[小威] 2007澳網第一輪訪問

看板Williams作者 (VStarr)時間17年前 (2007/01/17 00:50), 編輯推噓10(1000)
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中間剩一些 明天補翻吧 正在練習翻譯 翻不好請多包涵 http://www.tennisnews.com/exclusive.php?pID=16173 An interview with Serena Williams Monday, 15 January, 2007 S. WILLIAMS/M. Santangelo 6-2, 6-1 Q. What pleased you most about tonight's match? 什麼讓你在今晚的比賽感到最高興? SERENA WILLIAMS: What I'm happy most about I think is my serve. I was really struggling with my serve before and, you know, it was hard. But I was determined to hold serve. 我的發球 上週我的發球真的很掙扎 但我今天鐵下心一定要保發 Q. Where do you think any improvement can come from looking forward to the next couple of matches? 你覺得還有什麼地方可以在接下來的比賽改進? SERENA WILLIAMS: Well, I think there's so much I can do to improve. I actually wasn't a hundred percent happy with the way I played. You know, my mom said I did a little better at some things. I just thought that there were some things I could do a lot better. 太多了 我並沒有對自己的表現百分百高興 我媽說我有些地方好一點了 但我覺得可以還有一些地方我可以處理更好 But, you know, as long as I'm moving forward, uhm, figuratively and literally, I should be fine. 但你知道 只要我繼續前進 我應該會打的很好 Q. Fitness okay? 你的身材OK嗎? SERENA WILLIAMS: Yeah. Fitness is fine, yeah. 身材還OK Q. You're saying your fitness is fine. Can you win a third title? 你說的你身材還OK 你能贏第三個澳網嗎? SERENA WILLIAMS: I can definitely win a third title, for sure. My mom and my dad always taught me to think positive. For me to sit here and say no now, I just can't do that. 我當然相信我可以贏第三座錦標 我爸媽一直教我要保持正面想法 對我來說我就是不能坐在這說"我辦不到" Now whether I win, lose or draw, that's, you know, up to me. But I'm not going to sit here and say no. I just can't do that. 不管我贏.輸.打平 你知道 都取決於我 但我不會坐在這說"我辦不到" Q. Are you approaching the season looking at it, Yes, I have to win titles, or do you think it's going to be a long process, you'll have to work your way back month after month, week after week? 你對於這個賽季的展望是"我要拿下很多冠軍"還是重返巔峰是需要一段長時間的過程? SERENA WILLIAMS: I'm definitely looking at working my way back more than anything. Also I'm looking at, you know, I feel just like a bird, and I feel free. I feel, you know, really loose. 我當然最希望能快回到巔峰 但我也覺得現在像隻鳥一樣非常自由 無拘無束 Sometimes I get, you know, a little tight. But I think about the opportunity that I have. I mean, after Australia, you know, third-round points to defend. After this, I mean, I have absolutely no points coming off for two more Grand Slams, you know, which I'm bound to do well at. And also all the tournaments in between. I look at it that way. It looks good. You know, it can only move up. 有時我也覺得有點麻煩 但我在澳網只有三輪積分要保 接下來都是加分期 從這角度看還不錯 至少我現在只會上升 Q. Can you play loose and free, or is your game not at the point yet where you feel like, I've got all my shots now? 你覺得打的很輕鬆還是你覺得現在還沒有進到最好狀態? SERENA WILLIAMS: I think I'm not the type of person who can play loose and free because like I just want to do it so well and I want to be perfect. I just realize that you can't do that. Even out there tonight I had to tell myself a couple times, you know, Serena, relax. I just think it's a personality trait. 我不是那種可以放的很開的人 我想要打的近乎完美 但我知道這是辦不到的 就算在今晚我到一直跟自己說要放鬆 我覺得這是各人特質的不同 Q. Did you consider playing last fall after the Open? Did you want to? 你去年打完美網後有好慮參加秋天的比賽嗎? 你當時想繼續比賽嗎? SERENA WILLIAMS: I did consider playing. You know, I just decided it was best. I knew I had a long time I was going to have to not play due to some court procedures, so I thought it was best for me just to train as much as I can. It was a hard decision. But I figured I should just, you know, train, go from there. 