[轉錄]Re: [外絮] NBA players that would of …

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※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板] 作者: clydeli (...) 站內: NBA 標題: Re: [外絮] NBA players that would of been aweso … 時間: Sun Aug 2 00:47:37 2009 翻譯一下 翻得不好的地方還請見諒 ※ 引述《gaiaesque (( ̄(工) ̄)出沒請注意!!)》之銘言: : http://tinyurl.com/nzkuga : After seeing Shaq square off with the Big Show the other day, it put : wrestling back on our radar. It has been years since we have watched it and : we mean years. Does Mean Gene Okurlund tell you anything? : Anyways, not only do wrestlers need to be physical specimens, they need to : have some showmanship. That is why Shaq would be great as a full time : character once his experiment in Cleveland fails. : So what other NBA players would we want to go back in time to see step into : the squared-circle? : Here are 20 former NBA players that would of been great for the sport of : wrestling. : 1. Mark Eaton - Yes he would of killed people and buried them in the mountains. 前爵士隊球員 一個 7呎4, 290磅的大個... http://images.google.com.tw/images?q=Mark%20Eaton 是的, 他可以把人給殺了然後埋在山中 : 2. Big Country Reeves - At least that way he could of had a career. 前灰熊隊隊員 7呎, 275磅大白柱... 印象中沒有很強 但查了一下數據似乎不錯? http://images.google.com.tw/images?q=Bryant+Reeves 至少打摔角可能可以讓他有所謂的「職業生涯」這種東西... : 3. Oliver Miller - Many years ago, a lot of wrestlers were just fat guys. 相信大家一定都記得老巴的漢堡包灌籃論... http://images.google.com.tw/images?q=Oliver+Miller 很多年以前, 大部分的摔角手都只是胖子而已... : 4. Otis Thorpe - We used to think he was going to tear the ball in two. : Crazy strength. 跟全盛時期的歐拉和 Grant Hill搭配過 http://images.google.com.tw/images?q=Otis+Thorpe 我們總是覺得他會把球撕成兩半... (強壯的不得了) : 5. Kevin Willis - (See Thorpe) 這個大家應該不錯熟, 到生涯末期都還是強壯的肌肉棒子. http://images.google.com.tw/images?q=Kevin+Willis 同前一位 : 6. Bill Walton - How can you not include the big guy. He would of been a : great character with a mic. http://images.google.com.tw/images?q=Bill+Walton 你怎麼能不把這個大個子算進去, 他拿著麥克風實在是一個很棒的角色 : 7. Artis Gilmore - Scary as shit. 印象中是以奇特髮型出名的傢伙... http://images.google.com.tw/images?q=Artis+Gilmore 有夠嚇人! : 8. Clyde Drexler - You must be wondering for real? Well just imagine what he : could do from the top rope. 滑翔翼!! 也是一代飛人 趁MJ玩棒球時跟歐拉拿到了一枚冠軍戒 XD http://images.google.com.tw/images?q=Clyde+Drexler 你可能會懷疑我是認真的嗎? 是這樣的, 你可以想像一下他從角柱上飛下來... : 9. Vernon Maxwell - Ultimate villain that you could never script. 這個人也打過觀眾! Drexler到火箭之後佔走他的位置讓他相當不爽.. http://images.google.com.tw/images?q=Vernon+Maxwell 你沒辦法訴諸文字的終極惡棍. : 10. Charles Oakley - No brainer on that one. 最近好像想出來教球? http://images.google.com.tw/images?q=Charles+Oakley 用膝蓋想也知道. : 11. Kurt Rambis - Don’t focus on the costume, we think Kurt would take care : of business. http://images.google.com.tw/images?q=Kurt+Rambis 不要把焦點放在他的裝扮上 我們相信Kurt總是能把「事情」處理的很好 : 12. Kenny Walker - Again, the top rope stuff would be wicked. Plus that hair : screams WWF. http://images.google.com.tw/images?q=Kenny+Walker 又一次, 從邊繩頂端來的招式相當的犯規, 再加上他那頭可以讓WWF驚艷的頭髮 : 13. Alonzo Mourning - Giant asshole - IE would make good villain wrestler. http://images.google.com.tw/images?q=Alonzo+Mourning 超級大混蛋, 也就是說, 這種人總是能夠成為一個好的反派摔角手 : 14. Bill Laimbeer - Again no brainer. He pretty much was a wrestler with a : shooting touch. 活塞壞小子成員之一 看Google圖片就一推架拐動作 現在是個和藹可親好教練的樣子? http://images.google.com.tw/images?q=Bill+Laimbeer 這一個也是用膝蓋想就知道 他會是一個「手感」極佳的摔角選手... : 15. Jack Sikma - Looked like a Russian, so he could of filled the role : nicely. http://images.google.com.tw/images?q=Jack+Sikma 看起來像俄國人, 所以我想他應該能夠擔任一個不錯的角色. : 16. Dennis Rodman - We could not do a list without him. There would of been : tears for sure and not to mention he has experience. 小蟲 現在沒有人仿效他的五顏六色髮型真是可惜..XD http://images.google.com.tw/images?q=Dennis+Rodman 我們列不出沒有他的名單. 如果名單沒他的話會有一堆人哭的, 再說他也真的打過摔角.. : 17. Reggie Miller - Loved to be the bad guy, would probably win a Battle : Royal after hiding under the ring. 一代垃圾話大師 神米 http://images.google.com.tw/images?q=Reggie+Miller 這個人相當愛作壞人, 大概就是在皇家30人大戰時一直躲在擂台下最後出來獲勝的人... : 18. Wilt Chamberlain - He would not only win, he would score with the ladies. 單場100分的張大帥 http://images.google.com.tw/images?q=Wilt+Chamberlain 他不但能打贏比賽, 他還很會在女人身上得分. : 19. John Stockton - Elbows of steel. 記得很多人說過這個當初不起眼的白人助攻王是個小動作大師...XD http://images.google.com.tw/images?q=John+Stockton 鐵之手肘 : 20. Karl Malone - He has done it before but he should of been tag team : partners with Stockton. They would be called Pick & Roll of course. http://images.google.com.tw/images?q=Karl+Malone 他的確曾經打過摔角 但是他應該要跟Stockton組成雙打才對 然後這對雙打組合當然要叫作「Pick & Roll」 : There you go, 20 former NBA players we think would of done very well as a : wrestler back in the day. : 有些評語還蠻好笑的XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: clydeli 來自: (08/02 00:50) ※ 編輯: clydeli 來自: (08/02 09:35)

08/02 23:32, , 1F
08/02 23:32, 1F
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