[新聞] Sports minister joins calls for goal-line technology

看板WorldCup作者 (common sense)時間14年前 (2010/06/28 20:28), 編輯推噓4(405)
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看到FIFA主席拒絕採用goal-line technology或video replay的理由 (上色那段), 不禁讓我懷疑他的腦子是不是有洞。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sports minister joins calls for goal-line technology The Guardian 27 June, 2010 http://gu.com/p/2t2xe The sports minister, Hugh Robertson, last night joined Fabio Capello in calling for the debate over goal-line technology to be reopened but Fifa will reject any call to introduce it. The England manager said it was "incredible" that there was no technology to assist the referee, after Frank Lampard's 38th minute shot was not deemed to be a goal despite bouncing off the bar and hitting the ground at least a foot over the line. "This was a disappointing end to a tournament in which England hardly ever performed," Robertson said. "Once the dust has settled, I hope the FA take a long hard look at the reasons why and Fifa reassess their opposition to using goal-line technology." There is understood to be no chance of Fifa revisiting a decision taken in Zurich on 11 March at a pre-World Cup meeting of the International Football Association Board, which decides the rules of the game. In the wake of the furore that followed Thierry Henry's handball in France's World Cup play-off against the Republic of Ireland last November, Fifa's president, Sepp Blatter, indicated that he was not prepared to consider video replays but might look again at goal-line technology. Yet when the former Scottish Football Association chief executive Gordon Smith proposed that the issue be debated at the IFAB meeting, it was roundly rejected following presentations from two companies that have been working on the technology. Blatter has since been unequivocal that the debate is closed, concentrating instead on the Uefa-inspired experiment with extra officials behind each goal. Jerome Valcke, the Fifa secretary general, reiterated Fifa's stance this week, saying that technological solutions were "not on the table" but that additional assistant referees could be introduced for the 2014 World Cup. "It doesn't mean the use of video, that is definitely not on the table today, but one thing we are discussing is two additional assistants to support referees to make decision-making easier and to have more eyes helping him to make such decisions," he said. Explaining the decision to rule out goal-line technology, Blatter said in March that football must retain its "human aspect". "No matter which technology is applied, at the end of the day a decision will have to be taken by a human being. This being the case, why remove the responsibility from the referee to give it to someone else?" he said. "It is often the case that, even after a slow-motion replay, 10 different experts will have 10 different opinions on what the decision should have been. Fans love to debate any given incident in a game. It is part of the human nature of our sport." England captain Steven Gerrard said the disallowed goal had an effect on the outcome of the match but that it should not be used as an excuse. "There were big key decisions in the game, at 2-1 we had a goal disallowed. At 2-1 we were hurting them and we were still in the game," he said. "I think it [the disallowed goal] had an effect but we cannot use that as an excuse with being beaten 4-1. That would have been a big goal for us. It's all ifs and buts. Germany are a fantastic team and they deserved their win." Smith, who has since stepped down as the SFA chief executive, said last night: "It was not significant to the result but, even if it had been, I don't think they would change their minds. Everyone watching at home saw what happened and these situations will arise again in the future but I don't think they'll change it." -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ivanos:轉錄至看板 FAPL 06/28 20:28

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那句話很合理也很有智慧和深度, 贊成布拉德
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