我有考慮過 但我覺得不打對我是最好的 我知道我應該要有多一點的場上訓練 所以我覺得應該要盡可能的多訓練一點 Q. When you're in a match, how match tough do you feel compared to when you were playing more often? 你現在打比賽的時候比起你之前比較常比賽時有什麼困難的地方? SERENA WILLIAMS: I feel cool. You know, I feel like I played -- I think Hobart really helped me. I played some girls I think that thought they were No. 1, so that really helped me out a lot. 我覺得不錯 我覺得Hobart的比賽真的幫了我 我打了幾個像世界第一的球員 Q. What do you mean? 什麼意思? SERENA WILLIAMS: I played some girls that really thought they were No. 1. I mean, they were playing like they were No. 1 on the men's tour. It was just incredible. At the end of the day it was tough, but I think it helped me out. It was an eye-opener. Everyone's out to beat me still, no matter what. 我跟一些感覺可以在男網排到第一的女孩比賽@@ 很難以置信 很艱苦 但我覺得對我有幫助 大家都會想擊敗我 Q. How long did it take you to get over the knee operation, both in terms of healing and that you could train properly? Seemed like for a year after it hung around. 你在膝蓋開刀後花了多少時間復元? 你在養傷期間有做一些訓練嗎? SERENA WILLIAMS: I got over it. I came back. I won a Slam. I won some big tournaments. Then, you know, I had a relapse. It took a while. Yeah, it took a while. 我之前復元了 還贏了一個大滿貫跟一些冠軍 但後來我又舊傷復發了 所以又休養了一陣子 Q. Are you confident now that it's not going to come back? 你對於不再舊傷復發有信心嗎? SERENA WILLIAMS: Well, I think anything can come back. But I think what's most important for me is to just keep it trained. Like I had a problem, like when I injured my ankle, I twisted my ankle, I didn't know that I should continue to do things for my knee. I didn't know that my knee would get weak again. It was just I didn't know that. 我想每件事都可能會重新發生 但我對我來最重要的保持膝蓋訓練 我扭傷腳踝時我不知道怎麼去保持膝蓋訓練 然後膝蓋就變得比較差了 There was a little bit of ignorance going into that injury. I think that was a major setback. 那是因為我不知道這些事 但我想是復發原因 Q. The dress tonight you wore, is that one of your own creations? 今晚穿的裙子也是你的設計嗎? SERENA WILLIAMS: Yeah, it is. 是的 Q. Is it one you've worn before? 你之前有穿過這件嗎? SERENA WILLIAMS: I've never worn that one before, no. 沒有 Q. There was some suggestions it would be interesting to see how your opponent coped because of the color of the dress compared to the ball. Was that something you factored into your thinking? 這件的顏色跟球有點像 可能會影響到對手發揮 你有考慮過這點嗎? SERENA WILLIAMS: Yeah, I thought about that the whole time I was designing the dress. "I can't beat these girls; I've got to think of every way to cheat." 嘿 我有想過耶 我設計的時候想"@@ 我現在打不贏他們了 那我得使點小手段XD" Q. Do you think it could be a factor with that color? 這是選這個顏色的因素之一嗎? SERENA WILLIAMS: Actually, a lot of people are wearing a similar color, I've noticed. I'm wearing a dress. A lot of the girls are wearing like a top and a skirt, different things. Yeah, I never thought about that, to be honest with you. It wouldn't affect me. That's the attitude I take. 其實我有注意過這次比賽很多人都穿這樣的顏色啊 我穿的是連身裙 很多女孩穿的是上下分離的球衣配裙子 我真的沒有想過球衣要怎樣怎樣 那不會影響我 Q. Could you talk a little about Lindsay, the fact she's moving on, having a baby. 你可以談一下戴姐嗎? 他快生小孩了 SERENA WILLIAMS: I've always liked Lindsay. Lindsay and I always got along really well. I miss her. I was watching TV. They were showing some highlights. I noticed they had just like a picture of Lindsay returning serve. I was like, Oh. You know, I know she's happy. She's had a fabulous career. She was so consistent. I like Lindsay a lot. She will be missed, for sure, especially by me. 我很喜歡他 他跟我一直都處很好 我也很想他 我看電視時看到一些精彩回顧 我注意到一張他接發球的照片 真是讓我@@ 但我知道他很快樂 有成功的網球生涯 我很喜歡戴姐 他會被大家想念的 特別是我 Q. The handbag you carried out on your left arm, is that a fashion accessory or a practical thing? 