Fw: [影音] The Wanted on meeting Christina

看板WesternMusic作者 (小王)時間12年前 (2012/04/28 20:26), 編輯推噓53(530119)
留言172則, 27人參與, 最新討論串1/1
※ [本文轉錄自 Christina 看板 #1Fctn3tL ] 作者: willrise (小王) 看板: Christina 標題: Re: [影音] The Wanted on meeting Christina 時間: Sat Apr 28 13:12:31 2012 貼一下英文原文 來源 : http://forums.digitalspy.co.uk/showthread.php?p=57895123&posted=1#post57895123 其中46 樓 HelixK 的發文: I'm a backstage runner at The Voice and I've been telling all my friends about this new boyband acting like divas when they were on the show last week. Both Christina and Adam did NOT like them at all. The guy named Tom in the band asked Christina if she felt more beautiful now that she lost all that weight? We were all shocked! She didn't quite hear the whole question and asked her assistant if she heard what he said? But then Max jumped in and said "She is beautiful no matter what you say" in mocking kind of way. Christina's boyfriend Matt Rutler was also backstage and didn't like what he was hearing. Finally Christina said, "You boys better calm down and focus on yourselves." She walked off really mad when Tom came out and told her not to worry and that "Britney still needs to work on her looks too for X Factor. It must be all those drugs she is on." Christina was so mad! The rest of the evening Christina ignored them. The boys didn't understand why but then one of their assistants reminded them of the stuff they said earlier about Christina's weight loss and Britney's bad looks and drug taking. Nathan (who is also in the band) was really upset those things were ever said but the other guys ignored him. Tom said, "Why is she acting like such a bitch for?" Max agreed saying they were only joking around. So awkward! Anyway, on a brighter note, Christina was backstage, after the show wrapped, cuddling Ashley De La Rosa, her contestant who was voted off the show. It was really sweet! Karma is a bitch because Billboard estimates The Wanted's debut album will chart with less than 40k next week! Meanwhile, rival boyband One Direction debuted a few weeks ago with over 400k and have expressed their love for both Christina & Britney. this new boyband acting like divas --> 這個新的男孩團體表現的好像自己是天后一樣 Max jumped in and said "She is beautiful no matter what you say" in mocking kind of way --> in mocking kind of way 以嘲弄( 嘲笑 ) 的方式 ( 用 Christina 的歌 beautiful 中的歌詞來嘲笑 Christina ) Christina 和 Adam 都不喜歡 The Wanted Billboard 估計下週 The Wanted 專輯銷售量將少於 4 萬張 而喜愛 Christina 和 Britney 的 One Direction 銷售量將大於 40 萬張 The Wanted 的談話在此 : http://923now.cbslocal.com/2012/04/27/the-wanted-diss-christina-aguilera/ ※ 引述《nttu94310 (咖啡)》之銘言: : http://youtu.be/so3zXNE-WQ8
: The Wanted接受電台訪問, : 問到之前上 The Voice表演見到克的情形。 : 其中一位團員在主持人說話說到一半就打斷她:She's a total bitch! : 我覺得真的很沒品, : 就算克很 bitchy眾所皆知, : 至少她也是樂壇前輩吧,這樣公開談論真的很糟糕。 : 沒差反正我本來就不喜歡 The Wanted,現在厭惡感上升而已。 -- 我的 blog http://watchtvforfun.blogspot.com/ 上網推薦用 " ubuntu 10.10 中文客製化LTH版 " 或 [livecd]ubn110430_LTH 比較不容易中電腦病毒 請用 google 搜尋下載 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)

