[DOAX]Fuzzy's Holy Grail Method

看板XBOX作者 (單身寄生廢柴)時間19年前 (2005/01/05 22:36), 編輯推噓0(000)
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(這是我在DOAXCESS論壇裡看到大家都稱讚的方法.這傢伙-Fuzzy在TeamNinja官網 上貼了二則他研究出來的泳裝送禮法,這是其中一篇,我上次試了一遍但沒成功,可能 沒完全照做吧.我把它翻譯成中文,希望對跟我一樣還在為全泳裝制霸的玩家有幫助.) (新年新希望:在DOAX2出來之前全破DOAX!) =============================中英對照開始分隔線============================== April 2nd, 2004 - this is not an April Fools Joke ============================================ Welcome & thanks for taking the time to try my newest gifting method!!! 歡迎且感謝您花時間試用我最新的送禮方法!! I have spent over 1100 total playing hours trying to find the way that the programmers intended DOAX to be played. I knew that there had to be a manner to gift hated suits without having to rely on a long complicated strategy. For me, this was my quest to find the DOAX Holy Grail. I believe that I have found it!!! 在遊玩總時數上我已經花了超過1100小時試著去找出程式設計師想要DOAX被玩的意圖.我 想除了建立在長且複雜的策略外應該有一個方法可以將Hate等級的泳裝送出去.對我而言, 這是我找出DOAX的聖杯法的任務.我相信我已經找到了!!! Please note that I am posting my newest method far before I normally would (there are no guarantees, as I am still testing it myself). My advice is to try this using the least expensive hate suits until you get it down & then move on to the most expensive ones. 請注意我這裡所提及的已經比我原先預想的還更多(沒有保證,我自己也還在嘗試).我的建 議是用最便宜的Hate泳裝來試用這個方法直到你能掌握了再前進到最貴的泳裝. The application of my newest method is unbelievably simple - but will be typed out in long form, to make it as easy to understand as possible. 我的最新方法在應用上是不可思議的簡單,但是我還是將它寫成長篇大論以確保能以最簡 單的方式被理解. I have also found a faster way to gift 50+% of the disliked swimsuits - this will be available at the bottom of my post. 我還找到了一個更快的方法來送出50%以上的disliked泳裝,在這篇文章的最未可以找到. ============================================ It appears that who you gift to & what you gift, has a direct bearing on most girls in the same vacation. By gifting the wrong girl (or too many girls at once) you effectively stop your target girl from accepting your hated swimsuit. By using the right combination of v-ball play, proper hate item gifting to your targets hate girl & proper love item gifting to your target, all suits will be accepted. 在同一段假期中顯示出你送禮的對象和禮物對於大部份的角色而言有直接的相關.送禮給 錯誤的角色(或者太多的角色)會影響你的目標角色接受你的Hate泳裝.藉著與打沙灘排球 的正確結合,適合的Hate物品送給目標角色討厭的對象以及適合的Love物品給目標角色,全 部的禮物都會被接受. The hated girls that I have found so far are listed below & will be updated as more pairings are found. 目前找到會互相討厭的角色我將之列表於下,有找到更多的組合會再更新. These have only been tested on vacations where the Island Tour has been ACCEPTED. 這些是在接受Lisa的導遊的條件下所測試的結果. When gifting to Hitomi - hate gift Christie 當送禮給Hitomi時,要送Christie她討厭的物品 When Gifting to Christie - hate gift Helena (use suntan lotion - it's cheap) 當送禮給Christie時,要送Helena她討厭的物品(送防曬乳液,它很便宜) When Gifting to Helena - hate gift Christie 當送禮給Helena時,要送Christie她討厭的物品 *** It appears as though when gifting to Tina a double hate gifting strategy will be needed - I will post this link when I find it *** 在送禮給Tina時似乎需要一個雙重的hate禮物送禮法,當我找到時會再貼出來 I believe that by double hate gifting two of a targets hated girls or by combining hate gifting as well as gifting love items to one of the targets liked girls will result in less days needed to transfer a hated suit (I have not tested this yet). 我相信送hate物品給二個目標角色討厭的對象或是結合送love物品給目標角色友好的對象 會使送出hate泳裝所需的天數縮短(我還沒測試過). MY ADVICE 我的建議 ---------- Until you get good at my new method I suggest starting as Lisa, accept the Island Tour, love gift to Christie (target) & hate gift to Helena (Christie's hate girl). Use 13 bottles of suntan lotion for Helena as they are cheap & Helena hates them. Choose a less expensive hate suit for Lisa to gift to Christie. 直到你很能掌握我的方法前我建議從Lisa開始,接受導遊,Love物品給Christie(目標 ),Hate物品給Helena(Christie討厭的對象).