[情報] 6/26-6/28 and so on

看板Wargaming作者 (磁磚大)時間9年前 (2015/06/29 14:39), 9年前編輯推噓27(28153)
留言82則, 21人參與, 最新討論串1/1
首先,WG決定不砍穿深了,高階中坦歡呼吧! 然後,小老鼠取消,因為WG說他爛透了(到底奪爛...?) 原文:http://goo.gl/0ioXE7 ========================================================================== 6/26 The main news of the day - the missing limited MM on tier 8 premium FCM 50T and the Super Pershing in the 9.9 test turned out to be an error of the test MM. No such changes are planned, it will be fixed. 虛驚一場,FCM-50T跟超潘的分房變更是錯誤的分房設定,沒有計畫砍他們的分房。錯 誤會修正。 - Storm is now working almost exclusively on new modes and balance, he has no time for other stuff Storm正在忙新模式以及平衡的工作,無暇顧及其他事情。 - El Halluf in 9.9 has some issue with water render, it was already fixed by the developers 9.9的El Halluf地圖的水渲染有問題,開發組早已修正。 - regarding garage UI, developers are for now planning only new filters 提到車庫介面,開發組目前只有計畫更正新過濾器。 - Storm said he couldn't prove the necessity of multi-layer garage carousel and that's why there will only be filters for now Storm表示他無法保證多層車庫轉盤的必要性,所以目前只有過濾器更新。 - Storm will investigate the option to remove the special Domination tanks from the garage now that there are so many Storm會研究是否要開放可選擇是否關閉爭霸戰模式車輛顯示的選項,目前三台在那邊 有點多(譯:覺得礙眼?)。 - the way the Mauschen was changed from VK4502B (the owners will receive a free 100 percent but 0 perk loader) was the only way how to solve the situation properly [小老鼠換車計畫已取消] - 4K textures will not come for now, based on WG statistics of SD and HD client use there is little need for them 目前不會出4K材質,根據WG手上關於HD跟SD伺服器的數據基本上沒必要。 - apparently the automatic teamkill ban is disabled on the test, this is a bug 目前在測試服上的「自動偵測TK鎖帳」的機制被關掉是個BUG。 - HD Type 59 will come in 9.10 (it was not delayed, it was always planned like that - the HD model is still not ready, missing some details) Type-59的HD化會在9.10推出,不是延後,而是計劃如此,HD模型還沒有準備好,仍然 還少一些細節。 - Type 59 HD armor will not change 不會動HD化Type-59的裝甲。 - render multi-threading was not added in 0.9.9 9.9還不會實裝材質的多核執行緒渲染效果。 - your selected personal mission has no influence on matchmaking (you won't get "right" or "wrong" maps for your type of mission intentionally) 你選擇的個人任務並不會對分房造成影響。 - Storm states he did not make any promises about players being able to test the Japanese Tiger in 9.9 (it will go straight to shop without players being able to test it) Storm表示他並不保證玩家可以在9.9測試中玩到日本虎。(會不驚玩家測試而直接在 商城上架。) - M46 turret in HD has a but, the "smile" under it (the frontal part) will be removed and the turret will be set a bit lower M46 HD化有個但書,前裝甲「微笑」的部分會移除,並把砲塔往下移一點。 - T32 armor got corrected in 9.9 T32的裝甲會在9.9時修正。 原文網址:http://ritastatusreport.blogspot.tw/2015/06/26062015-q.html ========================================================================== 6/27 Q&A Strom announced officially: artillery will undergo a test of changes (a prototype for an overhaul was already decided upon). There will be both a rebalance of vehicles and the addition of new features. The goal is to make the class more comfortable but less irritating for others (it will include timers, removal of oneshots, artillery "lighting up" the square from where it is shooting). ETA: "when it's done it's done" Storm正式宣布,砲兵機制大改正準備進行測試。這將會是車輛平衡跟新機制的綜合測 試,最終希望能讓砲兵遊玩體驗更好、對其他車種造成更少的刺激。包括計時器、移 除一發回車庫、砲兵所在區域提示等等,WIDID。 - multiple players reported test 0.9.9 crashing. This is apparently caused by a faulty update process. In order for the test client not to crash, you have to uninstall it and then download the 0.9.9 test client from scratch - if you update it from the earlier client, it will keep crashing 多名玩家回報關於9.9的當機問題,很明顯是因為錯誤的更新程序,你必須要刪除重抓 測試檔案,而非從舊有的客戶端更新。 - American server has the following text in the 0.9.9 report: "If you have already installed the Public Test (a.k.a. "Common Test" or "CT") game client, the launcher will update to the new version automatically" - this is false according to Storm and should be removed NA服的9.9文自中提到的「你如果曾經安裝測試客戶端程式,啟動器會自動更新版本」 - Storm confirms that in 0.9.9 the Super Pershing, FCM 50T and other premium vehicles were bugged (someone gave them full MM), this will be fixed Storm確認了9.9有關FCM-50T與超潘等金車分房保護BUG問題會修正。 - players were annoyed by the fact the Mauschen has one more loader than the VK4502B (that is given out without any perks trained), developers are discussing how to solve this situation [小老鼠換車計畫已取消] - it's possible (but not decided yet) that some of the new game modes will come for other tanks than just tier 10's 有可能會有其他新模式以非十階車的車階推出,但還未定案。 - Storm agrees that small stones hidden in bushes are a problem and need to be eliminated Storm同意有些小石頭藏在草叢裡是個問題,會移除。 - there is a bug that shows the AMX 50 100 armor values in hangar as 0, it will be fixed AMX-50 100的裝甲在車庫中會顯示為零的BUG會修正。 - HD M10 Panther now has the US star on it HD化的偽裝豹現在有美國白星記號。 - the T-62A HD turret armor was not nerfed according to Storm T-62A的HD化根據Storm的說法並沒有削弱。 - the fact that AFK Panther radioman was retrained to Panther 88 instead of the AFK Panther replacement (SPIC) is intentional 偵查豹的無線電員重訓時轉為88豹的組員而非未來替換的SPIC組員是故意的安排。 - alternative hulls are planned for distant future 「可替換車體」在遙遠的未來才會實裝。 - one of the alternative hulls will be the M47 hull for the M46 Patton M47車體將會做為M46巴頓的可替換車體。 - Storm considers current tests to be much less buggy than they used to be (there used to be tests with dozens of critical bugs) Storm認為現在的測試BUG比起過去少很多了。 - a bug where the team chat is not working in 9.9 test will be fixed 9.9隊伍聊天沒有運作的問題會修正。 - SPIC viewrange will be buffed SPIC的視野會增強。 原文網址:http://ritastatusreport.blogspot.tw/2015/06/27062015-q.html ========================================================================== 6/28 Q&A - Q: "9.9 Mauschen sucks" A (Storm): "Do I have to run circles around you the entire weekend while crying for you to be happy?" [小老鼠更換計畫已取消,官方認證的爛車] - the bug where teamkilling was allowed in 9.9 test was already fixed 9.9TK隊友的處罰機制修好了。 - it's possible there is a bug in 9.9 where the aim reticle gets "stuck" to the land, Storm will investigate 9.9可能有個BUG:「準新被強制鎖住朝向地面」的情況,Storm會調查。 - in new motion physics, parameters tied to tank mobility (for example ground resistance) will be reworked 新物理引擎,和戰車移動力相關的數據會再重製。 - the AMX 13 57F camouflage is "all-seasonal" AMX-13 57F的塗裝全季節地圖適用。 原文網址:http://ritastatusreport.blogspot.tw/2015/06/28062015-q.html ========================================================================== 幾個大的消息提點: 日本重坦線八、十階 八階 O-I 120 http://goo.gl/3vhWmL 十階 Type 2605 http://goo.gl/Gja5Jy 前南斯拉夫的地獄喵54 http://goo.gl/t9FbJP (真的有實車) 征服者砲塔前裝甲與炮盾增強 http://goo.gl/7BYv12 BT-7A可能做為週年紀念車、AMX-13 57重新限時開賣可能 http://goo.gl/zfivAX 以上 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Wargaming/M.1435559940.A.27C.html

