[情報] 4/11-15 Q&A 精華

看板Wargaming作者 (磁磚大)時間9年前 (2015/04/15 14:22), 9年前編輯推噓15(17212)
留言31則, 17人參與, 最新討論串1/1
有時候Q&A日經文PO久了大家可能也意興闌珊 等了幾天也沒有甚麼值得一題的消息 也就沒有每天更新了 這四天的Q&A大概精華給大家看看 4/12 Q&A Here it is: - Apparently, WG is trying out a new mechanism: bonus codes that - instead of just giving you something for free - activate exclusive missions instead; WG正在開發新的獎勵碼系統:獎勵碼開啟任務,完成任務才會給獎。 - Russian server will have a 9.7 mission where the best new French branch players (conditions currently unknown) will be able to get the Type 59 and Type 62 tanks; 俄服會有法國新車任務,能夠獲得Type 59跟Type 62等等。(譯:其他服可期待) - Xbox One WoT will run on 1080p but not on 60 FPS (it will be less) (WoT for Xbox One will come later this year); XB1 WOT會以1080p推出,但FPS不會是每秒60張。 - Xbox One WoT players will be able to play with Xbox 360 ones. XB1玩家可玩XB360。 The special missions from bonus codes mentioned above include: - Finish one battle, get 5 days of premium; - Win 10 battles while destroying no less than one enemy in each, get the LTP light tank and a garage slot. 以上是可能的獎勵碼任務內容:完成一場戰鬥即獲得五天P、每場擊毀不少於一台車並 獲得十場勝利可獲得免費的LTP跟車庫。 原文網址:http://ritastatusreport.blogspot.tw/2015/04/12042015-q.html =========================================================================== 4/13 Q&A Here it is: - Storm states that it's not as simple as it looks to release "similar" models together in HD (Pershing and Super Pershing etc.) Storm表示同時發布類似車輛的HD模型並不如表面看起來得容易。 (譯:像是潘興跟超潘) - Storm confirms that Chinese vehicles are not in priority for HD (one of the reasons is that the majority of Chinese market is playing on crappy computers). The only exception are premium tanks. Storm確認中國車不會優先做成HD模型,但金車例外。(原因之一是中國主要玩家硬體普 遍不太好) - Storm is not aware of any possible T-34-3 and 112 buffs; Storm沒有注意到T-34-3或是112有任何BUFF的可能。 - Super Pershing will not get a gun buff, but there are plans for buff to its frontal armor 超潘的炮不會增強,但有計畫增強前裝甲。 - Storm personally has no info on Japanese tank destroyers (won't answer questions about them). Storm個人沒有任何對於日本TD的消息。 原文網址:http://ritastatusreport.blogspot.tw/2015/04/13042015-q.html ========================================================================== 4/14 Q&A Evilly confirms: in 9.8, current platoon individual missions missions will be soloable (the same conditions as for platoons but if you are good enough, you can solo them). Missions that are RNG dependent will be reduced as well, the only one that will stay will be the one where you have to set enemy tanks on fire. Other missions will be simplified. Evilly確認:9.8之後目前個人任務的組排任務需求會開放單野完成,而許多RNG成分 較高的任務需求也會降低,但排除讓敵車引擎著火的之外。而其他任務也會有所簡化。 - IS-3, Pershing and AMX-50/100 will not come in HD in 9.7 despite the fact that the patch will come out after WGL finals; IS-3、超潘、AMX 50/100HD模型不會在9.7推出,儘管9.7在WGL Final之後就會上線。 - Chris Taylor is hard at work on "something" for Wargaming - no details; Chris Taylor正努力在為WG「做些什麼」,但細節沒有披露。 (譯:是那有名的RTS設計者,橫掃千軍、最高指揮官等等皆出自其設計) - Smoothbore guns and modern tanks in WoT? Storm: "I cannot answer that. For obvious reasons." WOT推出滑膛炮以及現代坦克的可能性?Storm:「我無法回應這個問題,原因很明顯。」 (譯:SerB是不是該出來說點什麼?) - Storm confirms that the upcoming renders of HD tanks for PR purposes will use the same texture quality as in the game; Storm確認未來預先釋出的HD模型渲染會用跟遊戲相同的材質呈現。 - The list of individual mission changes will be published around the time of 9.8 supertest; 9.8超測左右會秀出變更的個人任務清單。 - The individual mission overhaul in 9.8 will include various fixes as well, not just changes. 9.8個人任務除了更動任務目標外還會同時修正錯誤。 原文網址:http://ritastatusreport.blogspot.tw/2015/04/14042015-q.html -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Wargaming/M.1429078931.A.849.html

04/15 14:30, , 1F
04/15 14:30, 1F

04/15 15:03, , 2F
04/15 15:03, 2F

04/15 15:13, , 3F
04/15 15:13, 3F

04/15 15:30, , 4F
04/15 15:30, 4F

04/15 15:41, , 5F
04/15 15:41, 5F

04/15 15:50, , 6F
04/15 15:50, 6F

04/15 15:54, , 7F
不會意興闌珊啦~ 上班偷閒偷看一下 Q&A 很好呀
04/15 15:54, 7F
其實是日經文常常有 但Storm戰力薄弱(?

04/15 16:02, , 8F
04/15 16:02, 8F

04/15 16:25, , 9F
Armored Warfare:
04/15 16:25, 9F

04/15 17:06, , 10F
04/15 17:06, 10F

04/15 17:42, , 11F
04/15 17:42, 11F

04/15 18:04, , 12F
120滑膛砲 爽穿現在每台10階車阿
04/15 18:04, 12F

04/15 18:04, , 13F
不能被擊中 那還玩什麼
04/15 18:04, 13F

04/15 18:05, , 14F
最可笑的是M60那啥數值 比M48A1還差 根本不符史實
04/15 18:05, 14F

04/15 18:10, , 15F
04/15 18:10, 15F

04/15 18:15, , 16F
04/15 18:15, 16F

04/15 18:20, , 17F
Chris Taylor會不會在搞即時戰略模式?
04/15 18:20, 17F

04/15 18:22, , 18F
04/15 18:22, 18F

04/15 18:24, , 19F
04/15 18:24, 19F

04/15 18:25, , 20F
04/15 18:25, 20F

04/15 18:27, , 21F
二是額外再弄個現代戰車科技樹 用比較多的經驗值
04/15 18:27, 21F

04/15 18:28, , 22F
04/15 18:28, 22F

04/15 18:29, , 23F
04/15 18:29, 23F

04/15 18:31, , 24F
04/15 18:31, 24F

04/15 19:08, , 25F
史實? 那是什麼? 能吃嗎?
04/15 19:08, 25F

04/15 19:30, , 26F
怒推BUFF超潘 現在前裝甲真的很渣
04/15 19:30, 26F

04/15 19:51, , 27F
WG之前不是說 用非史實炮OK~~~~~~
04/15 19:51, 27F

04/15 20:23, , 28F
WG在做MMOG之前是做TBS跟RTS類型遊戲 其實也不意外
04/15 20:23, 28F

04/15 20:27, , 29F
04/15 20:27, 29F
原來是這樣!真懷念橫掃千軍阿~ ※ 編輯: tai33ru (, 04/15/2015 21:21:23

04/15 21:45, , 30F
PS:Wargaming Seattle的前身=Gas Powered Games
04/15 21:45, 30F

04/15 21:45, , 31F
Gas Powered Games的創始人=Chris Taylor
04/15 21:45, 31F
文章代碼(AID): #1LBWEJX9 (Wargaming)