04/28 13:25, , 1F
如果這是真的,The Wanted大頭症真的很嚴重= =
04/28 13:25, 1F

04/28 13:26, , 2F
OD 40萬張也太扯了吧!!!
04/28 13:26, 2F

04/28 13:27, , 3F
Adam也不喜歡他們 證明他們做人真失敗 人見人厭
04/28 13:27, 3F

04/28 13:42, , 4F
關於 Florence和 JB那段在 50樓
04/28 13:42, 4F

04/28 13:43, , 5F
04/28 13:43, 5F

04/28 13:53, , 6F
04/28 13:53, 6F

04/28 18:47, , 7F
04/28 18:47, 7F

04/28 18:53, , 8F
現在男偶像團體音樂實在都聽不慣= =
04/28 18:53, 8F

04/28 18:53, , 9F
04/28 18:53, 9F

04/28 18:54, , 10F
04/28 18:54, 10F

04/28 19:09, , 11F
04/28 19:09, 11F

04/28 19:15, , 12F
04/28 19:15, 12F
google 了一下 大部份報導的標題都是 "The Wanted說了什麼什麼" 之類的 其實這個題目本身就是個標題殺人法 很多媒體不會去追究前因後果 更不會質問 : The Wanted 你們憑什麼批評別人 ? 你們自己的行為又是如何 ? 只因為別人沒有在節目上對你們熱絡 就用難聽的字眼罵人 這種行為又算什麼呢 ? 到底是惡人先告狀 還是 做賊喊抓賊 ? 另一方面對國外媒體也很失望 都沒有平衡報導 也沒有追究真相 也沒有思考質疑的能力

04/28 19:55, , 13F
04/28 19:55, 13F

04/28 19:56, , 14F
04/28 19:56, 14F

04/28 19:58, , 15F
04/28 19:58, 15F
先撇開工作人員的爆料 之前也看過不少國外演藝人員公開互相批評的例子 批評者會先說對方做了什麼行為 再批評對方 而反觀 The Wanted 沒有提出 Christina Aguilera 做了什麼行為 應該被批評 那 The Wanted 這樣的謾罵 只是凸顯他們自己的幼稚罷了 之前在西音版發過一篇文 : Barack Obama 說 Kanye West 是 a jackass 是因為 Kanye West 在 MTV 頒獎典禮上 跑上台去打斷人家的致詞 還說應該另一個人得獎才對 這樣的行為難怪 Barack Obama 要說 Kanye West 是 a jackass ※ 編輯: willrise 來自: (04/28 20:24) ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: willrise (, 時間: 04/28/2012 20:26:46

04/28 20:32, , 16F
原因在此……THE VOICE員工的描述
04/28 20:32, 16F

04/28 20:33, , 17F

04/28 21:13, , 18F
04/28 21:13, 18F

04/28 21:30, , 19F
就算員工講的不是事實 就算肥克本人真的很X
04/28 21:30, 19F

04/28 21:31, , 20F
以這種字眼在公共場合形容一個人 甚至重複好幾遍
04/28 21:31, 20F

04/28 21:32, , 21F
04/28 21:32, 21F

04/28 21:32, , 22F
04/28 21:32, 22F

04/28 21:33, , 23F
04/28 21:33, 23F

04/28 21:34, , 24F
04/28 21:34, 24F

04/28 21:34, , 25F

04/28 21:35, , 26F
04/28 21:35, 26F

04/28 21:37, , 27F
04/28 21:37, 27F

04/28 21:37, , 28F
04/28 21:37, 28F

04/28 21:37, , 29F
言語攻擊過One Direction!
04/28 21:37, 29F

04/28 21:38, , 30F
04/28 21:38, 30F

04/28 22:29, , 31F
不好意思 我對於上面連結中間CA跟justin還有Adam那段不Y
04/28 22:29, 31F

04/28 22:29, , 32F
太了解 可以解釋一下源由嗎
04/28 22:29, 32F

04/28 22:31, , 33F
就是 The Wanted接受電台訪問公開批評 CA bitch
04/28 22:31, 33F

04/28 22:32, , 34F
因為 CA在 The Voice上不理他們,後來工作人員在論壇爆
04/28 22:32, 34F

04/28 22:33, , 35F
料,說當時 TW在 TV的後台態度不佳,但是 Florence很好
04/28 22:33, 35F

04/28 22:34, , 36F
04/28 22:34, 36F

04/28 22:36, , 37F
本文是從 Christina 看板轉來
04/28 22:36, 37F
還有 110 則推文
04/30 09:16, , 148F
的專訪 Melissa的則是來自一個MTV台的節目叫Total
04/30 09:16, 148F