06/29 14:56, , 1F
砲兵所在區域提示?? 太狠了吧!
06/29 14:56, 1F

06/29 14:57, , 2F
06/29 14:57, 2F
ccc大能不能幫忙看看那句話到底是不是那個意思@@ 感覺有點怪...

06/29 15:00, , 3F
跑個毛 FV304還要跑路那真的爛透了
06/29 15:00, 3F

06/29 15:02, , 4F
06/29 15:02, 4F

06/29 15:03, , 5F
06/29 15:03, 5F

06/29 15:03, , 6F
提示單位是"square"!? 太狠了吧WG 搞砲兵也不是這樣
06/29 15:03, 6F

06/29 15:03, , 7F
FV304距離戰場一定很近啊 比如說丟一砲馬上小地圖上
06/29 15:03, 7F

06/29 15:04, , 8F
顯示一格閃動兩下 那大家很容易就可以想辦法點亮他
06/29 15:04, 8F

06/29 15:04, , 9F
06/29 15:04, 9F

06/29 15:05, , 10F
06/29 15:05, 10F

06/29 15:08, , 11F
我是指以304那種裝填.傷害.射程 跑了=醬油Forever
06/29 15:08, 11F

06/29 15:18, , 12F
對其他車種造成更少的刺激 要更癢了嗎!?
06/29 15:18, 12F

06/29 15:20, , 13F
多處理緒->多核執行序 7/28->6/28
06/29 15:20, 13F

06/29 15:21, , 14F
雖然我也討厭砲車 不過砲車算是製造高手壓力的因子
06/29 15:21, 14F

06/29 15:21, , 15F
如果沒有砲車 某些高手利用地型幾乎無敵
06/29 15:21, 15F

06/29 15:22, , 16F
有些重甲巨砲車 沒砲車根本無恥www
06/29 15:22, 16F

06/29 15:27, , 17F
06/29 15:27, 17F

06/29 15:28, , 18F
06/29 15:28, 18F

06/29 15:38, , 19F
06/29 15:38, 19F

06/29 15:38, , 20F
06/29 15:38, 20F

06/29 15:56, , 21F
這次變更應該是BUFF SPG才對 不過怎麼感覺是NERF
06/29 15:56, 21F

06/29 16:02, , 22F
06/29 16:02, 22F

06/29 16:11, , 23F
06/29 16:11, 23F

06/29 16:12, , 24F
AW的砲車 裝填快瞄準快(相對WOT) 被瞄的車會提醒
06/29 16:12, 24F

06/29 16:12, , 25F
06/29 16:12, 25F

06/29 16:26, , 26F
AW的炮車在同一區開太多炮會自動現形 不需要被開光
06/29 16:26, 26F

06/29 16:27, , 27F
06/29 16:27, 27F

06/29 16:27, , 28F
06/29 16:27, 28F

06/29 16:32, , 29F
乾 德砲跑不掉啊
06/29 16:32, 29F

06/29 16:39, , 30F
06/29 16:39, 30F

06/29 16:39, , 31F
06/29 16:39, 31F

06/29 16:40, , 32F
06/29 16:40, 32F

06/29 16:55, , 33F
06/29 16:55, 33F

06/29 16:56, , 34F
06/29 16:56, 34F

06/29 16:56, , 35F
06/29 16:56, 35F

06/29 17:15, , 36F
06/29 17:15, 36F

06/29 17:16, , 37F
06/29 17:16, 37F

06/29 17:18, , 38F
場均輸出第35名 資料來源:vBAddict
06/29 17:18, 38F

06/29 17:21, , 39F
06/29 17:21, 39F

06/29 17:23, , 40F
06/29 17:23, 40F

06/29 17:25, , 41F
06/29 17:25, 41F

06/29 17:27, , 42F
06/29 17:27, 42F

