[討論] Goal.com 英格蘭 0-0 阿爾及利亞 賽後評分

看板WorldCup作者 (大宗)時間14年前 (2010/06/19 05:12), 編輯推噓14(1402)
留言16則, 13人參與, 最新討論串1/1
ENGLAND David James - 5 - Exhibited none of the calm normally associated with a player of his experience. A fumble under the high ball in the first half set off a chain reaction that could have been costly. Glen Johnson - 5 - Absent minded defensively and leaden on the front foot. Mustn't have packed the verve and desire that marked him as an international player of promise. John Terry - 5 - Fell in to Matmoor's trap. Didn't learn that the striker hit the deck at every opportunity and gave away a series of free kicks. Shocking back pass almost handed Algeria a goal Jamie Carragher - 5 - Solid component at the back. Got about his job with the minimum of fuss and didn't get sucked in to Algeria's game. Booked and suspended for the final group fixture against Slovenia. Ashley Cole - 6 - Excitable at times in the first half but was left with too much to do as Gerrard meandered inside. Aaron Lennon - 5 - Little boy lost. Lacked the confidence to impose himself in the biggest tournament in the sport. Still not fully recovered from his injury last season. Taken off for Wright-Phillips. Frank Lampard - 6 - Nearly man. Almost picked out Rooney but put too much spin on his chip over the top. Almost fired in a first half opener but the ball wouldn't sit for him. Gareth Barry - 6 - Gradually found his feet after spell on the sidelines. Unfortunately, tonight wasn't the setting for him. England needed acceleration from the middle, not someone to keep them ticking over. Sacrificed for Crouch. Steven Gerrard - 5 - Headless chicken, but was the fault his or the manager? As Algeria packed the middle, width was essential but the skipper's boots had no chalk on them. Wasted several opportunities through poor crossing and wild finishing. Wayne Rooney - 5 - The miracle man for Manchester United couldn't summon up a breakthrough for his country. His nation looked to him for inspiration but his touch was terrible and desire to spark the team in to life absent. Dreadful disappointment. Emile Heskey - 5 - The crux of England's problem. At the helm of the 4-4-2 that has seemed so limp. Did nothing to win over critics and his control was that of a Championship journeyman, let alone a striker for a World Cup challenger. SUBSTITUTES Shaun Wright-Phillips - 6 - Got at his Algerian opposite number more often. Unable to produce breakthrough. Jermain Defoe - 6 - Buzzed around the penalty box. Needed to be fed chances to score and none were forthcoming. Peter Crouch - 5 - Barely touched the ball after coming on to the pitch. ALGERIA Rais M'Bolhi - 5 - Suicidal clearance nearly handed Rooney a first half goal on a plate. Nerves not tested as England failed to fire home shots. Antar Yahia - 6 - Doubled up with Belhadj to prevent England having the run of the right side. Got on a nose bleed on the rare occasion he left his own half. Madjid Bougherra - 7 - Shone alongside the dogged Halliche. Got the better of Heskey in nearly every physical battle. Fantastic tackle denied Defoe straight after he came on. Rafik Halliche - 7 - Nudge changed the path of a cross headed for an unmarked Rooney and made a great block when Heskey was played through. Gave England's strikers no room to breathe. Nadir Belhadj - 6 - The rapier runs from when he plays were Portsmouth were neutured as he dug in. Helped to keep England's right wing quiet. Ryad Boudebouz - 6 - Added to the wall in front of the England attackers. Substituted for Abdoun. Mehdi Lacen - 6 - Not fazed by the star names he had to face. Ensured the Algerian's midfield remain compact and organised. Booked. Hassan Yebda - 5 - Solid until asked to shoot from distance. Wasted some of Algeria's best chances to score with some wild shots from distance that were never going to trouble James. Hooked for Mesbah. Karim Ziani - 5 - None of the magician in the Desert Fox's line-up tricks worked. Taken off for Guedioura. Foued Kadir - 6 -.Fitted in to the Algerian barrier laid across the field. Just as negative as his team-mates, though that was all that was requested. Karim Matmour - 6 - Handed thankless task as lone front man but made the most out of the scraps. Won a series of soft free kicks after he worked out the referee would acquiesce to most requsts if he hit the deck. Ran the hard yards. SUBSTITUTES Djamel Abdoun - 5 - Didn't stand out. Just another cog in the organised, but limited, Algerian machine. Adlene Guedioura - 6 - Continued impressive form from his time from Wolves after being introduced to the fray. Djamel Mesbah - 5 - No time to impress -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: jim1029 來自: (06/19 05:13)

06/19 05:15, , 1F
06/19 05:15, 1F

06/19 05:16, , 2F
06/19 05:16, 2F

06/19 05:18, , 3F
專業 Carragher有以前年輕的防守水準樣子
06/19 05:18, 3F

06/19 05:19, , 4F
魯尼阿魯尼 你還是穿回你的曼聯球衣吧
06/19 05:19, 4F

06/19 05:20, , 5F
06/19 05:20, 5F

06/19 05:30, , 6F
06/19 05:30, 6F

06/19 05:31, , 7F
06/19 05:31, 7F

06/19 05:34, , 8F
06/19 05:34, 8F

06/19 05:36, , 9F
踢再爛分數都比德國高 -__-
06/19 05:36, 9F

06/19 05:53, , 10F
SUCK 英格蘭根本就是5566
06/19 05:53, 10F

06/19 05:54, , 11F
06/19 05:54, 11F

06/19 06:12, , 12F
06/19 06:12, 12F

06/19 08:26, , 13F
06/19 08:26, 13F

06/19 09:32, , 14F
06/19 09:32, 14F

06/19 09:42, , 15F
06/19 09:42, 15F

06/19 09:44, , 16F
樓上昨天隱形很大 XD
06/19 09:44, 16F
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