[情報] 3/9FB直播Q&A

看板Wargaming作者 (測試)時間7年前 (2017/03/14 11:56), 7年前編輯推噓21(21019)
留言40則, 16人參與, 最新討論串1/1
文章來源: https://goo.gl/QdRVcP ====================== – New German branch was neccessary to equalize German heavies to other nations; for the developers, this was a means to create a common playstyle, where players have an idea about the branch which results in the Maus; 為使德重與他國平起平坐,新的科技樹是有其必要的 而對於開發人員來說這同時是建立一個共通玩法的辦法 如此玩家便能對這條通往Maus的科技樹有點概念 – Light tanks and MM are tied to each other, the decision to introduce tier 10 LT is mainly motivated by the MM changes; 輕坦跟MM密不可分,加入十階輕坦的決策便是起因於MM的改變 – The next update will introduce the LT changes (tier 9-10) and the new MM (3-5-7); 下一版將引入輕坦科技樹改動(T9,T10)以及新MM(3/5/7) *: 到3/5為止都還在沙盒測試的十階輕坦, 如此說法要不下一版挺晚才出來的,要不就是沙盒上反應很好, 否則讓人覺得操之過急 – Tier 10 LT will perform the role of medium tanks, and also have their individual roles on the battlefield; 在戰場上十階輕坦會扮演中坦的腳色並有它們自己獨有的工作 – WG wants to fix the balancer/MM and make it simpler, to save the role of scouts in the game; WG想藉由改動MM,以保存偵查(車)的定位 – Tier 10 LT should always be at the front line, close to the enemy, due to their maneuverability; 由於擁有強大的機動能力,十階輕坦應該長居前線 *: (一方面來說0.4X準度的砲是要打什麼黑槍) – The Sandbox was developed by WG to have a possibility to try out bigger changes and see how it changes the game, without introducing them to the live server. As such, devs can try out more and collect more various feedback; 沙盒測試就是可以在不導入正式伺服器的清況下測試一些較大幅的改動 如此,開發人員可以做出更多嘗試也能收集更多反饋 – The LT’s will be a bit worse than MT’s, they have less HP and will have a scouting role. In a 1vs1 against MT’s, they should not have a chance. MT’ s are a “jack of all trades”, LT’s have the main role of spotting; (新版本的)輕坦會比中坦弱一點,在血量上會比較少而且還要同時做偵查的工作 在跟中坦單挑的情況下,輕坦將毫無取勝之機 中坦就是萬精油的代表,而輕坦還是有偵查這項主要工作 – The devs still think about the fate of the AMX ELC bis. But before changing something, they’ll think whether this is the right way or not; 開發人員還在思索ELC的命運,但至少在改動什麼東西之前, 他們會好好想過好還是不好 – WG has a historical office which is working on something that will be a huge surprise; WG某個歷史部門正在籌備一項大驚喜 – The devs intentionally made some premium tanks weaker than others, but now plan to make them on par. The devs never wanted to make premium tanks weaker than researchable ones so as not to create a “pay-to-win” environment, but this was a wrong step; 過去開發人員有意地讓有些金車弱於銀車,但現在計畫轉向讓金車跟銀車戰力相近 [為了不創造出 P2W的環境,開發人員從未想讓金車比銀車弱(邏輯似乎反了)/ 開發人員從沒有為了特地為了防止P2W去讓金車比銀車弱 都擠??] ,但那是個錯誤的做法 – The dev team plans to fix the repeating maps problem during 2017; 開發團隊計畫在2017年間解決重複地圖的問題 – The new MM will track which maps the player was on as to not repeat them as often [TN: not quite sure if the map tracker is part of the 3-5-7 MM or not]; 新MM會追蹤玩家之前進過什麼地圖以便讓地圖不那麼頻繁的重複 [撰文者:不太確定地圖追蹤器是不是3/5/7MM的一部分] *: 是的話就會如上面說的下一版就會登場,不是的話就還有得等 – The devs do not plan to introduce +-1 MM for balancing on higher tiers, but said that it’s possible to try it on lower tiers; 開發人員並無打算為了平衡高階去加入+-1MM,但是說了可能會在低階嘗試看看 – The devs do not think that the 252U is too strong of an enemy in tier 8; 開發人員不認為252U在八階有太強 – Sandbox offers players to take up on more active roles influencing the tests; 不甚重要 – There are some minor changes to the stun mechanic left, the devs think that they’re going in the right direction while relying on player feedback; 擊暈機制只差一些微調 開發人員認為他們走向正確並同時倚重玩家們的反饋 – Supertest and public test are good to get a huge amount of information on new possibilities, but in the end some things are introduced and some are scrapped. Sandbox complements these two to collect information more efficiently; 不甚重要 – The devs read player feedback on the Sandbox forums, they have a team dealing with this information; 不甚重要 – The devs think that maximum of 3 SPG’s per team is a key to balancing; 開發人員認為每隊至多3砲車是平衡的關鍵 – Devs do realize that the stun effect can be quite annoying, but they introduced multiple consumable usage per battle to combat this; 開發人員有認知到擊暈效果可能會很惹洨,但已經有加入多次使用消耗品以抗衡這項機制 – WG works on “old/classic” maps, they might re-introduce, for example, Port or Dragon’s Ridge; WG 也有著手處理一些"老/經典"地圖,有可能會重製後回歸, 例如:Port 或 Dragon's Ridge – Night battles, weather effects and transparency are not a priority at the moment; 夜戰、天氣跟透明度效果並非現下的優先事項 – Skill-based MM is not a good idea for random battles, but will be realized in Ranked battles; 技術分房用在一般戰鬥並不是個好主意,但是會實現在天梯戰上 – Ranked battles will have a ladder system, each time a player ranks up, he will meet players equal to his skill. Ranked battles are not only for clans, but also for solo players which play tier 10 tanks. Players who are defeated but end up in the top 3 of their team will also receive a “reward”. Players taking up the last 3 positions in the team will not receive rewards; 天梯戰敗方前三名也會獲得獎勵,而(勝方?)末三名將不會獲獎勵 – Ranked battles will most likely be tested on Sandbox first, no ETA yet, the first season will be an alpha version; 天梯戰很有可能先在沙盒做測試,但還沒有時間表 第一季會是內測版本 – Currently, new graphics are being worked on, WG plans to convert all maps to HD in a short time; WG 現正著手於新的圖像,計畫在短期內把所有地圖HD化 *: 按更之前CEO道歉文來的消息似乎是約八月左右 – Regarding performance: players currently playing on minimum settings will be able to play on new maps and have the same performance; (可能是承上題)至於效能面: 現在用最低配的玩家在HD地圖上照樣可以遊玩無虞而且效能會跟以往相同 – Ranked battles will not be available 24/7, there will be timeframes (talking about seasons); 天梯不會無時無刻都開著,是有時間區段的(在說賽季) – No ETA on new graphics yet, but some news should appear in the coming weeks; 新圖像相關還沒有時間表,但接下來幾周應會有新消息 – Devs are discussing large maps, some news might appear soon; 開發人員正在討論大型地圖,可能很快會有些消息 – In 2017, there will be new (multiple) branches; 2017年將會有新(多個)科技樹 – WG uses a new graphics engine called Core 5.0; WG現在是用一個新的繪圖引擎叫做 Core 5.0 – Multi-core support won’t be introduced for now; 目前為止還不會支援多核 – Female crew voiceover is being worked on; 女性組員音效正在製作中 ============================== 如有誤譯或語意不清處 還請多多指教以及海涵 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Wargaming/M.1489463761.A.FA8.html