送13瓶防曬乳液給Helena因為它們很便宜而且 Helena討厭它們.選一個較不貴的泳裝讓Lisa來送給Christie. SET UP 準備 ------- First you will need a proper list of like, dislike & hated, items & swimsuits. 首先你需要一個完整的物品和泳裝的喜好程度表. I always suggest to play as your target girl (the girl who you want to give the swimsuit to) & transfer all that you can into her hotel inventory - delete any duplicates that you do not want to keep & then drop out of that vacation. This makes space for everything that you will be giving to your target. 我總是建議你先用你的目標角色(你要送泳裝的對象)來進行遊戲且將她所有的物品都放進 collection裡頭,丟棄有重複的因為你不需要保留它,然後結束假期.如此使你的目標有空 間能接受你的禮物. Items needed: 需要的物品 ------------- I suggest buying these in advance. 我建議你事先買齊這些東西. 13 non perishable hate items to gift to your targets hate girl 13個不會被珍惜的Hate物品來送給你目標角色討厭的對象 1 to 3 love (not like) gifts for your target girl..... (the amount will be based on the relationship level of the target girl to the playing girl - I have supplied my list of relationships at the bottom of this post). You will need 1 for a like relationship, 2 for a dislike relationship & 3 if the target girl hates the girl you are playing as. 1至3個Love(不是Like)物品來送給你的目標角色.....(你所扮演的角色和目標角色之間的 好感度將會對數量造成影響 - 我在文未有提供我的好感度表).當好感度是Like等級時你 需要1個物品,好感度是Dislike等級時你需要2個物品,好感度是Hate等級時你需要3個物品 . 1 to 3 love gifts for your partner (based off of the relationship between the girl you are going to partner with & her feelings about the girl you are going to use to play with) 1至3個Love物品給你的隊友(你所要組隊的對象和她對你所扮演的角色之間的好感度將會 對數量造成影響) 13 cheap neutral/liked swimsuits for your target girl - I use the 5k & 10k swimsuits. You can also use any neutral/liked swimsuits that your target does not already own to help complete thier collections. The suits can be all the same or different if you wish. 13件便宜的neutral/liked泳裝給你的目標角色 - 我都用5000或10000元的泳裝.你也可以 送那些你的目標所沒有的neutral/liked泳裝來幫助完成她們的收藏.泳裝可以是全部相同 或不一樣. 1 Goal swimsuit which you wish to gift (example; the Venus) 一個你想送的目標泳裝(如Venus) ============================================ METHOD 方法 ======= Day 1 ; ------- + Your goal is to get your target girl & your girl you want to partner with to 2 rising notes as soon as possible & with the fewest gifts as possible. 你的目標是要讓你的目標角色與你的隊友以最快的速度和最少的禮物達到2個上升音符的 狀態. This will take 1 love gift during the day or from the hotel if it is a like relationship, 2 love gifts - 1 during the day & the other from the hotel if it is a dislike relationship or 3 love gifts - 1 during the day, 1 love gift from the hotel & 1 love gift the next day if it is a hate relationship. 這個需要在白天或旅館時送出1個Love禮物當好感度在like時;在白天送1個、在旅館送另 一個共送出2個禮物當好感度在dislike時;如果好感度是hate需要3個禮物-1個在白天、1 個在旅館另1個在隔天送出. Due to some girls not liking mornings I never gift my target girl or girl to partner with in any morning timeslot through the whole vacation. 因為某些角色不喜歡早晨所以我從來不會在早晨這個時段送禮給目標角色或隊友. ***Over gifting your partner will lead to possible non success*** 送太多禮物給你的隊友會帶來失敗的可能 Once your target girl has 2 notes rising do the following everyday (days 2 thru 12); 當你的目標角色有了2個上昇的音符時,照以下指示去做(第2天至第12天) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + Play 1 game of v-ball against your target girl if possible (any timeslot) 可能的話和你的目標角色來一場排球賽(任何時間點) + Gift 1 neutral/liked swimsuit to your target girl (in person) - gift this from the hotel ONLY IF she does not show up in the afternoon or evening timeslots. 送1件neutral/liked泳裝給你的目標角色(私下) - 除非她沒有在白天或傍晚出現才在旅 館的時候送. + Gift a hated item to your targets hate girl from the hotel every night - including the first night of a vacation. 每天晚上在旅館(包括第1夜)都要送1件hated物品給你目標角色討厭的對象. *** DO NOT GIFT ANYONE ELSE INCLUDING YOUR PARTNER (unless you find a gifting link which helps your cause) *** 包括你的隊友在內都不可以送禮給她們.