06/29 17:27, , 43F
06/29 17:27, 43F

06/29 17:29, , 44F
06/29 17:29, 44F

06/29 17:29, , 45F
06/29 17:29, 45F

06/29 17:44, , 46F
拜託改成AW那樣子的SPG機制啊 法砲GOGOGO
06/29 17:44, 46F

06/29 18:41, , 47F
13 57的塗裝all-seasonal 應該是指全季節地圖適用?
06/29 18:41, 47F

06/29 18:51, , 48F
法國T5 AMX 105AM 0.69準度好像寫假的 500M也在歪
06/29 18:51, 48F

06/29 18:52, , 49F
而且她的金彈是200+AP 本以為通通爽穿 結果變跳跳虎
06/29 18:52, 49F

06/29 19:12, , 50F
06/29 19:12, 50F

06/29 19:36, , 51F
06/29 19:36, 51F

06/29 19:36, , 52F
06/29 19:36, 52F

06/29 21:26, , 53F
06/29 21:26, 53F

06/29 21:27, , 54F
06/29 21:27, 54F

06/29 21:31, , 55F
06/29 21:31, 55F

06/29 21:31, , 56F
06/29 21:31, 56F

06/29 21:32, , 57F
06/29 21:32, 57F

06/29 21:32, , 58F
06/29 21:32, 58F

06/29 21:32, , 59F
06/29 21:32, 59F

06/29 21:33, , 60F
06/29 21:33, 60F

06/29 21:33, , 61F
我遇到的起火是直接整台車爆炸= =
06/29 21:33, 61F

06/29 21:33, , 62F
沒聽說過有人抱怨WT arty OP
06/29 21:33, 62F

06/29 21:58, , 63F
可以叫幾次 要花什麼代價 所以隔壁棚沒有SPG?
06/29 21:58, 63F
隔壁棚那叫地圖炮不叫SPG吧XDDD 油箱引擎機率性直接炸,非常史實(拇指(誤 ※ 編輯: tai33ru (, 06/29/2015 22:21:18

06/29 22:22, , 64F
街機模式 用時間經過&殺敵玩家bonus 上限3發待機
06/29 22:22, 64F

06/29 22:22, , 65F
歷史 用CD制 上限1發待機
06/29 22:22, 65F

06/29 22:23, , 66F
全真 跟歷史一樣?我不確定,沒玩過全真XD
06/29 22:23, 66F

06/29 22:24, , 67F
06/29 22:24, 67F

06/29 22:25, , 68F
06/29 22:25, 68F

06/29 22:25, , 69F
06/29 22:25, 69F

06/29 22:27, , 70F
06/29 22:27, 70F

06/29 22:27, , 71F
06/29 22:27, 71F

06/29 22:28, , 72F
06/29 22:28, 72F

06/29 22:29, , 73F
06/29 22:29, 73F

06/29 22:30, , 74F
06/29 22:30, 74F

06/29 23:32, , 75F
06/29 23:32, 75F

06/29 23:34, , 76F
06/29 23:34, 76F

06/29 23:44, , 77F
06/29 23:44, 77F

06/30 00:17, , 78F
應該就是你翻譯的那樣沒錯 開一砲自走砲所在的那格
06/30 00:17, 78F

06/30 00:18, , 79F
地圖就會亮起標記 雖然我英文因為小時候住國外還過
06/30 00:18, 79F

06/30 00:18, , 80F
得去 不過還是沒有閱讀英文部分的習慣XD 你翻譯得很
06/30 00:18, 80F

06/30 00:18, , 81F
06/30 00:18, 81F

06/30 01:44, , 82F
Yay Arty's turn
06/30 01:44, 82F
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