[新聞] 瑪丹娜批評英國 BBC Radio 1拒播其新單曲

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原文網址︰http://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-31851130 瑪丹娜的新歌遭英國 BBC Radio 1電台拒於播放歌單之外, 引發是否有對歌手年齡歧視的論戰。 她在英國太陽報(The Sun)表示驚訝與不滿:「這不是應該跟你有沒有寫出好歌有關嗎?」 「我的經理告訴我,如果你不是二十來歲,很難擠進歌單裡。三十幾歲或許也還有機會, 四十幾歲只有一些人幸運獲選,如果五十多歲呢?捨棄這個念頭吧!」 「真的假的?這是這樣來的嗎?我真蠢都不知道這跟我年紀有關,我只顧做好工作。」 「我們在各方面都有長足進步,像是公民權和同志人權,但是年齡歧視卻還是個禁忌,沒 人去談論它、處理它。」 Radio 1的聲明則指出,這跟歌手年齡無關, 而是依據「歌曲品質和與年輕聽眾的關聯」,並每首歌都以個案考量。 不過BBC Radio 1的音樂部長(head of music)在去年就曾發言:「BBC信託希望我們鎖定 年輕的聽眾,我們已將年齡層設在15-30歲之間。」 「很大部分喜歡瑪丹娜的人都已經超過30歲,坦白說,我們已經擺脫她繼續前行了。」 Radio 1還是有播放超過30歲歌手的歌曲, 例如 Foo Fighters,主唱 Dave Grohl今年46歲。 72歲的保羅麥卡尼也有進入歌單中,雖然只是做為Kanye West和Rihanna新歌的合作歌手。 太陽報對BBC嚴詞抨擊,表示Take That和Kylie Minogue也遭逢相同情況。 瑪丹娜的單曲並非完全沒於 Radio 1上播出, 例如在DJ Annie Mac的節目(她自稱是老歌迷),還有Official Chart的倒數皆有放送。 這首單曲也在Radio 2的歌單中出現,這個電台鎖定的聽眾年齡層較長。 儘管在全英音樂獎摔倒獲得大幅篇幅報導,這首單曲暫時收在最高第26名。 不過她的專輯Rebel Heart在周間領先,可望成為她的第12張冠軍。 (附上原文避免翻譯的語意差別) Madonna criticises Radio 1 'ban' Pop star Madonna has called Radio 1 "discriminatory and unfair" after it declined to play her latest single. Living For Love failed to make the station's playlist, which dictates its most-played songs, when it was released last month, leading to accusations of ageism from the 56-year-old's fans. Speaking to The Sun, Madonna said she was "shocked" by her exclusion. "I was like, 'Wait a second. Shouldn't it be to do with whether you wrote a good, catchy pop song?" Radio 1 says Madonna's age had nothing to do with its decision, saying it chooses songs on "musical merit and their relevance to our young audience on a case-by-case basis". "An artist's age is never a factor," it said in a statement. However, BBC News has learned that the station turned its back on Madonna long before Living For Love was released. Speaking at a Radio Academy event last year, Radio 1's 49-year-old head of music, George Ergatoudis, said the station had "moved on" from her music. Ergatoudis, who chairs the weekly playlist meetings, had been asked whether he would play Madonna's next single if she agreed to appear at Radio 1's Big Weekend festival. In response, he said: "The BBC Trust have asked us to go after a young audience. We've got to concentrate on [people aged] 15-30. We have to bring our average age down. That's something we're very conscious of." "The vast majority of people who like Madonna, who like her music now, are over 30 and frankly, we've moved on from Madonna." 'So stupid' In her interview with The Sun, Madonna expressed disbelief that age would be a factor in deciding whose music to play on daytime radio. "My manager said to me, 'If you're not in your twenties, it's hard. You might get your record played in your thirties. There's a handful of people who do - Pharrell [who is 41] got lucky. But if you're in your fifties, you can forget it'." "Really? Is that how it's broken down? I'm so stupid. I didn't know it was anything to do with my age. I just do my work." "We've made so many advances in other areas - civil rights, gay rights - but ageism is still an area that's taboo and not talked about and dealt with." Radio 1 does continue to play other artists above the age of 30 - including the Foo Fighters, whose frontman Dave Grohl is 46. 72-year-old Paul McCartney also appears on the current playlist, although only as a featured artist on Kanye West and Rihanna's song FourFiveSeconds. The Sun has run a vocal campaign criticising the station for turning its back on artists such as Take That and Kylie Minogue. However, Madonna's single was not completely banished by Radio 1, being played on some of its specialist shows. One of the DJs who gave the song airtime was Annie Mac, who took over the influential Evening Session programme earlier this week. She told The Independent: "I'm a lifelong Madonna fan and I played her on my Friday show." "[Living For Love] was produced by Diplo, who is one of the biggest artists on my show. If I'm excited by a song, then I think it's going to be all right to play it." The single was also included on the Radio 2 playlist, which targets an older audience. Despite that, it stalled at 26 in the charts, despite the publicity following Madonna's fall at the Brit Awards. The star can perhaps take comfort in the fact that her new album, Rebel Heart, is on course to reach number one this weekend. If it reaches the top spot, it will be her 12th number one album in the UK. ---------------------------以下是個人意見------------------------------------- 其實 BBC Radio 1推行聽眾年輕化已久, 因為之前經調查平均聽眾年齡層增高到33歲。 2012年晨間節目 The Chris Moyles Show, 在播出長達八年多後結束,改由 Nick Grimshaw接手, 傳聞就跟這點有關。 不過後來節目內容個人覺得有點太過頭, 有陣子一直圍繞在 One Direction,甚至有一周是每天 call out一位成員。 我對他們完全沒意見,也喜歡一些歌曲,但是這樣的內容讓人有點傻眼。 Nick過度自嗨到有點尷尬的風格也讓我後來就覺得沒很喜歡。 平心而論 Radio 1的歌單還算是豐富,他的歌單分成A、B、C三種, 一些新人也有機會獲得播放。 且有第六台 6 Music播放非主流歌曲,所以兩台算是各司其職。 不過就節目而言比較喜歡 Radio 1的娛樂性, 6 Music固然可以聽到少見的好歌,但節目步調緩慢有時會讓人想睡XD 最近也是資深 Radio 1 DJ的 Zane Lowe離開,引發許多人惋惜。 因為他的節目就常常播放一些較不常見歌手的歌曲, 讓他們有曝光的機會,也忽視radio-edit 3,4分鐘原則, 堅持完整播出5分鐘甚至7分鐘的歌曲。 (不過他的節目剛好落在台灣時間半夜2,3點,聽到機會不多) 各電台有主力的聽眾,考量流行性無可厚非, 不過也要考慮是不是有時太過僵化了,把聽眾想得太簡單? 個人喜歡的 DJ包括 Scott Mills、Huw Stephens、Phil Taggart等, Scott和搭檔 Chris一搭一唱開玩笑恰到好處不會過頭; Huw Stephens的節目介紹很多優秀新樂團, 身為威爾斯人也很用心推廣當地音樂,還有替雜誌寫客串專欄。 Phil Taggart有自己的音樂廠牌,也會播放一些較冷門的好歌。 身為流行電台播放當紅歌曲是必須的, 不過有這些 DJ提供一些歌單以外的空間, 讓聽慣流行的聽眾有機會接觸一些不常聽到的歌也是不錯。 誰知道他們不會突然紅起來? (Foals, Bastille?) 以上,感謝您的閱讀。 -- This is the way the world ends: Not with a bang but a whimper. T. S. Eliot -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WesternMusic/M.1426259282.A.52B.html

