[大威] 大威退出法網

看板Williams作者 (蔡有美)時間13年前 (2011/05/16 20:48), 編輯推噓7(700)
留言7則, 7人參與, 最新討論串1/1
前天的新聞 sorry 太晚po了 希望Eastbourne順利看得到大威 http://tinyurl.com/3byns22 Venus Williams out of French Open Venus Williams has withdrawn from the French Open, one day after her younger sister Serena did. Venus' agent, Carlos Fleming, wrote in an email to The Associated Press that the seven-time Grand Slam champion notified tournament organizers Friday she wouldn't compete at Roland Garros, where play starts May 22. The 30-year-old American has been off the tour since January, when she stopped playing only minutes into a match in the third round of the Australian Open because of a hip injury. A left knee injury limited her to just one tournament over the final six months of 2010. Serena pulled out of the French Open on Thursday. She hasn't entered a tournament since early July, sidelined by two foot operations and blood clots in her lung. -- 冰河期有完結篇 寒武紀從王菲聽來 地球要是可以 請帶走我的安全感 狂歡都是極短篇 回收了酒瓶才明白 總會有一首歌 唱清楚你的方向感 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/16 21:16, , 1F
05/16 21:16, 1F

05/16 21:22, , 2F
05/16 21:22, 2F

05/16 22:58, , 3F
05/16 22:58, 3F

05/16 23:29, , 4F
05/16 23:29, 4F

05/17 13:18, , 5F
05/17 13:18, 5F

05/17 20:29, , 6F
so sad......
05/17 20:29, 6F

05/18 00:46, , 7F
大威出來打法網 其實也沒什麼意思
05/18 00:46, 7F
文章代碼(AID): #1DqHqxG7 (Williams)