Re: [威家] Twitter

看板Williams作者 (蔡有美)時間13年前 (2011/03/03 08:27), 編輯推噓5(500)
留言5則, 5人參與, 最新討論串34/43 (看更多)
小威出來說話了 Williams' representative, Nicole Chabot, issued a statement confirming her client was now on the road to recovery. The statement said: "Serena did indeed suffer from a pulmonary embolism last week, and the hematoma was another unexpected scare. Serena上周確實得病 血腫則是另外一個沒預期到的驚嚇 "Thankfully everything was caught in time. With continued doctor visits to monitor her situation, she is recuperating at home under strict medical supervision." 不過幸運的是每個問題都有及時發現 目前他留在家 接受醫生持續的看診監控 Williams herself issued a statement adding: "Thank you everyone for all of your prayers, concerns, and support. 謝謝大家的禱告.擔心.支持 "This has been extremely hard, scary, and disappointing. I am doing better, I'm at home now and working with my doctors to keep everything under control. 這實在太困難了 可怕 而且又令人失望 我現在已經好多了 我留在家跟醫生們一起讓每個問題都能在控制之內 "I know I will be OK, but am praying and hoping this will all be behind me soon. While I can't make any promises now on my return, I hope to be back by early summer. That said, my main goal is to make sure I get there safely." 我知道我會很快好起來 但我還是祈禱.希望這件事能趕快過去 我現在不能保證任何復出的行程了 我希望夏季能回來 但我最重要的目標是確保當我上場 一定會安全健康 -- 冰河期有完結篇 寒武紀從王菲聽來 地球要是可以 請帶走我的安全感 狂歡都是極短篇 回收了酒瓶才明白 總會有一首歌 唱清楚你的方向感 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

03/03 17:13, , 1F
我想大威應該已經被小威嚇暈了 ><
03/03 17:13, 1F

03/03 23:35, , 2F
god bless serena
03/03 23:35, 2F

03/04 00:22, , 3F
Sincerely Wish~
03/04 00:22, 3F

03/04 03:04, , 4F
03/04 03:04, 4F

03/05 23:31, , 5F
03/05 23:31, 5F
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