03/13 23:51, , 1F
03/13 23:51, 1F

03/14 02:02, , 2F
03/14 02:02, 2F

03/14 02:03, , 3F
03/14 02:03, 3F

03/14 02:03, , 4F
03/14 02:03, 4F

03/14 07:41, , 5F
03/14 07:41, 5F

03/14 11:26, , 6F
美國電台也是類似情況 還引發歌迷抗議
03/14 11:26, 6F

03/14 11:27, , 7F
不過最近歌曲年輕人無感也是事實 若是反應熱烈 電台
03/14 11:27, 7F

03/14 11:28, , 8F
也不會自己把熱門歌往外推 硬糖時期的4分鐘就頗成功
03/14 11:28, 8F

03/14 11:28, , 9F
03/14 11:28, 9F

03/14 11:30, , 10F
目前在網路點閱等年輕族群為主的通路 也是她最弱的
03/14 11:30, 10F

03/14 11:30, , 11F
03/14 11:30, 11F

03/14 13:14, , 12F
以前最常聽Chris Moyle, Fern Cotton, Greg, 禮拜天好
03/14 13:14, 12F

03/14 13:14, , 13F
像有 Benji B混音, 音國音樂的多樣真的好過美國
03/14 13:14, 13F

03/14 19:57, , 14F
覺得這張不錯聽耶 想買
03/14 19:57, 14F

03/14 23:45, , 15F
這張超好聽 尤其 unapologetic bitch
03/14 23:45, 15F

03/14 23:47, , 16F

03/15 21:25, , 17F
25歲 瑪丹娜新專明明超棒的
03/15 21:25, 17F

03/16 00:32, , 18F
03/16 00:32, 18F

03/16 06:00, , 19F
結果被SS逆襲 娜姐最後專輯榜亞軍坐收 SS稱霸單曲專輯
03/16 06:00, 19F

03/16 10:42, , 20F
Joan of Arc很好聽 http://ppt.cc/F4LK
03/16 10:42, 20F
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