那個掛在你左手的包包是一個時尚裝飾還是實用的包包? SERENA WILLIAMS: It has like my water -- not my water, but like my Gatorade, my wristbands and stuff in it. It wasn't a fashion accessory. But I like the bag. I thought it was really cute. I was like, you know, this is a really hot Nike bag. 我把我的護腕跟一些東西放在裡面 這不只是個時尚裝飾 我覺得這個很可愛 很漂亮nike包 I used to carry my purse out, but I didn't bring a purse out here, so I carry my fabulous Nike bag. And it kind of matches my outfit, too. 我之前都戴著手提包進場 但我沒帶來 所以我把這個漂亮的包包帶來了 這也跟我的衣服蠻配的 Q. Without Venus and Lindsay, a number of other ex-American stars here, you're pretty much the only game in town. Do you feel that at all? 少了大威跟戴姐這兩位美國球星 你被當成期望寄托 你有什麼感覺 SERENA WILLIAMS: I haven't thought about it, to be honest with you. I'm just here to compete. Like I said, I'm here to do whatever I can do. That's the only thing I'm here to do. I have to focus on me, you know, just staying relaxed, being content and being happy. 我還沒想過 但說實話我只是來比賽的 我唯一要做的只是專注在自己 保持輕鬆愉快 Q. What do you think Lindsay's legacy will be in terms of her game and the way she played it? 你覺得戴姐的傳奇性是在他的球技跟打球的方式嗎? SERENA WILLIAMS: Like I said, Lindsay was extremely consistent - a little more consistent than I was or, geez, am, was, whatever. She was extremely consistent. She was always in the top five-ish. We've had some great matches. I think she'll just have a great legacy. She was a great American player. Obviously won several Grand Slams, singles and doubles. A lot of people don't play doubles any more. It was awesome. She did good. 戴姐一直都是始終堅定不移的 比我還堅定 他一直都在前五名內 我跟他有不少漂亮的對戰 我想他非常有傳奇性 一個偉大的美國球員 在單雙打贏了不少大滿貫 很多球員顧了單打就不再打雙打了 Q. What's the second biggest thing after tennis in your life? 對你來說生活中除了網球最重要的是什麼? SERENA WILLIAMS: My dogs. I miss them so much. 我的狗狗 我好想他們喔 Q. When you won here in 2005, you fought your way back. You were down in the semis and the finals. Does that feel like a long time ago to you at this point? 當你贏得2005的錦標時 你在四強跟決賽都落後 但是奮鬥逆轉 對現在的你來說 你覺得這是很久以前的事了嗎? SERENA WILLIAMS: It does feel like a long time ago. But, you know, it seems like it was like in 2003. I guess it was 05. It wasn't that long ago. It was only a couple years ago. 是感覺有點久 你知道 那年跟2003年的經歷有點像 並不那麼久 不過就兩年前 Q. How concerned are you about Venus' health? She hasn't played since Wimbledon. 你有多擔心大威的健康問題? 他溫網後就沒比賽了 SERENA WILLIAMS: She played a tournament after. She played in, I believe, Luxembourg. 他後來打了一個比賽 我相信是在盧森堡 Q. And got hurt. 但後來受傷了 SERENA WILLIAMS: Yeah, so. I'm really not concerned. No offense, but I was practicing with her in Florida, and she was just killing me. I'm kind of glad she didn't make it, for my sake (laughter). You can't sleep on her because she's playing unbelievable. I got to take my chance now while she's out because when she's coming back, she's really playing like she's playing with no fear and she's practicing really hard. Yeah, she's playing unbelievable. 對 但是我並不擔心 我在佛州跟他訓練時他簡直像要把我殺了 我有點高興他沒有來澳網 你不能小看他 因為他其實打的不可思議 我需要在他沒回來前把握機會 因為等他回來 他會打的無所畏懼 他訓練的很刻苦 他真的打的不可思議 -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/17 00:57, , 1F
"他簡直像要把我殺了" 真好笑
01/17 00:57, 1F

01/17 00:57, , 2F
01/17 00:57, 2F

01/17 01:01, , 3F
看起來反應不錯 那我以後有空就翻翻當做英文練習好了
01/17 01:01, 3F

01/17 01:03, , 4F
01/17 01:03, 4F

01/17 01:06, , 5F
01/17 01:06, 5F

01/17 06:05, , 6F
01/17 06:05, 6F

01/17 08:34, , 7F
推 謝謝
01/17 08:34, 7F

01/17 09:27, , 8F
01/17 09:27, 8F

01/17 12:45, , 9F
希望大小威一起趕快回來 加油!!
01/17 12:45, 9F

01/17 18:49, , 10F
01/17 18:49, 10F
※ 編輯: VWilliams 來自: (01/17 22:52)
文章代碼(AID): #15hG9jwC (Williams)