(除非你發現了一個送禮的組合可以增進你的結果 ) Note: 注意 ----- I have not tested what happens if you play v-ball against anyone other than your target, nor have I tested what will happen if you lose in v-ball. I do know that both you & your target must be in their confident state for many days for this to work. 我還沒有測試過如果你和目標角色以外的人打排球,或是打輸排球會發生什麼事.但我知道 你和你的目標二個人必須要在confident的狀態下這個方法才會有效. Evening of Day 12; 第12天的傍晚 ------------------ + Gift a neutral/liked swimsuit to your target girl from the hotel this evening (this is additional to the one that you gifted to her during the day) 晚上在旅館時送1件neutral/liked泳裝給你的目標角色(這是在日間送的那一件的附加) + Gift hate item to targets hated girl as normal 照往常送1個hate物品給目標討厭的女孩. Day 13; ------- + Find your target in the afternoon or evening timeslot & gift her your goal swimsuit 在白天和傍晚找到你的目標而且送給她你的目標泳裝 + If you were able to gift your goal suit in the afternoon timeslot - play against her (or give a cheap liked gift to your target girl) in the evening timeslot, to see if she is wearing your suit - if this is not possible, watch for a trashed message in the hotel that night. 如果你可以在白天把你的目標泳裝送出去,傍晚時和你的目標角色玩排球(或送她一個便宜 的禮物)來確定她是否穿著你送的泳裝,沒辦法的話,當天晚上注意有無被丟棄的訊息. IF YOUR TARGET IS NOT AVAILABLE ON DAY 13; 萬一你的目標角色在第13天沒出現 ------------------------------------------ + Gift a neutral/liked swimsuit to your target from the hotel 在旅館時送1件neutral/liked泳裝給目標角色 + Gift a hate item to your targets hate girl as you normally would 照往常送1個hate物品給目標討厭的女孩. DO NOT GIFT YOUR GOAL SWIMSUIT FROM THE HOTEL - IT WILL BE TRASHED!!! 不要在旅館把你的目標泳裝送出去,那會被丟棄!!! Day 14: ------- + Find your target in the afternoon or evening timeslot & gift her your goal swimsuit 在白天或傍晚找到你的目標角色且送她你的目標泳裝 + If you were able to gift your goal suit in the afternoon timeslot - play against her (or give a cheap liked gift to your target girl) in the evening timeslot, to see if she is wearing your suit. 如果你可以在白天把你的目標泳裝送出去,傍晚時和你的目標角色玩排球(或送她一個便宜 的禮物)來確定她是否穿著你送的泳裝. If this is not possible, after finishing the vacation - go into exhibition mode & see if your goal suit is listed in your target girls inventory (if it is, she accepted it). 如果沒辦法的話,在結束假期時,到exhibition模式裡找看看你的目標泳裝是否在目標角色 的物品欄內(如果有,表示她收下了) IF YOUR TARGET DOES NOT SHOW UP ON DAY 14 如果你的目標沒在第14天出現 ------------------------------------------ + This really sucks!!! 這真是太慘了!!! Time to start it all over again. This happened to me once in every six transfer attempts (approximately). 重頭再來過吧,在我玩時大約六次有一次會發生這種狀況. TIPS: 小技巧 ----- + If your target girl gifts you a swimsuit - wear it, especially when giving her your goal swimsuit (not positive that this matters but it may help). 如果你的目標角色送你泳裝,穿上它,特別是當你要送目標泳裝時(不確定是否影響,不過大 概會有幫助). + Do not throw out any gifts that your target girl gifts to you until she has accepted your goal swimsuit (again, not sure that this actually matters or not). 不要丟掉任何你目標角色送你的禮物直到她收下你的目標泳裝(同樣的,不確定會有沒有影 響) + Cheer loudly when swimsuit is accepted - this does nothing for your vacation but it will help you let out some of the gifting frustration that has built up!!! 大聲歡呼當你的泳裝被收下時,這對你的遊戲一點用也沒有不過會抒解一些之前送禮所產 生的挫折感!!! ============================================ EASIER DISLIKE SWIMSUIT GIFTING 簡易的dislike泳裝送禮法 --------------------------------- + All that is needed for 50% of the disliked swimsuits to be accepted is to have your target girl at 2 rising notes & in confident mode for 4 continuous days (some girls only need 3 days). 只要你的目標角色在連續4天有2個上昇音符以及confident狀態下,50%的disliked泳裝都 能被收下(有些女孩只需要3天) + During these 4 days (of beeing at 2 rising notes & confident) you should gift her a neutral/liked swimsuit (works with love items as well) once a day in person if possible (from hotel if not) & play one game of v-ball against her each day. 