Re: [心得] 網球,就是一場風度的較量。

看板Williams作者 (VStarr)時間16年前 (2007/09/10 00:35), 編輯推噓4(405)
留言9則, 3人參與, 最新討論串1/1
※ [本文轉錄自 Tennis 看板] 作者: VWilliams (VStarr) 看板: Tennis 標題: Re: [心得] 網球,就是一場風度的較量。 時間: Mon Sep 10 00:17:52 2007 恕刪 ※ 引述《pennykidd (單色系紫黑)》之銘言: : *風度是什麼呢?Federer與Henin那種為對手緩頰、欣賞對手表現的風範,或許可以讓你 : 參考一下。 : Federer面對生涯對戰紀錄勝率不到10%的Andy,他大可講得放肆一些,但他還是稱讚 : Andy,認為那場8強對戰無疑是一場艱困的比賽;但坦白說Federer直落三是事實,而且 : 在搶7中,Federer的表現明顯比較沉穩,並且從未在比分上落後過。戰局是很緊繃, : 但Federer都將比賽僵持在可以控制的範圍。 : 賽前自信滿滿的小威,很早就說期待這場交手。但事實上是,從第二盤之後,整個水準 : 大大降低,甚至在賽後訪問說對手只是有很多幸運球。她的姊姊好一些,比賽輸得不難 : 看;但對於對手優秀的表現甚少提及,而她的母親則搬出一堆其他的藉口,無疑讓人覺 : 得對於身為頂尖選手應有的風範,她們的態度都應該更為得體才對。網球是種講求風度 : 的運動,因為獨立奮戰、沒有教練臨陣耳提面命,更直接考驗選手對比賽的抗壓力;而 : 風度就是處理情緒的能力,不管是落後或領先、不管是接受失敗或是慶賀成功。 我是威家板的板主 但我不會隨便護短或隨便護航 小威這次真的是失態了 這是他應該改進的地方 但是說大威甚少提到對手表現這點我不認同 Q. Are you okay? What happened there in the second set where you had to have the trainer out? VENUS WILLIAMS: Uhm, you know, I'm okay. I just was feeling dizzy, a little sick to the stomach. Was just having some energy problems. I'm not really sure what's wrong with me. But, you know, credit to her for playing well. 記者問他為什麼叫trainer進場 大威解釋說他有點不舒服 最後一句特別還提到要歸功於Henin的好表現 這個問題其實跟Henin或比賽本身毫無相關 但大威主動稱讚對手 Q. Did they give you something for it? VENUS WILLIAMS: Normally when you get hurt or sick in a match there's nothing that can be done. You have to just get through it. I did my best. 被問到有被做出什麼治療時 大威也沒有找藉口 再次說他已經盡自己最大努力了 Q. I know you have not played Justine for three and a half years. You said you'd been following her. Is this the best level you've seen her play? VENUS WILLIAMS: She always plays well, so... Whether it's today or any other day, she always plays a solid game. Definitely credit to her. 大威被問到Henin的表現時候 再次稱讚Henin"一直都是打的很好" "表現堅強" "應該歸功於他" Q. Is it unfortunate the two best players had to meet in the semifinals instead of the final here? VENUS WILLIAMS: It is what it is. I don't see any unfortunate circumstances in anything in life. I just feel fortunate to be here. Wasn't the case last year. I count all my blessings. 被問到是否覺得自己在四強就要碰Henin感到不幸 大威說他覺得自己能夠站在場上已經夠幸福了 他去年甚至因傷退賽 Q. When you broke her back at 3-5, did you think you might be able to turn it a round at that point? VENUS WILLIAMS: Always. Definitely always. I tried my best today. I'm very disappointed, obviously. I don't feel the way I would feel if I had just played awfully and given it away. I just feel like I was fighting some circumstances that I couldn't conquer. This is sports. 又再說一次自己真的已經盡力了 Q. What does the experience of winning Wimbledon and then going as far as you have done here when you're not feeling a hundred percent tell you about yourself that maybe you didn't know before? VENUS WILLIAMS: Well, I felt okay at Wimbledon. I didn't feel a hundred percent. But it's definitely all about desire and will, you know. I really wanted it. I really wanted it here, too, but I fell short. You know, she played well. She deserved it. 大威再次稱讚對手打的好 值得獲勝 Q. Can you tell me what the big difference was between you and Justine? VENUS WILLIAMS: I think the big difference for me was definitely my footwork. You know, I have to be in position. I was a little slow. Definitely being able to push a little harder, stay in the points a little longer, and even to play aggressively takes a lot of energy. I think just all of that. But she hung in there and played tough, even when I broke her. She definitely hung in there after that, too. 再次稱讚Henin的表現 大威至少稱讚了Henin四次 而且都不是記者要他評價Henin 他是在主動情況下稱讚Henin的 這樣還要被說沒風度 我真的覺得很無法接受 -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

09/10 00:19,
09/10 00:19

09/10 00:20,
推,覺得這次小威有些失言,但大威很棒! 威媽則也囧
09/10 00:20

09/10 00:20,
09/10 00:20

09/10 00:20,
或許是受了小威的影響 原作者說大小威的言論可以再更
09/10 00:20

09/10 00:21,
加得體 卻沒也說大威沒風度吧
09/10 00:21

09/10 00:21,
一直覺得大威比小威有風度些 也是我喜歡大威較多的原因
09/10 00:21

09/10 00:21,
09/10 00:21

09/10 00:23,
09/10 00:23

09/10 00:22,
大威真的很不錯 那篇報導我有看 覺得這樣夠了對一個戰敗
09/10 00:22

09/10 00:23,
沒有說大威沒風度嗎? 建議Musrienport再仔細看看吧
09/10 00:23

09/10 00:22,
原作者是用了個 ; 要看清楚啊。
09/10 00:22

09/10 00:23,
者來說 很有風度了
09/10 00:23

09/10 00:23,
應該也沒有到連坐 評價只是沒那麼高 並不是負面
09/10 00:23

09/10 00:26,
09/10 00:26

09/10 00:27,
09/10 00:27

09/10 00:28,
09/10 00:28

09/10 00:28,
大威比較起來真的很有風度 :)
09/10 00:28

09/10 00:29,
恩 大威不錯:D
09/10 00:29

09/10 00:28,
09/10 00:28

09/10 00:31,
大威一直都比較懂事一點 大家都針對小威較多
09/10 00:31
-- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

09/10 02:55, , 1F
大威從來就很OK的.. 至少跟小威比好很多...
09/10 02:55, 1F

09/10 02:59, , 2F
大威一直是好孩子. 很欣賞她打得好卻不驕傲的態度~
09/10 02:59, 2F

09/10 03:00, , 3F
相反的.. 妹妹從小就被寵壞了吧~ 不知道哪來的那股自信
09/10 03:00, 3F

09/10 09:44, , 4F
09/10 09:44, 4F

09/10 09:44, , 5F
不過小威的不亢不卑 我想只是有違我們傳統價值觀
09/10 09:44, 5F

09/10 09:44, , 6F
你仔細去看她說的字字句句 了不起是不謙卑 但卻沒有狂妄
09/10 09:44, 6F

09/10 14:36, , 7F
09/10 14:36, 7F

09/10 14:37, , 8F
09/10 14:37, 8F

09/10 14:38, , 9F
09/10 14:38, 9F
文章代碼(AID): #16v23NiX (Williams)