Re: Some Quotes from 2005 Soxcess(2)

看板WhiteSox作者 (Axis)時間18年前 (2006/01/04 15:13), 編輯推噓4(400)
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其實我還漏掉了一些,這邊再補一下。 "Ball game is not won on paper, but on field." by Ozzie Guillen 我喜歡這段話,印象中,這是季賽時後說的。不管帳面上一個隊的球員數據 有多好,最後還是得球場上見真張才算數。白襪一開始在帳面上確實不好看 ,不過在場上的表現讓他們贏得最後勝利。因此這段話雖然聽起來囂張,但 卻也是事實。 "I think it's great because we proved a lot of people wrong, and I think I like that." by Ozzie Guillen 這是在贏得了ALCS後講的,主因應該是很多人唱衰白襪,覺得根本過不了天 使這一關,比如ESPN的十六個預測就沒有人覺得白襪會贏得ALCS的pennant。 Ozzie在2005年蠻常抱怨白襪一直沒得到該有的respect,所以這段話也算是 一種發洩吧! "This is beyond what I was expecting. It's pretty amazing. I don't know, maybe I should stop being amazed by these guys." by Don Cooper 這是投手教練在Garcia完成ALCS第三場CG後說的,只是我們不曉得隔天後他有 沒有amazed again而已。 "No matter what happens, when you win the American League pennant, you've had one wonderful year." by Jerry Reinsdorf 這是ALCS Game 5後老闆說的話。是的,如果在春訓時跟大家說白襪可以贏得 ALCS冠軍,相信大家都不會有什麼不滿意。不過好玩的是,老闆還沒講完, 他接下來繼續說: "But then you get greedy, and you want to get four more. It's only been since 1917 so I think it's time, and hopefully these guys can get the job done." by Jerry Reinsdorf 老闆真可愛!球員沒讓他失望,不需要用六枚NBA冠軍戒指換,也恭喜他等了 25年終於等到了。 "All this year I had been fooled by Wells' curves, so I went out trying to hit today and I am happy that it happened." by Tadahito Iguchi 這是井口透過翻譯說的,意思就是他整年一直被David Wells的曲球吃夠夠, 終於在ALDS的Game 2討回來了。 "He's probably got the most heart of any pitcher I've ever been around. That's the story of the night for me. Bases loaded, no outs against the best offense in the major leagues and he comes out of it." by Konerko on Orlando "El Duque" Hernandez 意思就是說,公爵大概是Konerko看過的投手裡面心臟最強的,因此可以在滿 壘無人出局時面對全大聯盟最強的攻擊陣容時,還可以全身而退。所以WS時 再搞一次,不然會不曉得怎麼投球就是了? "You can split up (the MVP) about ten different ways. I mean, four complete games in a row, you have to be kidding me. But I know who the real MVP is, and that's our pitching. I'm still going to respect it and I'll honor it, but it's all about team here." by Paul Konerko ALCS Game 5後講的。嗯,蠻有良心的一段話。 "Home runs happen when you least expect it, and that was definitely the case there" by Paul Konerko "That's usually when you get them is when you're not trying to." by Paul Konerko 第一段話是在ALCS的Game 3後說的,第二段話是在WS的Game 2後說的。意思都 差不多,就是當你越不期望打HR,才越打得出來。蠻有哲理的,很像是武俠小 說裡高人在指點菜鳥主角時說的話。 "Actually, he calls a lot of home runs and they never come true. You just don't see balls off his bat that go over the fence a lot. But crazy things happen in the World Series. Everyone knows it." by Paul Konerko on Scott Podsednik "For Podsednik to hit a home run off of Lidge, it's something that just doesn't happen. I'm stunned." by A.J. Pierzynski on Scott Podsednik Konerko的意思就是說,球季時Pod就常常跟他們唬爛說要打HR,但是從沒成真 過,直到WS時才發生這種crazy的事情,也因此AJ被嚇到了。後來,我看賽後芝 加哥的當地記者訪問Ozzie(比較不正式,不是坐在椅子上讓一堆記者問的那種 訪問),問他說Pod季賽一支HR都沒有但卻在今天打出walk-off HR,他有何看 法,Ozzie說,他跟Pod說:「你小心一點,committee可能會把你抓去驗尿。」 "I was fortunate to be in a situation where I could do something to help us win." by Joe Crede 這是ALCS Game 5後講的。Joe Clutch Crede在這場球真的是名符其實,先在七 局敲出追平分的HR,第八局再敲出勝利打點,最後贏得比賽。當然,之後的WS Game 1他又clutch了一次。倒底是不是真的有clutch player這回事?有的人覺 得有,有的人覺得沒有,大家覺得呢? "We understand we haven't accomplished anything yet. The ultimate goal comes after two more wins." by Scott Podsednik 這是WS Game 2後說的。是的,如老闆之前所說,大家胃口已經被養大了,若沒 有拿到WS冠軍會很殘念的。第一次看到Pod是在2004年去Milwaukee看比賽的時候 認識的(講得好像我現在跟他很熟的樣子),主要目的當然是要看六局的香腸賽 跑(sausage race)。既然到了,當然會逛一下紀念品店,看到很多有Pod名字 的T-shirt。當時對他的第一印象是:這名字不太好唸。沒想到隔年就被trade到 白襪,並在WS的Game 2嚇死大家。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

01/04 16:59, , 1F
我只能再推一次了! ! !
01/04 16:59, 1F

01/04 17:48, , 2F
他最後有沒有被抓去驗尿吧= =
01/04 17:48, 2F

01/05 01:11, , 3F
WS後有外野手禁藥抓包的風聲 大家都紛紛猜測是Pod -_-
01/05 01:11, 3F

01/05 02:23, , 4F
01/05 02:23, 4F
文章代碼(AID): #13ktM3s- (WhiteSox)