在這4天(2個上昇音符和confident狀態)當中如果可以的話你應該(不能的話在旅館)每天 私下送她1個neutral/liked泳裝(love的物品也行),以及和她打一場排球. + Do not gift anyone else - unless you know your targets hate girl. If you do, than gifting this hate girl (hated items) every night from the hotel (starting from evening 1) will definately increase your acceptance percentage. 不要送禮給其他人,除非你知道你的目標角色討厭的對象.如果你知道,每天晚上(自第1天 起)從旅館送1件她hate的物品給這個討人厭的傢伙將會增加你送禮的接受率. + Give disliked swimsuit during the 4th day of being at 2 rising notes & confident. 在第4天於2個上昇音符及confident狀態下將disliked泳裝送出去. *** This also works for your partner *** 這對你的隊友也有效 ** Not To Be Combined With Using My Holy Grail Method ** 不要和我的聖杯法共用 I Believe that the suits that are listed as disliked suits should be moved into the hate suit category if not accepted through this easy transfer method - this way gamers would know which of my two methods to use for the suit that they would like to transfer. 我覺得如果disliked泳裝無法用上述簡易方法送出去的話應該要歸類在hate級的泳裝內, 這樣的話玩家就會知道他們在送泳裝時要使用我二個方法中的哪一個了. ============================================ I hope that my Holy Grail Method becomes useful to gamers of DOAX as I have spent alot of time into finding this gifting solution. 我希望我的聖杯法對DOAX的玩家有用因為我花了許多時間來找出送禮的解決方法. AS ALWAYS, TAKE CARE & HAPPY GAMING TO ALL!!!! ============================================ Fuzzy Fuzzpuppy's relationship list ------------------------------------ This list took me over 6 hours of playtime to complete & I will explain how I came across my findings at the end of this post. -------------------------------------------- Ayane ===== Likes: Lisa Dislikes: Christie, Helena, Hitomi, Kasumi, Leifang Hates: Tina Christie ====== Likes: no one Dislikes: Ayane, Hitomi, Leifang Hates: Helena, Kasumi, Lisa, Tina Helena ===== Likes: Hitomi, Kasumi, Leifang, Lisa Dislikes: Ayane, Tina Hates: Christie Hitomi ===== Likes: Helena, Kasumi, Leifang, Lisa, Tina Dislikes: Ayane, Christie Hates: No one Kasumi ===== Likes: Helena, Hitomi, Lisa, Tina Dislikes: Christie, Leifang Hates: Ayane Leifang ===== Likes: Christie, Helena, Hitomi, Kasumi Dislikes: Ayane, Lisa, Tina Hates: No one Lisa === Likes: Ayane, Helena, Hitomi, Kasumi, Leifang, Tina Dislikes: Christie Hates: No one Tina === Likes: Lisa Dislikes: Ayane, Christie, Helena, Hitomi, Kasumi Hates: Leifang HOW I CAME TO THESE GROUPINGS ------------------------------------------- + On a brand new save file, I rested through all 14 days of a vacation so I could get the option to leave the vacation early. + Upon starting a new vacation each time, I asked each girl individually to partner up. + I never asked in the morning timeslot as some girls do not like mornings. + After asking one girl I would drop out & start a new vacation to test the next girl - this way nothing during a vacation could hamper my results. + Girls who showed any music notes obviously liked the girl being used & I listed them as such + If a girl had no notes: I would buy a love item for her & then drop out I started a new vacation & rested by the pool for all timeslots during day 1 I gifted her the love item that evening. If the love item was trashed or returned to me the next evening in the hotel, than I listed this as a hate relationship. If the gift was accepted, I listed it as a dislike relationship. + I tested my findings on two of my xboxes, with a new save file each time & both came up the same. -- XBOX LIVE game tag: heavengate 裝備:ViewSonic VP191 Logitech Z680 X2VGA+ (慢速網路正待升速中) game:DOAU, DOA3, Ninja Gaiden, 熾焰帝國, 劍魂2, DOAX, 御伽2 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: heavengate 來自: (01/05 22:56)
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