03/14 12:21, , 1F
"0.4X準度的砲是要打什麼黑槍" 齁齁齁這你就不懂了
03/14 12:21, 1F

03/14 12:23, , 2F
03/14 12:23, 2F

03/14 12:50, , 3F
賽季耶 不錯喔 但賽季分房機制應該要不同吧?
03/14 12:50, 3F

03/14 12:50, , 4F
03/14 12:50, 4F

03/14 12:50, , 5F
03/14 12:50, 5F

03/14 13:15, , 6F
03/14 13:15, 6F

03/14 13:15, , 7F
03/14 13:15, 7F

03/14 13:20, , 8F
我猜是以前擔心P2W所以故意金<銀 後來發現賺不夠就
03/14 13:20, 8F

03/14 13:20, , 9F
給他金>=銀 然後因為更多菜蟲花錢耍廢拉低水準所以
03/14 13:20, 9F

03/14 13:20, , 10F
並沒有造成"數據上"的P2W 有得賺又能當問題不存在耶
03/14 13:20, 10F

03/14 13:20, , 11F
耶耶 所以他們發現以前大錯特錯現在最平衡惹
03/14 13:20, 11F

03/14 13:21, , 12F
03/14 13:21, 12F

03/14 13:28, , 13F
03/14 13:28, 13F

03/14 13:30, , 14F
03/14 13:30, 14F

03/14 13:41, , 15F
喂喂喂 252U不算強 就代表有更強的是吧?
03/14 13:41, 15F

03/14 13:49, , 16F
03/14 13:49, 16F

03/14 13:50, , 17F
03/14 13:50, 17F

03/14 14:03, , 18F
FV215b用超級蒸發者頂替 酋長好像會有新線
03/14 14:03, 18F

03/14 14:11, , 19F
03/14 14:11, 19F

03/14 14:13, , 20F
03/14 14:13, 20F

03/14 14:18, , 21F
完全就是現代MTB 像中坦的重坦
03/14 14:18, 21F

03/14 14:19, , 22F
03/14 14:19, 22F
※ 編輯: scoMico (, 03/14/2017 14:21:14

03/14 14:20, , 23F
之前好像有人貼過比較表 跟E50M比
03/14 14:20, 23F

03/14 14:23, , 24F
03/14 14:23, 24F

03/14 14:23, , 25F
1.44s瞄準時間 呵呵
03/14 14:23, 25F

03/14 14:46, , 26F
03/14 14:46, 26F

03/14 15:23, , 27F
本來想要湊四個捷克女組員 現在可能要換日本的了
03/14 15:23, 27F

03/14 15:28, , 28F
03/14 15:28, 28F

03/14 15:28, , 29F
03/14 15:28, 29F

03/14 16:07, , 30F
03/14 16:07, 30F

03/14 18:43, , 31F
推翻譯 感恩
03/14 18:43, 31F

03/14 19:49, , 32F
03/14 19:49, 32F
※ 編輯: scoMico (, 03/14/2017 19:50:03

03/14 19:49, , 33F
03/14 19:49, 33F

03/15 00:28, , 34F
但最強的永遠不會是德國車唷 秋咪
03/15 00:28, 34F

03/15 01:03, , 35F
德國蠍也是有轟動過的 然後...就沒有然後了
03/15 01:03, 35F

03/15 01:04, , 36F
03/15 01:04, 36F

03/15 01:27, , 37F
最強金輕坦:black dog 最強金TD:E25 蠍G
03/15 01:27, 37F

03/15 01:28, , 38F
最強 或者至少最推薦的金中坦:mutz
03/15 01:28, 38F

03/15 01:28, , 39F
03/15 01:28, 39F

03/15 14:02, , 40F
03/15 14:02, 40F
文章代碼(AID): #1OnsdH-e (Wargaming)