed in the Chronicle today that everything would be alright as long as he was on the floor. The few criticisms of T-Mac on this board tonight does not even compare to the bashing Yao got a few weeks ago-that was brutal. And that was with Yao usually being the top scorer and rebounder and playing against the best teams in the NBA . (And now with the knowledge he did all that with a painful toe) 賽前麥蒂在紀事報上放炮﹐說隻要有他在場什麼都搞的定﹐結果呢被一隻爛隊給搞定 了。 論壇上就是批評麥蒂﹐也都是和姚明之前的糟糕戰績做過對比的﹐姚明對抗的是強隊 ﹐他拿了很多分和籃板。(現在大家也知道他做到這一切都是在帶傷得到的) 球迷﹕No yao-bashing, life is boring OK, keep the hope alive, guys. Just imagine how deep will be rox when all are back from the injuries. Hopefully it will not be too late. 一日不黑姚﹐生活真枯燥(呵呵) 好了﹐伙計們﹐還是有希望的。也不知道傷員回來後火箭都成什麼樣了。希望趕得上 末班車。 球迷﹕Who the hell hates Tracy? Everyone loves the guy, but the point people are making is that Tracy and Yao need each other period. Don't turn this into a YOF Versus a TOF discussion. We all know Yao couldn't do it by himself and its not looking to good with T-Mac by himself either especially when we have no center. 誰他媽的黑麥蒂﹖咱們哥們都喜歡他﹐但是也象大家說的姚明麥蒂相輔相成。別都往 混水裡跳﹐跟著姚蜜和麥蜜瞎攪和。我們都知道姚明單幹時那熊樣﹐麥蒂也一樣﹐尤 其是場上根本沒中鋒。 球迷﹕Fair is fair. i have greatly underestimated yao's value to this team . it's become evident to me that yao is a huge part of our structure and any future success. 哦米托佛報應啊﹐我一直低估了姚明對球隊的價值﹐這也証明了姚明是球隊重要的組 成部分和未來的希望。 球迷﹕I have done my share of Yao bashing over the years but can't help think if the situation were reversed with Ming in this game and Tracy out and only scoring 7 points he would have been bashed to no end . . . (admittingly ) even by myself. Both guys had roughly the same crappy lineup to work with maybe Mcgrady dealing with more guys out but during the 0 and 8 losing streak we did have a far more brutal schedule. One thing I noticed when either one of these 2 guys are out is that Ming will cary the team (up to the) the middle half or 3rd quarter and then fade while T-mac can carry the team from the 3rd and finish usually . One guy is a closer while the other is in the middle stretch. Just my observation from this recents episodes. 我當姚黑已經很多年了﹐但是請換位想想﹕還是這場比賽麥蒂缺陣姚明在場隻拿7分 。姚黑們還不一樣也跟過節似的沒完沒了……(是爺們兒別不敢承認)我就是。 姚明麥蒂都是帶爛隊打球﹐麥蒂的隊伍可能更不好帶而且時間更長。我注意到一件事 ﹐就是姚明往往是上半場發彪﹐半場後或者第三節後就沒勁了﹐然後是麥蒂開始發彪 了。 所以說一個是創造者一個是終結者(一個種樹一個乘涼or一個挖井一個喝水 )。這 就是我最近的觀察。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/27 01:06, , 1F
翻得相當好喔, 感謝 :)希望還有續集
12/27 01:06, 1F

12/30 05:59, , 2F
有一些意思翻錯了~ 譬如說球迷是說他懷疑T妹還有沒有當時
12/30 05:59, 2F

12/30 06:00, , 3F
12/30 06:00, 3F

12/30 06:01, , 4F
12/30 06:01, 4F

12/30 06:01, , 5F
低於摳鼻低~~ 想不到Houston那麼多criminal fans?
12/30 06:01, 5F
文章代碼(AID): #13hzj6yu (YAO)