04/30 09:17, , 149F
Request Live 這樣不知道h某還質疑我的論文能力嗎 科
04/30 09:17, 149F

04/30 09:18, , 150F
其他跳針的我就不想回了 讓我再補幾個例子吧 Rich
04/30 09:18, 150F

04/30 09:19, , 151F
Cronin在Smash Hit雜誌的專訪說他不喜歡ca因為她做作
04/30 09:19, 151F

04/30 09:20, , 152F
(fake) SNL節目的劇組批評CA假唱 連Miranda Lambert
04/30 09:20, 152F

04/30 09:21, , 153F
也諷刺過她 哈真尷尬 不知道Blake Shelton作何感想
04/30 09:21, 153F

04/30 09:21, , 154F
有時間研究ca個性不好人緣差 怎會不知道她就是個婊子
04/30 09:21, 154F

04/30 09:22, , 155F
這些人有些或許是過氣很久了 但也比粉絲們你一言我一
04/30 09:22, 155F

04/30 09:22, , 156F
04/30 09:22, 156F

04/30 09:22, , 157F
她也沒在跟大家客氣大方臭臉給你們看 so what
04/30 09:22, 157F

04/30 09:25, , 158F
我只想說雖然我覺得TW不怎樣 但他們講這些話很中肯
04/30 09:25, 158F

04/30 09:37, , 159F
04/30 09:37, 159F

04/30 09:38, , 160F
04/30 09:38, 160F

04/30 10:09, , 161F
04/30 10:09, 161F

04/30 10:10, , 162F
04/30 10:10, 162F

04/30 10:11, , 163F
04/30 10:11, 163F

04/30 10:12, , 164F
04/30 10:12, 164F

04/30 10:15, , 165F
04/30 10:15, 165F

04/30 10:18, , 166F
04/30 10:18, 166F

04/30 11:01, , 167F
對啦!The Wanted講話很中肯啦!那下次我在批踢踢聊到
04/30 11:01, 167F

04/30 11:01, , 168F
04/30 11:01, 168F

04/30 11:01, , 169F
04/30 11:01, 169F

04/30 11:02, , 170F
04/30 11:02, 170F

04/30 11:05, , 171F
04/30 11:05, 171F

04/30 11:07, , 172F
04/30 11:07, 172F

04/30 11:07, , 173F
04/30 11:07, 173F

04/30 11:09, , 174F
hater就是hater 跟他講再多他還是會繼續說CA是bitch
04/30 11:09, 174F

04/30 11:29, , 175F
04/30 11:29, 175F

04/30 12:58, , 176F
bitch 臭了嗎? 她又不是要選總統當議員 wake up
04/30 12:58, 176F

04/30 12:59, , 177F
她就不屑當甜姐兒 關其他人屁事 第二張專輯就在罵你們這些人
04/30 12:59, 177F

04/30 13:01, , 178F
BITCH又怎樣 又不靠那些人吃飯 不爽不愛就滾阿
04/30 13:01, 178F

04/30 13:03, , 179F
她都在媒體上說了很多次 不爽就F**K U了 還想怎樣XD
04/30 13:03, 179F

04/30 14:01, , 180F
04/30 14:01, 180F

04/30 14:17, , 181F
要找親和的就去看東森幼幼 聽蝴蝶姊姊就好啦
04/30 14:17, 181F

04/30 20:56, , 182F
04/30 20:56, 182F

04/30 20:56, , 183F
04/30 20:56, 183F

04/30 20:57, , 184F
04/30 20:57, 184F

04/30 20:58, , 185F
04/30 20:58, 185F

05/01 21:14, , 186F
我要推hank大! 而且那些 bad dogs 亂咬人就是不對阿!!!!
05/01 21:14, 186F

05/01 21:14, , 187F
沒噓寒問暖就要被罵 那沒買他們專輯不就要被打!!?
05/01 21:14, 187F
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